五年级下册英语课件-Unit5 第6课时_人教PEP

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人教PEP五年级下册 Lets chant Lets Review your dog yours our dog ourswords Lets Review words Lets Review sentencesWhose dog is this?Its Chen Jies. Its hers.Whose carrots are these?The carrots are theirs.What is Fido doing?Hes sleeping. Read and write Read and writeWhy doesnt Robin want to swim like a fish? Story timeWhere are Zoom and Zip today? What is Zip doing?They are at the zoo.Shes taking pictures.认 真 看 图 , 回 答 问 题 吧 ! Story timeWhat does Zip take pictures of? Why are the monkeys looking at Zoom and Zip?She takes pictures of a tiger and two monkeys.Theyre copying Zoom and Zip. Story time 跟 我 一 起 读 吧 ! Lets check Lets check hers ouryour mineyourhisour hisLets wrap it up Summary 1.描述某物属于某人2.某人(某物)正在做什么 H omework1能 按 照 正 确 的 语 音 、 语 调 朗 读 表 演 故 事 。2.预 习 Unit6 A Lets talk。


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