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.话题:名人效应篇一:托福作文满分范文之名人效应 智课网TOEFL备考资料 托福作文满分范文之名人效应 摘要: 托福作文满分范文之名人效应 托福作文模板可以帮助大家快速了解高分的新托福写作、搞清托福作文写作思路和观点论证等等,所以在备考托福作文的过程中,多借鉴模板、多总结是很有必要 托福作文模板可以帮助大家快速了解高分的新托福写作、搞清托福作文写作思路和观点论证等等,所以在备考托福作文的过程中,多借鉴模板、多总结是很有必要的。下面为大家推荐一篇关于大家都很熟悉的话题名人效应的托福作文模板。 When famous people give their opinions, many people listen. Should we pay attention to those remarks? When Tom Cruise once appeared in a TV program, he was too excited so he jumped up and down the couch. Later “jump the couch” was adopted in the American dictionary for slang. This is a bit exaggerating, but it definitely reflects the fact that when famous people give their opinions, many people listen. But, should we pay attention to these remarks or actions? Firstly, famous people are “famous”, for they have one or few aspects that exceed common people. Like Albert Einstein once said, “I think and think for months, for years, ninety-nine times the conclusion false, but the hundredth time I am right.” As a brilliant scientist, he speaks of the right attitudes towards science and inspires countless people to fight for the truth. Hollywood actors or actresses, they may talk about their dressing styles or skin cares on magazine. These are all advice that we might as well take, for real life is not just serious academic things but also the satisfaction of living. But the point is that, celebrities are not perfect role models for the public. Once I heard a story about Einstein, saying that he nearly got into the water when he once harassed a young lady and got refused when they were in a boat in a park. Is Einstein evil somehow? No! Hes just being human. Then is it wrong to harass ladies? Yes. But all humans make mistakes. Celebrities are experts in certain areas but not all. In some other fields, they should even learn from us. Generally, there are two extremes when talking about celebrities: the public are either too critical or too superstitious. Objectively, both of the attitudes are unnecessary. As a Chinese saying which generalizes this situation the best goes: to take in the good, while to get rid of the bad. 以上就是智课教育为大家整理的关于名人效应话题的托福作文范文,非常实用,相信这篇文章将对于你在以后的托福写作当中带来很大的帮助。 篇二:关于天涯社区的名人效应 文/金禅子 在天涯社区的最近两年,我们很容易就发现许多现实生活中久仰的名人纷纷亮相天涯, 网络最大的好处在于方便,同时也将逐步实现我们在乌托邦之梦里才存在的平等,也就是说,你一旦联入互联网,你不该再抱有网下生活中的优越感,你已与千千万万的网民一样,站在同一起点与高度,至于如何学习(以及被学习)如何交流,则属于你的水平与性格的再创造。 然而我们看到的并不是这样,他们网下是名人,在刚刚进入互联网,依旧头上飘扬着光环在。天涯范围内来说,往往是策划者主动给予其光环,当然其中存在做广告的意图,即我所认为的名人效应,纵然他们能在另一方面扩大的网络中某处的知名度,但却打破了众多网民的内在梦想,即创造平等环境,名人们并没有站在我们曾经站过的起点,而是直接就超前的一定的距离,这也就造成了失衡的平等。 以我的想法,我们没有拒绝与排斥名人走进网络的权利,但我们有维护自我地位(还未找到更适合的词语,先用“地位”代替)的权利。并且,网络对名人们本身也是一个挑战,看他们能否依旧在网上开垦到自己的土地,依旧得到像网下生活中的广泛接受,这些本该是他们自己的方向,然而,他们却尽然得到了“通行证”,剩去了种种努力的过程与环节,在这一点上,名人们也受到着损失。 最后,我衷心企盼,网络(起码是天涯)还更多的竞争的条件,所以人都是以正常方式,正常渠道以及正常心态来作为其中一员,而不是无视与忽视平等这个大前提,使某些人一出现便高高在上,成了网络世界中的被册封者,新样式的“贵族”! 当然,这只是我的一己之见,有不同意见者请指教! 望多交流。篇三:名人效应 Nowadays,people,especially the youth,like to follow and imitate celebrities.Can you list some celebrities who are your icons? Why do you like them?will their behaviors 中间列几个明星的例子 (喜欢的原因)Nowadays, the youth is very straightforward、chivalrous、courage and likes pursuing new things.They eager to succeed and hope to find the way where they worship some celebrities, then they try their best to achieve goals.I think I am influenced by celebrities because I eager to succeed too. 现在年轻人非常坦率,正直,侠义。喜欢追求新事物,渴望成功,希望从他们追求的偶像中,找到成功的路径,通过自己的努力,以实现自己的目的。我个人认为这些名人同样也影响了我, Some celebrities are advertising for the fake products and many people are misled by them just because they trust these cebreties.But these celebrities still argue that it is not their responsibilities to check whether the products they are advertising are fake or not and the government should be responsible for it.In your opion, who should bear the responsibility,the celebreties or the government?And why? with the development of market economy, star endorsements have become more popular stars as a public figure, endorsement of a product, consumers will unconsciously transferred to the admiration of the stars on goods to a large extent affect the propensity to consume the masses. the star of the endorsement of the ad a false propaganda leading to the dispute, but also the rapid increase of its negative social effects caused by all sectors of society has aroused extensive attention. 随着市场经济的发展,明星广告代言越来越普遍,明星作为公众人物,代言某一产品,消费者就会不自觉地把对明星的仰慕转移到商品上,很大程度上影响了群众消费倾向.而明星所代言的广告中出现虚假宣传所导致的纠纷,也在迅速增加,其造成的.负面影响已经引起了.各界的广泛关注. The development of things is the sides。(事物的发展具有两面性)Advertising is not exceptional also, (广告也不例外)as it has positive function also is negative。(它有正面也有负面作用)The positive and negative ads is as honest and credit subject compliance with the principles of fairness, changes。(其正负性是随着广告主体是否遵守诚实、信用、公平原则而变化的)False advertisement content will to mislead or deceive consumer, corresponding to society。(广告内容虚假必然会误导、欺骗消费者,相应会对.造成危害)。 We shall have a star speak ads, not blind worship, also not exclusive. With scientific reasoningly look on this phenomenon(我们对明星代言广告应当有一个清醒的认识,不盲目崇拜,也不排斥。以科学的眼光去看待这个现象) According to relevant laws, such as food safety, by false advertisement to endorse stars are jointly and severally liable(根据相关法律,比如食品安全法,明星代言虚假广告要受到连带责任) I think this is the responsibility of all light, not by accusing the government and individuals to star, the solution actual problem, we need to take corresponding measures to solve it.(我认为).话题:名人效应


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