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文档来源为 :从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持1 .A man on a lonely island can act as he likes because he has no one to consider except himself. B ut when Robinson Crusoe discovered footprints in the sand, he could no longer act precisely as bef ore. He had to think of the existence of a companion and the possible effect of his actions upon a s econd person. Two people thus suddenly brought face to face can not ignore each other. Either one must overcome the other or they must arrive at some form of coexistence.In the latter event they have first to convince each other of their friendly intentions. When a man c omes upon a tribe whose language he does not know, he will nod and smile, make friendly gesture s and perhaps send them small gifts. If these offers are successful, the tribesmen will take him to t heir village and bring him food and drink. Moreover, the arrival of an important visitor is somethi ng out of the ordinary. So, as an answer to the feeling that their guest should be treated as well as t hey can, something better than the ordinary food will be provided, and the meal followed by singi ng and dancing. The host wishes to make his guest feel at home, the guest to show thanks of the ki ndness he has received.Questions of good behavior and consideration for others maybe have arisen in one form or another since social life began, because social life is impossible if each person thinks only of himself.If men are to live together in a community they must, as a measure of common sense and in the int erest of all,accept a certain number of rules and conventions. Such agreement is more than ever necessary. Ch aos may result when four people play bridge according to widely different conventions. The same is true of social life.2 .Manners are important to happy relations among people. Everyone likes a person with good man ners. No one likes a person with bad manners. But what are good manners? How does one know w hat to do and what not to do? Well, here are some examples.A person with good manners never laughs at people when they are in trouble. Instead, he tries to h elp them. He is always kind to others. When people are waiting for a bus, he takes his turn. He doe s not push to the front of the line. On the bus he gives his seat to an older person or a person with a very young child. If he knocks into someone, or gets in his way, he says Excuse me or Im sorr y.He says Please when he asks for something and Thank you when he receives something. He st ands up when he is speaking to an older person, and he does not sit down until the other person tak es his seat. He does not interrupt other people when they are talking. He does not talk too much. H e does not talk loudly or laugh loudly in public. When he is eating, he does not speak with his mou th full of food. He uses a handkerchief when he sneezes or coughs. He does not spit in public.As a student, it is a bad manner to come late to class. If you are late you should make an apology t o the teacher either at the time or after the class. It is also a bad manner to keep silent when the tea cher asks you a question. If you do not know the answer, say so immediately. If you do know, ans wer in a loud enough voice so that all the class may hear. It is polite for the students to help the tea cher. Sometimes students can help their teachers to clean the blackboard, to close or open the door or windows.Sometimes there are papers to collect or to hand out. This kind of help is always appreciated. Idea s of what are good manners are not always the same in different countries. But in all countries it is important to be kind and helpful.1. person with good manners is popular with others because .BA. he will do what he is asked to doB. he knows what to do and what not to do on different occasionsC. he talks loudly to make himself heard clearly in publicD. he can make others know what good manners are2. A person with good manners will those in trouble.DA. feel sorry for B. laugh atC. feel it difficult to helpD. do whatever he can do help3. When you are with an old man, you should do all the following except . CA. standing up when you have a talk with him B. giving your seat to him on the bus C. interrupting him if he talks too much D. showing your respect to him4. Which of the following is NOT proper for a student with good manners to do? AA. Making no sound all the time in class. B. Coming to school on time.C. Doing your best to help the teacher.D. Answering the questions in a loud voice to make him heard.5. Youd better keep in mind that .DA. you can act as you like in any countryB. you can act in the same way even in different countriesC. people are indifferent to what good manners areD. When in Rome, do as the Romans doWhile plant and animal species are disappearing at a rapidly increasing rate throughout the world, scientists note some success stories. For example, the number of elephants killed illegally in Afric a has fallen sharply. 89 thousand were killed in 1983. 46 thousand were killed one year later.This happened because African countries agreed to establish export limits on ivory from elephants. Ivory is the hard white material that forms an elephants two long teeth, or tusks. Countries that i mport ivory are refusing to accept ivory shipments that do not have legal export documents.The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species in a treaty signed by 91 nations led to the program for saving endangered elephants in Africa.Successful efforts also have been made i n protecting Africas endangered mountain gorillas. Almost 400 of the gorillas survive in a volcano area on the border of Rwanda, Uganda and Zaire. The mountain gorilla population has remained a bout the same for 15 years. This happened partly, because Rwanda developed an important busine ss that depends on protecting the gorillas. Visitors there can pay to get close to watch the gorillas i n the animals traditional home area.Another successful program is to take endangered animals out of their natural homes. The animals are put into zoos or other protected areas where they can reproduce in safety. The goal of many of these programs is to produce enough animals to put back into the wild.51. What is the best title for this passage? BA) Wild Plants and AnimalsB) Protecting Endangered SpeciesC) Saving Endangered Elephants and Mountain GorillasD) Successful Efforts Made in Protecting Africas Endangered Mountain Gorillas52. The number of elephants killed illegally in Africa has decreased greatly in that .AA) African countries agreed to establish export limits on ivory from elephants B) countries that i mport ivory from elephants are refusing to accept ivory shipmentsC) there are less elephants now in AfricaD) there is a program for saving endangered elephants in Africa53. In Africa, the number of elephants killed illegally in 1983 and 1984 was .CA) 89,000 B) 13,500 C) 135,000D) 153,00054. The number of mountain gorillas has remained about the same for many years partly because o f _. AA) the development of an important business that depends on protecting the gorillas B) the protect ion of gorillasC) Rwanda developed an important business that depends on protecting the gorillas D) the protecti on from the gorillas55. The phrase the wild in Paragraph 5 refers to .BA) the animal worldB) the natural areas full of animals and plants C) the wild nature D) the wild animals3.If you want to keep young, sit down and have a good think, this is the research finding of a team of Japanese doctors, who say that most of our brains are not getting enough exercise, and as a resu lt, we are getting old soon.Professor taiju matsuzawa at Tokyo national university wanted to find out why quite he althy fann ers in northern Japan appeared to be losing their ability to think and reason at rather early age, and how the speed of getting old could be slowed down. With a team of researchers, he set about meas uring brain volumes of a thousand people of different ages and different jobsComputer technology enabled the researchers to get most exact measurements of the volume of th e front and side parts of the brain, which have something to do with intellect and feelings, and deci de the human character. As we all know, the back part of the brain, which controls tasks like eating and breathing, does not contract with age.Contraction of front and side parts as cells die off was seen in some subjects in their thirties, but it was still not evident in some sixty-and seventy-year -olds.Matsuzawa concluded from his tests that there is a simple way to prevent the contraction- using th e head. The findings show that contraction of the brain begins sooner in people in the country than in the towns. ” those with least possibility. Said” matsuzawa, “ arleawyers, followed by university professors and doctors. White collar workers doing the same work day after day in government off ices are, however, as likely to have contracting brains as the farm workers, bus drivers and shop as sistants ”1 the team of doctors wanted to find out BA the size of some people?s brainB why some people age sooner than othersC what kind of people are very cleverD how to make people live longer2 the front and side parts of the brain relate to all of the following aspects EXCEPT DA mental ability B emotion C character D eating and breathing3 the word “ subjects ” pa(riangraph 4) most probably refers to BA persons or things that are being discussed or consideredB persons chosen to be studied in an experimentC branches of knowledge studied in a schoolD words in a sentence about which something is stated4 according to the research findings, which kind of people seems to age most quickly? ADA doctors B lawyers C teachers D farm workers4 according to the passage, which people seems to age slower than the others? A doctors B lawyer s C teachers D farm workers5 which of the following sentences is NOT mentioned in the passage? BA professor matsuzawa suggested that people should use their brains more often because thinking can stop the brain from contractionB the research findings are based on the study of the brain sizes of different people C the team of d octors made these tests in order to show how the brain works D the professor?s tests prove that old people?s brains have contracted more quickly than other young people6 On What are their research findings based? CA A survey of farmers in northern Japan. B Tests performed on a thousand old people.C The study of brain volumes of different people. D The latest development of computer technolo gy.7 The doctor?s tests show that _D_ . A our brains shrink as we grow older.B the front section of the brain does not shrink.C sixty-year-olds have better brains than thirty-year-olds.D some people s brains have contracted more than other people s 7、牛仔裤 In 1848, gold was discovered in CaliforniaIn 1848, gold was discovered in California, from all over the nation, thousands of young men set o ut for California people called this the time of the gold rush.A gold miner came into a city looking for a pair of pants. He wanted pants strong enough to stand up to the rough work of mining. He met a young man named Levi, who sold heavy cloth for tents and wagon tops. They asked a tailor to use heavy cloth for their pants. Then Levi went into the bus iness of making work pants, he asked his brothers to send him some strong blue cotton cloth called denim(斜纹粗棉布 ). With this blue denim cloth, Levi started making the kind of pants we call blue jeans today. Th ey were sewed up in the same way as other pants.In 1860, a miner said that the pockets werent strong enough to hold the pieces of gold he found. The pockets kept pulling loose from the pants. The cloth was all right. It was the thread that wasn t strong enough. So Levi used rivets( 铆 钉) attach the pockets onto the pants.Cowboys needed tough pants, too. They liked their pants to fit tightly. But the rivets marked the co wboys saddles. So Levi covered the rivets with cloth. Then everybody was happy.1 this article as a whole is aboutA. how people got blue jeans B the gold rushC denim, rivets and blue jeans D cowboys and blue jeans 2 while not stated in the article, you can tell thatA. everybody who went to California got a lot of gold B Levi found riches in the gold fields C Levi made more money than many gold miners D Levi sold more jeans to cowboys than to gol d miners 3 the word this in the first paragraph, last sentence, refers to A California B gold C. many people looking for gold D the discovery of gold4 Levi used strong blue cotton cloth to make pants because A gold miners liked the blue color B this was the only cloth he hadC. miners wanted pants which could stand rough work D cowboys liked their pants to fit tightly 5 which of the following sentences is not correct?A it was Levi who started the business of making blue jeans B it was one tailor who started makin g blue jeansC.it was in California that blue jeans first became popular D it was in California that gold was dis covered8、关于文化震荡的原因及症状Culture shock might be called an occupationalCulture shock might be called an occupational disease of people who have been suddenlytransplan tedabroad. Like most ailments it has its own symptoms and cure.Culture shock is precipitated by the anxiety that results from losing all our familiar signs andsymb ols of social intercourse. Those signs or cues include the thousand and one ways in which we 4orie nt ourselves to the situation of daily life: when to shake hands and what to say when we meetpeopl e when and how to give tips how to make purchases when to accept and when to refuseinvitations when to take statements seriously and when not. These cues which may be words gesturesfacial ex pressions customs or norms are acquired by all of us in the course of growing up and are asmuch a part of our culture as the language we speak or the beliefs we accept. All of us depend for ourpeac e of mind and our efficiency on hundreds of these cues most of which we do not carry on the level of conscious awareness.Now when an individual enters a strange culture all or most of these familiar cues are removed.He or she is like a fish out of water. No matter how broad-minded or full of goodwill you may be aser ies of props have been knocked from under you followed by a feeling of frustration and anxiety.Pe ople react to the frustration in much the same way.First they reject the environment which causes thediscomfort. “ Theways of the host country are b ad because they make me feel bad. ”When foreigners ina strange land get together to grouse about the host country and its people you can be sure they aresuffering from culture shock. Another phas e of culture shock is regression. The home environmentsuddenly assumes a tremendous importanc e. To the foreigner everything becomes irrationally glorified.All the difficulties and problems are f orgotten and only the good things back home are remembered. Itusually takes trip home to bring o ne back to reality.1. According to the passage culture shock . A is an occupational disease of foreign peopleB may lead to very serious symptomsC is actually not a disease D is incurable2. According to the passage culture shock results from . A the sudden change of the socialatmosphere and customs B the sudden change of our daily habitsC the sudden loss of our own signs and symbolsD the discomfort that we feel when faced with a foreigner3. Which one of the following may not be the symptoms of culture shock A You don t know how to express your gratitude. B You don ?t know how to greet other people. C You suddenly forget what a word means. D You don ?t understand why a foreigner shrugs.4. How would a person who stays abroad most probably react when he or she is frustrated by the c ulture shock according to the passageA He is most likely to refuse to absorb the strange environment at first. B He is ready to accept th e change and adapt himself to the new environment.C He or she is most likely to take a trip home when frustrated by the strange environment. D He o r she may begin to hate the people or things around him or her. 5. This passage is most likely taken from . A a news reportB a grammar bookC a book on medicine and psychology D an essay on human customs


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