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国开(中央电大)本科理工英语3网上形考(单元自测1至8)试题及答案国开(中央电大)本科理工英语3网上形考(单元自测1至8)试题及答案 说明:课程代码:04007; 适用专业:机械设计制造及其自动化、计算机科学与技术、数学与应用数学、水利水电工程和土木工程; 考试平台:http:/www. ouchn. cn。 单元自测1 形考任务试题及答案 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目 题目 Could you please connect me with the HR Department? _ 答案Hold on a minute, please. Ill put you through. 题目I have never read a book that is _ than Harry Potter. 答案more intereting 题目The _ question is much more different than this one. 答案sixth 题目 Could you give me your phone number? _ 答案Sure. My phone number is 135-5674-5633. 题目 Whats your major please? _ 答案Sure. My phone number is 135-5674-5633. 题目 Hello, may I speak to Henry? _ 答案This is Henry speaking. 题目 If youre short-listed for the interview, well ring you by Friday. _ 答案OK,Madam.Im looking forward to hearing from you. 题目Going green _ have to be a challenge. 答案doesnt 题目Hold on a minute, please. Ill put you _ . 答案through 题目Placing a job advertisement on an online job board is _. 答案sostly 题目There are _ of ways to make your house look greener. 答案plenty 题目There are _ students in Class One than in Class Two. 答案more 题目This garden is three times as _ as that one. 答案big 题目What matters is how your house looks and how it_ you and others residing in it. 答案affects 题目You dont have to start over from _. 答案scratch 二、完形填空:阅读下面的短文,选择合适的内容将短文补充完整。 TOP 3 GREEN HOME INNOVATIONS 答案D.There are many things you can do to reduce carbon emission and help to make the earth a better place for future generations. Here are a few suggestions. 答案EAlthough LED lamps cost more money than standard incandescent or compact fluorescent bulbs do at the beginning, these long-lasting LED lamps will eventually be worth the money because of nergy saved. LED lamps also produce a cleaner, more natural light. 答案C.Wateris a hot topic, especially in the Southwest. Household water filters are now available to clean and reuse water from showers and baths. Gray water reuse systems redirect the used water from washing machines to lawns or gardens. 答案B 答案A. Building materials and embellishments like paint and carpets can emit chemical compounds into the atmosphere, and because a home is an enclosed space, those compounds can sometimes accumulate to dangerous levels. Installing a whole-house air purification system is one way to keep indoor air clean and circulating. Going green doesnt have to be a challenge. A home is a long-term investment. You dont have to start over from cratch. Make small changes. Choose environmentally friendly paint or LED bulbs. Chances are that your home will need improvements eventually.Whenever possible, choose upgrades that will reduce your carbon footprint. Its good for the planet, and its good for you. A. In recent years indoor air pollution has got a lot of attention. B. Air Purification C. Water Recycling D. In the last decade a growing number of people were interested in conserving energy and preserving the environment by living green E. LED Lighting 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确写T错误写F。 FIVE TIPS TO MAKE YOUR HOUSE LOOK GREENER There are plenty of ways to make your house look greener. It doesnt matter how many people reside in your home. It doesnt even matter what is the size of your home. What matters is how your house looks and how it affects you and others residing in it. It is very necessary to make your house look greener because it has a direct impact on your health. If you keep your house greener, you will get rid of many dangerous diseases. Here are some ways to keep it greener. 1. GOOD AND RELIABLE INTERIOR Indoor material, like windows, doors, cupboards, etc. must be of good quality. These things play an important role to clean the house. Doors and cupboards must be of high quality wood. Aluminium windows must be used. You must use high-quality paints for walls, doors, windows and cupboards. 2. USING WIDER WINDOWS AND DOORS FOR VENTILATION. Oxygen is a necessary element to enable you to live alive. For healthy life, windows and doors must be wide and usually be kept open at least for 15 hours a day, as ventilation of air makes you fresh and healthy. 3. PLACING PLANTS ESPECIALLY FLOWERS AT VARIOUS PLACES No one wants an empty house, and plants definitely play a refreshing role. First, the plants provide you with oxygen necessary for survival. Second, plants and especially flowers spread heart-attracting fragrance. All unhealthy odors are eradicated from your home and you feel fresh whenever you are inside it. Flowers also make your home interior look more appealing. 4. DISPOSING OFF WASTES AWAY FROM HOME REGULARLY Its very important to throw away household wastes far from your house every day. When wastes are kept untouched for many days, they attract bacteria and viruses. Flies and mosquitoes also start gathering and increasing at such places. As a result, diseases are caused. 5. USING ANTI-BACTERIAL MATERIALS FOR WASHING FLOORS AND CONTENTS Usually unclean fans, floors and walls breed bacteria and viruses, which are then carried by flies and mosquitoes. These carriers then infect the humans by contact through contaminated food or direct attacks on human body. Its always recommended to use anti-bacterial or anti-viral cleaners for fans, floors, walls, laptops, and TVs. 1. A green home is closely related with the size of your home. 答案F 2. A green home does good to your health. 答案T 3. The quality of indoor materials is of great importance to keep the house clean. 答案T 4. Household wastes should be thrown away daily. 答案T 5. Flies and mosquitoes breed bacteria and viruses. 答案F 单元自测2 形考任务试题及答案 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目 题目_ trying to beat back the rising flood, innovative amphibious buildings can adapt to the rising flood. 答案Instead of 题目Could you recommend some famous architectural buildings to visit in China? _ 答案I highly recommend the Birds Nest. 题目To be exact, what should I wear for the interview? _ 答案You should wear formal clothes for the interview. 题目Well, may I know how long the training will be? _ 答案It will last six months. 题目What does your company specialize in? _ 答案Our company specializes in flood-proof development. 题目What is the training about? _ 答案It is about the latest flood-proof design of hours. 题目A _ designer is needed. 答案full-time 题目It was the Louvre Pyramid_ brought him worldwide fame. 答案that 题目My first _ is the Taj Mahal because it is a teardrop of love. 答案recommendation 题目Of the two architectural designs, I think this one is _. 答案better 题目Our company specializes _ architectural design. 答案in 题目Pei was the son of a _ banker. 答案prominent 题目We will _ you later. 答案contact 题目Well, the design manager is _ by your CV and he wants you to be in his team. 答案impressed 题目You do not mind_long hours, do you? 答案working 二、听力理解:请听下面的对话,根据对话内容进行判断,正确为T,错误为F。 u2-Task%203.mp3 1. Mary is receiving Henry. 答案T 2. Henry will work in the Personnel Department. 答案F 3. Henry does mind working long hours. 答案F 4. Henry often took quite a few courses each semester in school. 答案T 5. Henry didnt do any part-time job when he was at school. 答案F 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 capsule hotels, each guest stays in a small sleeping space called capsule. It measures about 2 meters in length and1 meter in both width and height. It is a type of hotel first developed in Japan intended to provide cheap, basic overnight accommodation for guests who do not require the services offered by traditional hotels. Facilities differ, but most include a television and wireless internet connection. There are many buttons in the capsule. One turns on the light, one turns on the TV, one controls the channels. There is a radio and an alarm clock built in. The open end of the capsule can be closed, for privacy, with a curtain or a fiber glass door. Luggage is stored in a locker. Clothes and shoes are sometimes exchanged for a yukata and slippers on entry. Washrooms are communal. Guests are asked not to smoke or eat in the capsules. Some hotels also provide restaurants (or at least vending machines), pools, and other entertainment facilities. Capsules are used primarily by men. Some capsule hotels offer separate sections for male and female guests. The benefits of these hotels are convenience and price, usually around ?2000-4000 (USD 25-50) a night. They provide a place for those who may be too drunk to return home safely. About 30% at the Capsule Hotel were unemployed or underemployed and were renting capsules by the month. It was first offered to salary men who had missed the last train home, but now it is also popular with travelers from all over the world. Therefore, its going to gain more popularity. 1. The space of each capsule is quite【】. 答案C. limited 2. Most capsules are not equipped with【】in the small sleeping space. 答案B. washrooms 3.Capsule hotels were first developed in【】. 答案A. Japan 4.The benefits of these hotels do not include【】. 答案B. comfort 5.The writer has a【】attitude towards capsule hotels. 答案C. neutral 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确写T错误写F。 AMPHIBIOUS ARCHITECTURE: FLOOD-PROOF HOME DESIGNS Instead of trying to beat back the rising flood, innovative amphibious buildings can adapt to the rising flood. These buildings are ready for whatever Mother Nature might throw at them even 10-foot floodwaters. Lets take a look at just two of them. THE UKS FIRST AMPHIBIOUS HOUSE The UKs first amphibious house is located on the Thames River. And the first amphibious building in Britain will be completed soon. Baca Architects designed this home for a couple who wanted to live on a flood-prone island, an island easy to be attacked by floods, in the Thames River. This building is equipped with a terraced landscape. And this terraced landscape acts as an early warning system when the waters are rising. The terraces will be filled with water before the wet dock under the house does, and then the home itself will slowly rise to stay above the water. SOLAR POWERED FLOATING SCHOOL IN NIGERIA Residents of Makoko in Nigeria have been building houses on stilts for generations. People there go from one house to another by canoe. As sea levels are rising, officials threaten to tear down the entire community. If these houses are tore down, 250,000 people will be homeless and have to look for a new place to live. Architects found a solution in floating structures with improved sanitation conditions. The first completed example is a three-storey solar-powered school. This amazing floating school addresses social, physical and ecological needs. Built on top of 256 recycled blue barrels, the school buildings are made of triangular bamboo and wood. Makokos residents made full use of their skills when building these structures. With three levels, the solar-powered high school has room for 100 local kids and recycles rainwater to flush the toilets. And the cost for the whole school structures was under $7,000. 1.Innovative amphibious buildings have adaptation to the rising flood. 答案T 2.The first amphibious building in Britain has been completed. 答案F 3.250,000 residents of Makoko in Nigeria will be homeless if officials tear down their houses. 答案T 4.The first completed floating school has three floors. 答案T 5.In the opinion of the writer, the cost for the floating school was quite high.答案F 单元自测3 形考任务试题及答案 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目 题目_ trying to beat back the rising flood, innovative amphibious buildings can adapt to the rising flood. 答案Instead of 题目 Could you recommend some famous architectural buildings to visit in China? _ 答案I highly recommend the Birds Nest. 题目 To be exact, what should I wear for the interview? _ 答案You should wear formal clothes for the interview. 题目 Well, may I know how long the training will be? _ 答案It will last six months. 题目 What does your company specialize in? _ 答案Our company specializes in flood-proof development. 题目 What is the training about? _ 答案It is about the latest flood-proof design of hours. 题目A _ designer is needed. 答案full-time 题目It was the Louvre Pyramid_ brought him worldwide fame. 答案that 题目My first _ is the Taj Mahal because it is a teardrop of love. 答案recommendation 题目Of the two architectural designs, I think this one is _. 答案better 题目Our company specializes _ architectural design. 答案in 题目Pei was the son of a _ banker. 答案prominent 题目We will _ you later. 答案contact 题目Well, the design manager is _ by your CV and he wants you to be in his team. 答案impressed 题目You do not mind_long hours, do you? 答案working 二、听力理解:请听下面的对话,根据对话内容进行判断,正确为T,错误为F。 u3-Task%203.mp3 1. Milk cartons are unburnable trash. 答案F 2. Everyday Henry can leave his rubbish outside as he wishes. 答案F 3. Plastics would harm the environment if you were to burn them. 答案T 4. You can leave batteries and clothes once every week. 答案F 5. Henry can just leave all his rubbish outside his apartment without putting them into a bag. 答案F 二、听力理解:请听下面的对话,根据对话内容进行判断,正确为T,错误为F。 u3-Task%205.mp3 1. The Belgian city of Ghent has declared Mondays meat-free days. 答案F 2. The livestock sector has become one of the top two or three most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems. 答案T 3. The author is a complete vegetarian. 答案F 4. According to the passage, people who eat less meat will be easily sick. 答案F 5. There arent many vegetarian dishes in the restaurant mentioned in the passage. 答案F 单元自测4 形考任务试题及答案 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目 题目_is well known, Shanghai is a big city 答案As 题目 What do you think of your new computer? _ 答案It is really fantastic. 题目 How long is this cell phone guaranteed? _ 答案You can refund it in 7 days and exchange it in one year. 题目 I have just got an iPad as my birthday gift. _ 答案Congratulations ! 题目 I want to look for a smart phone priced about 1000 Yuan. Do you have some to recommend? _ 答案Of course,Please take a look at this one. 题目 It is a little expensive for me. Can I have a discount? _ 答案The price has been reduced by 50%.It is a real bargain. 题目He characterized briefly the main _in the world today. 答案trend 题目He is working hard, _will make him pass the final exam. 答案which 题目I am interested in novels_by Hemingway. 答案written 题目Milton _the glass to his lips. 答案raise 题目Most of the artists _ to the party were from South Africa. 答案invited 题目Prices of daily goods_online can be lower than store prices. 答案bought 题目The company has_$10 million for advertising. 答案budgeted 题目The store will_5% for cash payment. 答案discount 题目This will make computer games more _ than ever. 答案interactive 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确为T,错误为F。 The fridge is considered necessary. It has been so since the 1960s when packaged food list appeared with the label: Store in the refrigerator. In my fridgeless Fifties childhood, 1 was fed well and healthy. The milkman came every day, the grocer, the butcher (肉商), the baker, and the ice-cream man delivered two or three times each week. The Sunday meat would last until Wednesday and surplus(剩余的) bread and milk became all kinds of cakes. Nothing was wasted, and we were never troubled by rotten food. Thirty years on food deliveries have ceased, fresh vegetables are almost unobtainable in the country. The invention of the fridge contributed comparatively little to the art of food preservation. Many well-tried techniques already existed - natural cooling, drying, smoking, salting, sugaring, bottling. What refrigeration did promote was marketing - marketing hardware and electricity, marketing soft drinks, marketing dead bodies of animals around the world in search of a good price. Consequently, most of the worlds fridges are to be found, not in the tropics where they might prove useful, but in the rich countries with mild temperatures where they are climatically almost unnecessary. Every winter, millions of fridges hum away continuously, and at vast expense, busily maintaining an artificially-cooled space inside an artificially-heated house - while outside, nature provides the desired temperature free of charge. The fridges effect upon the environment has been evident, while its contribution to human happiness has been not important. 1. The statement In my fridgeless fifties childhood, I was fed well and healthily. suggests that the author was well-fed and healthy even without a fridge in his fifties. 答案F 2. The author says that nothing was wasted before the invention of fridges because people had effective ways to preserve food. 答案T 3. Consumers benefited the most from fridges according to the author? 答案F 4. What refrigeration did promote was food-preserving. 答案F 5. The author is critical to fridges. 答案T 二、听力理解:请听下面的对话,根据对话内容进行判断,正确为T,错误为F。 u4-Task%203.mp3 1. They are talking about a camera. 答案F 2. You can find a mobile phone in any of latest MP4. 答案F 3. The new cell phone is just like a pad. 答案T 4. Digital devices are becoming bigger and harder to carry. 答案F 5. The cell phone generally has memories of over 512 MB. 答案T 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C、D三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 An e-book(also referred to as an electronic book,e-book,or e-book)is a digital version of a print book that you download and read. But if you want to read an e-book, you must have an E-book Reader, which is a kind of free software used by your computer. Make sure you have installed the appropriate Reader before you download your e-book from the Internet. The software allows you to turn the words on the screen into the size you like. It also helps you turn pages and change your viewing options. E-books are a fun alternative to regular books. You can download them to any computers and create your own library of hundreds of titles. If you load them onto your portable computer,you can take them with you when you travel. Some e-books are even interactive! Best of all,when you order an e-book,there is no waiting and no shipping charges. The amount of time it takes to download your e-book depends on the speed of your connection and the size of your e-book. 1. From this passage,we learn that an e-book【】. 答案D. can be read when special software is installed 2. The E-book Reader is used for【】. 答案A. reading an e-book youve downloaded 3. From this passage,we can learn that【】. 答案A. you can read an e-book on a laptop when you travel 4. Which of the following statements is TRUE?【】 答案C. The downloading time is decided by the e-books size. 5. The passage is mainly about【】. 答案B. a new kind of bookthe E-books 单元自测5 形考任务试题及答案 题目为随机,用查找功能(Ctrl+F)搜索题目 题目The book you ordered is not. 答案available 题目_ Mr Zhang said is quite right. 答案What 题目_ had the bell rung _ the students took their seats. 答案Hardly;when 题目 Have you ever shopped online? _. 答案Quite often .It is very convenient,saving me a lot of time. 题目 I have no idea about where to buy a present for my friend, can you give me some advice? _ 答案Taobao may be a good choice for you. 题目 So kind of you to recommend such a good website for shopping. _. 答案My pleasure 题目 Would you like to join us to shop online? _, but I should finish my homework first. 答案Id love to 题目 You always shop online. Is it really reliable? _ 答案Good luck to you. 题目All these measures will dramatically the development of the western areas in China. 答案boost 题目Having an education from a school will make you realize your dream and get recognition. 答案reputable 题目He


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