外研版七上Starter Module 1 My teacher and my friends.复习课件(PPT21张)

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外研版七上Starter Module 1 My teacher and my friends.复习课件(PPT21张)_第1页
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Module 1 My teacher and my friendsStarter Module 1 以及5个元音字母:A、E、I、O、Uei A H J Ki: B C D E G P T Ve F L M N S X Zai I Yju: Q U W Module 1 模块一 7 Short vowels(短元音)Lets read 5 Long vowels(长元音)Lets read 7 Diphthongs(双元音)Lets read BBC:英国广播公司PRC:中华人民共和国HB:硬黑CCTV:中央新闻联播NBA:美国篮球协会UK:联合国IT:信息技术KFC:肯德基PE:体育UFO:不明飞行物USA: 美国单词的缩写: helloclassmynameisMissgoodmorningafternoongoodbye I你好班级,同学我的名字小姐;老师是(动词be的第三人称单数形式)好的早晨,上午下午再见我 words amIm= I amMrwhat yourpleasesorrycanyouspell it是我是先生什么请你的;你们的对不起的;抱歉的能;能够你;你们拼写 words 它 yesthankhoware finethanksMrstoothisshe teacher是,是的谢谢怎样;如何是(动词be的复数形式谢谢很好的;不错的夫人;太太也;还这;这个她 words 老师 friendherhisnice tomeettimegonowsee tomorrow朋友她的他的美好的;令人愉快的遇见;结识(与原形动词构成动词不定式)时间走;去现在看见 words 明天 1.询问: 你叫什么名字用 : Whats (what is ) your name? 他/她叫什么名字用 : Whats his / her name? 回答:自己叫什么一般用:My names ( name is ) 或 Im (I am) 他/她叫什么用 His names./ Her names.2. Can you spell it?= How do you spell it?你能拼下吗?3. 碰到老朋友我们一般会问:How are you?(最近怎么样? ) 回答: Fine/Im fine/ Im ok, thank you/ thanks. 很好,谢谢!一般回答完后,我们出于礼貌会回问对方这时用: What about you? / How are you?你呢?回答: Im fine too. (Im= I am) 我也很好。 Key points Key points4.碰到初次见面的朋友我们一般会问: How do you do? 回答: How do you do.或:Nice to meet you. 回答:Nice to meet you ,too. 打完招呼,表示想要离开了,我们一般会说: Its time to go now. 回答: See you.(回见)5.介绍自己的朋友或家人时一般用:This is my friend/father , her names / his names. She is a/ an / he is a/ an 举个例子:This is my friend, her names Betty. She is an English teacher.这 是我的朋友贝蒂,她是一名英语老师。 6. Miss名词,“小姐;老师”的意思。辨析 Miss Mrs Mr. Ms 7. Its time to go now. 现在该走了。It is time to do sth.为固定u型,意为“该做某事了”= It is time for sth.该吃午饭了。Its time to have lunch.= Its time _ _. 另, It is time for sb. To do sth. 到某人做某事的时候了。Key points Exercise一、考察学生对本模块词汇的掌握情况 1.你好_2.class_ 3.my_ 4.name_ 5.什么_ 6. 明天_7.对不起的,抱歉的_ 8.can_ (否定形式) 9.朋友_ 10.it_ 11.是,是的_ 12.how_ 13. 很好,不错的_ 14.thanks_ 15.Mrs_ 16.也,还_ 17.please _ 18.thank_ 19. this_ 20. 老师_21. 朋友_ 22. his _ 23. nice _ 24. 遇见,结识_25.time_26.走,去_27.现在,目前_28.看见_hello同学;班级我的 名字what tomorrowsorry cantfriend它yes怎样;如何fine谢谢夫人;太太too请谢谢这;这个teacher friend他的美好的;令人愉快的meet timego nowsee Exercise 二、中英互译:1. good morning_ 2下午好_ 2. _ _ (早上好)Miss Zhou3._ _ (我的名字是) Miss Zhou 4. How are you? _, _ _(谢谢,我很好).5 Hello, Tony,_ _ _ _ (很高兴见 到你) 早上好Good afternoonGood morningMy namesThanks Im fineNice to meet you Exercise三、句型搭配 I II( )1.Good morning, Dale A.How do you do ?( )2.How are you? B.My name is Eric.( )3.Nice to meet you. C.Fine ,thank you.( )4 How do you do ? D.Nice to meet you.( )5 Hello, Cindy. E.Good morning,Alice( )6 Whats your name? F.Hello,Hellen.( )7 Sit down, please. G.Good evening, Bob.( )8 Good evening, Frank. H.Goodbye( )9 Goodbye. I.Its A. ( )10 Whats this ? J.Thank youECDAFBJGHI Exercise 四、单项选择1.-Hi, Tony. -_.A.How are you? B.Good afternoon, Frank. C.Hi, Bob. D.Good morning, Kate.2.-This is _ Li, he is my English teacher.A.Mr B.Mrs C.Ms D. Miss3.-How are you, Tom?-_,thank you.A.Hello B.Good morning C.How are you ? D.OK.4.-Good afternoon,class.- _,teacher.A.Goodbye B.Good morning C.Good afternoon D.Hello. Exercise 5.-_ ? - Im Lingling.A.How are you B. Whats your nameC. How do you do D.Are you Lingling6.Jim and I _fine. A. is B.are C.am D.be7.Good morning,_.A.Mr Wang B.Mr wang C.mr Wang D.mr wang8.-Nice to meet you! -_.A.Im fine B.How are you C. Nice to meet you, too. D.How do you do9.“英国广播公司”的缩略词是_.A. CCTV B.BBC C.NBA D.WTO 10._ is Kate Green, she is my daughter.A.She B.This C.He D.That. Exercise 11. 字母表中能独立成词的两个字母是_. A. A; LB. I; TC. A; ID. W; Z12. 字母“Ff”和字母“_”不含有相同的音素。A. Bb B. Ll C. Nn D. Xx13. Good afternoon, Tony. How are you? _. A. Good morning B. Im fine, tooC. Good afternoon D. Fine, thanks14. Jill is_friend. _in Class 2. A. I; Hes B. my; HesC. my; His D. me; He 15. (2012泉州中考)当你不小心踩到别人的脚时, 你应说_表示道歉。A. Thank you. B. How are you? C. Im sorry. Thanks!


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