Arts and Culture Adding Value to Michigan′s Economic Agenda

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,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second Level,Third Level,Fourth Level,Fifth Level,*,Arts and CultureAdding Value to Michigans Economic Agenda,Cultural Economic Development Initiative Overview,Michigan Department of History,Arts and Libraries,Office of Cultural Economic Development,THE VISION,“We are going to base our economy more and more on our intellectual property,on the creative side,the value-added side of what we can offerThe power of creativity in propelling our economy is a fundamental building block of our states transformation.,Governor Jennifer Granholm,BusinessWeek online,March 1,2006,Why are we moving in a bold new direction?,We are aligning the use of creative resources with Governor Granholms plan to diversify and transform Michigans economy,We have been forced out of our comfort zones and business as usual approaches by challenging economic conditions,Why are we moving in a bold new direction?,Michigans economic recovery demands maximum use and leverage of all available resources and opportunities,Our state has a legacy of creativity,innovation and transformation upon which to build,Why are we moving in a bold new direction?,Arts and culture are underutilized economic assets,We need to be strategic and proactive in the use of cultural recourses,Why are we moving in a bold new direction?,We intend to motivate our sector to act strategically through the use of incentives,Our aim is to change the value perception of culture from a resource that is important to one that is critical,HAL and its many partners are successfully implementing a new,C,ultural Economic Development Strategy,to:,reposition,arts and culture in Michigan as highly-valued assets that spur economic growth and build community prosperity,strengthen,the states cultural infrastructure,HAL and its many partners are successfully implementing a new,C,ultural Economic Development Strategy,to:,assist,the states cultural sector in achieving its economic potential,promote,creative synergy among the states cultural,civic,education,business and technology sectors,HAL and its many partners are successfully implementing a new,C,ultural Economic Development Strategy,to:,engage,people across race,geography and status to reduce barriers to successful cultural economic development and improved quality of life,foster,sustainable economic and community development,THE STRATEGY,What are Michigans strategic objectives for cultural economic development?,Developing Research-Based Practice,Management and Communication,Supporting Cultural Magnets,Growing Entrepreneurship and Jobs,What are Michigans strategic objectives for cultural economic development?,Fostering Community Cultural Economic Development,Build Human Capital,Growing Partnerships and Collaborations,Recognition of the critical role of culture and economic development is rapidly growing.,“We are following the lead of the Department of History,Arts and Libraries and incorporating the use of cultural resources in the citys plan to grow the local economy.,Bob Trezise,Manager,Economic Development Corporation,City of Lansing,“Libraries contribute to economic and workforce development.,Gretchen Couraud,Executive Director,Michigan Library Association Legislative Day,May 9,2006,A LARGER PERSPECTIVE,Economic Impact of Americas Nonprofit Arts Industry,“Americas nonprofit arts industry generates$134 billion in economic activity every year-$53.2 billion in spending by arts organizations and an additional$80.8 billion in event-related spending by arts audiences.This economic activity has a significant national impact.,Source:Americans for the Arts“Arts&Economic Prosperity:The Economic Impact of Nonprofit Arts Organizations and Their Audiences Study(2002),Economic Impact of Americas Nonprofit Arts Industry,Total Impact of the Nonprofit Arts Industry,(Includes organization and audience expenditures),Total Expenditures$134.0 billion,Full-Time Equivalent Jobs 4.85 million,Resident Household Income$89.4 billion,Local Government Revenue$6.6 billion,State Government Revenue$7.3 billion,Federal Income Tax Revenue$10.5 billion,Source:Americans for the Arts“Arts&Economic Prosperity:The Economic Impact of Nonprofit Arts Organizations and Their Audiences Study(2002),Economic Impact of Michigans Arts&Culture Industry,According to a study by the Center for Arts and Public Policy-College of Fine,Performing and Communication Arts at Wayne State University The Michigan arts and culture industry generated about$42 billion in gross revenue,What are others doing in cultural economic development?,Including arts and culture in the state economic development planning,Launching state-sponsored artist/art marketing and promotion campaigns,Many states have recently adopted cultural economic development agendas:,What are others doing in cultural economic development?,Legislating development of cultural districts and facilities funds,Providing incentives to strengthen the creative economy,Crafting


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