Titel/berschrift,Kuner,Winkler:OPC Device Support,EPICS Collaboration Meeting at Diamond,June 2003,Klicken Sie,um die Formate des Vorlagentextes zu bearbeiten,Zweite Ebene,Dritte Ebene,Vierte Ebene,Fnfte Ebene,OPC-Device Support,Bernhard Kuner,Carsten Winkler,BESSY,Berlin,Germany,Introduction to OPC,OPC:OLE(COM)for process control,DCOM:Distributed Component Object Model,Client/Server,scalable and distributed over network,“Data Access specification,read/write,time stamps,quality,polled or callback,“Alarm and Event specification,Existing OPC servers support only a subset of the defined OPC features,Data Flow,Device-OPC server communication:,proprietary,vendor dependant,OPC client-OPC server communication:,via DCOM(Microsoft),OPC libraries available for:,all Windows,Unix,not vxWorks,Client Data Access,Connect to server,Client will start/stop the server,Add group,Client defines groups with common parameters for all items within the group,Add items,Client subscribes for several data objects,Bessy Installation,Connect PLC controlled beamlines to EPICS,-30 PLCs:c.6,000 PVs,-4 OPC servers,Currently 600 PVs with the new iocShell,In the future:30,000 PVs,Data volume,One PLC:6 kB/s,polled with 50 ms,-2 GB/d raw data over the network,-200 kB Channel Access data,Former Approaches,OPC_CAS,Doesnt work reliably,Several crashes a day,VisualBasic program with Kepware OPC client and ActiveX_CAS,Proper handling of values,alarms and graphic limits,Crashes ALH and other clients,No access security,OPC cant set STAT and SEVR,XCas,Another CAS based solution,Device Support for EPICS 3.14,For these record types:,-ai,ao,-bi,bo,-mbbi,mbbo,-mbbiDirect,mbboDirect,-longin,longout,-stringin,stringout,-(waveform),OPC client,with,-Softing OPC Toolbox 3.01,-Other client libraries possible,opcDevSup Features,Data conversion,for all integer and float data types,Timestamp generated by OPC server or EPICS,determined by the records TSE field,Map OPC quality to records STAT/SEVR fields,Out records may be written by the PLC and by EPICS,in-records:read only records,out-records:read/write records,Record processing:,SCAN field:I/O Intr“or.1 second“to 10 second“,OUT records are not Passive“,but I/O Intr“,Conclusions,Portable CAS solutions never satisfy EPICS clients.,For full range of EPICS functionality EPICS records are required.,