Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,亞裔婦女提供的指南,Bone Health and Osteoporosis,骨骼健康與骨質疏鬆症,亞裔婦女提供的指南,骨骼健康與骨質疏鬆症,為亞裔婦女提供的指南,當您考慮自身的健康,狀況時,,可能不會想到骨骼的健康,狀況,。但保持骨骼健康並透過預防骨質疏鬆症降低骨折的危險在您一生中都非常重要,尤其是隨著您的年齡增長更加。以下提供對您有益的一些重要資訊。,Yet only one third are diagnosed by physicians.,About 700,000 vertebral compression fractures,脊椎骨折,occur each year in the United States.,骨骼健康風險,Your Bone Health is at Risk,By 2021,half of all Americans over age 50 may have weak bones,People with weak bones are at higher risk for fractures,Strong bones are needed for an active life,Poor bone health is common and costly,You Can Improve Bone Health,Osteoporosis,When Bones Break,Hip fractures are the most devastating,One in five elderly people die within a year of the fracture,One in four become disabled,One in five must move to a nursing home within a year,Many become isolated and depressed,Why Are Healthy Bones Important?,為何骨骼健康重要,?,Strong bones support us and allow us to move,Bones are a storehouse for vital minerals,生命必要的礦物,such as calcium and phosphate.,Strong bones protect our heart,lungs,brain,blood cells and other organs,Osteoporosis Affects Women&,Men,of,All,Ethnicities,What is Low Bone Mass?,Bones lose the minerals,like calcium,that strengthen them,Loss of these minerals causes bones to become weak and break more easily,何為骨質疏鬆症,骨質疏鬆症是一種使骨骼脆弱,容易折斷的疾病。,最初的症,狀通常是在骨骼已經變脆弱後出現骨折,最常發生骨折部位是臀部、脊椎和手腕。,脊椎骨折會造成腰背彎曲、身高降低和慢性背痛,骨質疏鬆症最嚴重的後果,臀部骨折,會導致永久性殘障甚至死亡。,Osteoporosis,When Bones Break,Hip fractures are the most devastating,One in five elderly people die within a year of the fracture,One in four become disabled,One in five must move to a nursing home within a year,Many become isolated and depressed,Risk Factors:,風險因素可能增加您患骨質疏鬆症和出現 骨折機率的因素包括,亞裔,女性,年齡較大,50,歲以上,體重輕,目前抽煙,酗酒,服用某些藥物,例如皮質類固醇和鎮痙藥,神經性厭食症病史,成年骨折病史,近親中有人有成年骨折病史,鈣攝取量長期很低,不適當的身體活動,絕經期或絕經期之前手術切,除兩側卵巢,導致荷爾蒙雌激素水平下降,Protect bone mass at all ages,採取措施在年長時保護您的骨骼,這包括含有,:,充足的鈣和維他命,D,的良好飲食、,制定定期參加運動的計劃和健康的生活方式,藥物輔助。,鈣與維他命,D,您的身體需要鈣幫助您一生保持健康、強壯的骨骼。,年齡在,50,歲以下的成年婦女每天需要,1,000,毫克的鈣。,年齡在,50,歲以上的婦女,每天需要,1,200,毫克的鈣。,很多亞裔的飲食中鈣含量很低。,Calcium rich food,含鈣的食品包括,杏仁,青菜,綠花椰菜,加鈣橘汁,加鈣豆漿,加鈣米,捲心菜,蠔,罐裝帶骨沙丁魚,罐裝帶骨鮭魚,牛奶、酸奶、乳酪、,冰淇淋,大豆,豆腐,蘿蔔葉,芝麻,很多亞裔美國人無法消化奶製品,Lactose Intolerance,這種症狀被稱為乳糖耐受不良。如果您屬於乳糖,受不良人群 以下是您可以採取的一些措施,一日屡次,每次吃少量的奶製品,增加加鈣非奶製品攝入量,服用鈣補助劑,服用幫助消化奶製品的乳糖丸。,維他命,D,幫助您的身體吸收鈣,Vitamin D is essential for Calcium absorption,您每天需要 400-800 國際單位IU的維他命 D.,大多數人可從以下來源獲得充足的維他命 D,15 分鐘日曬,蛋黃,海魚,加維他命 D 的奶製品,維他命和礦物質補助劑,Exercise,運動,身體活動對預防骨質疏鬆症也很重要,並可減少導致骨折的摔跤機率。負重運動有助於您保持強壯的骨骼。此類運動包括,步行,爬樓梯,跳舞,舉重,預防摔跤,:,有助靈活性的運動,Exercise reduces risk of accidental fall,其他類型的運動有助於您增強身體的靈活性,提高預防摔跤的平衡能力。此類運動包括,打太極拳,騎自行車,游泳,打球,請向您的醫生瞭解對您平安的運動計劃。,Protect Your Bones,Ways to,Make Your Home Safer,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,Have handrails and plenty of light in all stairways.,Wear shoes that give good support and have non-slip soles.,Dont use stepstools.Keep items you need within easy reach.,Maintain a clear path to the bathroom.,Make sure your walkways are wide enough.,Remove all small rugs.They can make you trip.,Move phone and electrical cords away from walkways and open areas.,Make sure that all areas are well lit.Use bright light bulbs.,Be aware that some medications,including over-the-counter medicines,can make you dizzy or sleepy.,Get your vision checked.,Remove things that you may trip over from stairs and places where you walk.,Protect Your Bones,Ways to Make Your Home Safer,12,5,Remove all small rugs.They can make you trip.,Use non-slip mats in the bathtub or shower.Have grab bars put in next to your toilet and in the bathtub or shower.,骨骼密度測試,BMD Scan,如果您屬於患骨質疏鬆症高風險群,您可以向您 的醫生洽詢是否需要作骨骼密度測試。該項測試將幫助您的醫生確定您是否需要服藥,以便減少骨折的危險,。,Treatments of Osteoporosis,骨質疏鬆症治療,如果骨骼密度測試顯示您的骨骼密度較低或患有骨質疏鬆症,您的醫生可能會對您進行治療,治療 包括,:,補充鈣和維他命,D,運動,服用藥物。,Natural Hormonal Supplement for Menopause,天然 荷,尔蒙,補充,US Grade Natural Progesterone supplement for Osteoporosis and relief of menopause symptoms.,Bio-identical hormone from Gods garden,Our body does better with natural products than synthetic substances,Progesterone helps to prevent break down of bone and prevent osteoporosis.,Getting old is inevitable,looking and feeling old are optional.,