麦肯锡给医药行业的报告(PPT 49页)

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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,McKinsey was commissioned in Q1,2003 to:,provide dedicated effort in conducting in-depth market survey and collect detailed information from 4 cities within 2 provinces to identify the key growth drivers in Chinas broad market;,4 product categories were included:G.I.(,Motilium,),OBGY(Gyno.),Nail Infection(,Sporanox,)&Vertigo(,Sibelium,),provide objective assessment about the broad market opportunity(not including any urban,centres,);,provide business model/proposal for XJP to capture the broad market,McKinsey Broad Market Study Process,Project design(Q1,2003),Project review with local and regional J-C team(Apr.03),Survey market selection(Apr.03),Field work in 2 cities in Shandong(May 03),1,st,interim report(mid-June 03),Field work in 2 cities in Sichuan(mid-June mid-July 03),2,nd,interim report and Killer Idea workshop(end July 03),Final report(Aug.03),Presentation to corporate management(Sept.03),BROAD MARKET CAN BE DEFINED AS CLASS 2 HOSPITALS AND BELOW AT REGIONAL CITY LEVEL AND ALL HEALTH CARE INSITITUTIONS AT COUNTY LEVEL AND BELOW,Regional city,County,Town,Village,Class 3 hospital,Class 2&below hospital,Pharmacy,Clinic,Broad market,Source:McKinsey analysis,BROAD MARKET DRUGS INCLUDE OTC AND“OUT PATIENT”Rx DRUGS,Source:McKinsey analysis,Targeting easily diagnosed,non-life threatening diseases,Easy to use,Relatively cheap,Relatively safe with few side effect,Examples,OTC,Mature,New,Motilium,Gyno-Daktarin,Rx,Outpatient,In-hospital,Sporanox,/,Sibelium,Cipramil,Broad market drugs,McKinsey Key FindingsOverall Market Situation,BROAD MARKET REPRESENTS 94%OF OVERALL DEMAND FOR BROAD MARKET DRUGS,Class 3 hospital,Broad market drug sales breakdown by geography,Percent,*,For only 2 according cities,*Data for only Sichuan province,Source:Interview with distributors,hospitals,pharmacies McKinsey analysis,All 4 cities,Broad market represents 94%of demand,100%=,3.6,2.3,1.3,Bn,RMB,Shandong*,Sichuan*,City,100%=,21,6,2,Mn RMB,County,Town,Village,Motilium,Gyno-Daktarin,Sibelium*,Broad market,Sales breakdown of XJP product,Percent,Other channel at city level,GDP per capita:,#of county,9,199,32,11,300,18,5,801,14,County is critical for broad market,DUE TO LOW INSURANCE COVERAGE AND RECENT REIMBURSEMENT POLICIY CHANGES,MOST PATIENTS PAY BROAD MARKET DRUGS BY THEMSELVES,Insurance coverage in Yantai&Jining,For those with insurance,they can use their personal accounts(RMB 100300 per year)to cover their broad market drug expense,In loosely controlled region(like Yantai),patients can treat the personal accounts as savings account,Patients pay on their own after the account balance is zero,A majority of population does not have insurance,They pay broad market drugs by themselves,Insured,Self-pay,Total,City,County,Town,Village,3-5,95-97,20-30,70-80,10-15,85-90,1,99,0,100,Source:Interview;focus group;McKinsey analysis,PATIENTS GO TO PHARMACY/CLINICS FOR MINOR SYMPTOMS,Source:Interview;McKinsey analysis,Drivers,Increased price sensitivity,Changed medical insurance policy,Improved highway infrastructure,Rich information access,TV,Newspaper,Increased life pace,No time to visit hospital,Pharmaceutical market deregulation policy,More and more pharmacies&clinics,Conveniently located,Middle-small hospitals find it hard to survive due to lack of patients,Severe symptoms,Town hospital,Minor symptoms,Largest hospitals in city and county,Middle-small hospitals in city and county,Pharmacy/clinics,Rural patients,City patients,A LARGE PROPORTION OF DRUG SALES COMES FROM RETAIL PHARMACIES;PHARMACY CLERKS BECOME INFLUENTIAL,*,40%of the patients changed their mind in pharmacy,Source:Interview;Focus group;McKinsey analysis,“,What makes you change your perceived drugs?”*Pharmacy patient survey,Percent,Shandong city level,Perceived drug not available;persuaded by pharmacy clerk,Perceived drug available but persuaded by pharmacy clerk,Changed mind by myself,“,When I go to the pharmacy without a drug in mind,I just ask the pharmacy clerk to recommend.Then I will check the drugs introduction sheet,if this drug covers my disease,I will have a try”,Yibin city level focus group,Total drug sales breakdown,Percent,Pharmacy,Hospital,Clinics,Overall,Motilium,Gyno Daktarin,Sibelium,XJP should design special initiatives to target pharmacy channels,CLINICS ARE PLAYING IMPORTANT ROLE ESPECIALLY AT COUNTY AND TOWN AND BELOW,Source:Interview;McKinsey analysis,Clinics share in total drug sales,Percent,Overall,County,Town,Village,36%,26,34,100,Sichuan,Shandong,City,8,27%,8,27,100,3,XJP should think about cost-effective way to lock in individual clinic/barefoot doctors,G.I.Category Review,*,More than half of patients going to large hospitals will purchase drug at retail pharmacies,*Branded generic drugs referring to generic drugs that run advertising,creating brand awareness in consumers,Source:Physician and pharmacy interviews;McKinsey analysis,FOR GI D


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