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Cliquez pour modifier le style du titre,Cliquez pour modifier les styles du texte du masque,Deuxime niveau,Troisime niveau,Quatrime niveau,Cinquime niveau,D.Gile Via Doctorosa,*,D.Gile Via Doctorosa,1,VIA DOCTOROSA MASTEROSAPRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS,D.Gile Via Doctorosa,2,RESEARCH vs.RESEARCH PROJECTS,In academia,there are,many types of texts,:,-Analyses,literature reviews,didactic texts,-And texts corresponding to research projects,Theses/dissertations are research projects,Requirements:,-Comply with,general norms,(writing,presentation),-In empirical research,comply with the norms of relevant research type and of the local academic environment,-,Innovate,D.Gile Via Doctorosa,3,TYPES OF INNOVATION,-Facts,-Ideas,(,Analyses,theories,),-Research Methods,Before you start:,Make sure it is,likely,that,you,can innovate,somehow,and,that this potential innovation is deemed sufficient for a PhD by your supervisor,D.Gile Via Doctorosa,4,BE AWARE THAT,A high percentage of theses/dissertations started,are never completed,Not because students are not good enough as thinkers,-Not because they do not work hard enough,-But because of,inadequate selection/definition,of their topic/research questions:,Too ambitious,Too vague,Not feasible methodologically,Not feasible in terms of required resources,D.Gile Via Doctorosa,5,MAIN PARAMETERS TO CONSIDER,Research questions,specific objectives of the study,Documentary and/or human,resources,Project,supervisor,(and,work with,him/her),Existing,knowledge and know-how,of student,(,Language,thematic knowledge,methodological know-how,),-,Time,management,D.Gile Via Doctorosa,6,TYPICAL PROBLEMS,Cannot start because no,specific topic or research question,has been defined yet,Cannot start because,cannot find way,to operationalize the investigation,(,how to start investigating it concretely,),Stuck in the middle because of,unexpected problem,Stuck in the middle because,no planning,for further steps,Ran out of time,D.Gile Via Doctorosa,7,PREVENTION,Define a topic and,concrete research questions/objectives,Plan,your investigation,from beginning to end,(,allowing for alternatives if necessary,),When planning,think of:,Available resources,Available knowledge,Available know-how,Time,Good,management of work with supervisor,D.Gile Via Doctorosa,8,THE TOPIC:GENERAL PHILOSOPHY,Generally,a thesis,and even a PhD dissertation,is a large-scale investigation,not the work of ones life,!,-Only,rarely,does one contribute a,major innovation,in a thesis,or even in a PhD,Further innovation can come after the PhD,Plan to devote,just a few years,to your thesis/PhD,and then to move on,Try to think of a topic,interesting enough,for you to,endure,over several years,D.Gile Via Doctorosa,9,CHOOSING YOUR TOPIC,Think of a topic for which you think you will be able to contribute,After having explored the literature!,(Facts,Ideas,Method),Try to get a,clear idea,of what you think you may be able to,contribute,and how,Think of,how you are going to go about it,always keeping,feasibility,in mind,Think of,potential escape routes(alternatives to the original plan),in case of major problems,D.Gile Via Doctorosa,10,FEASIBILITY,Exploring,is often,less complex,than testing a theory,When testing,clear results are not mandatory,Unclear results can be just as useful,Prescriptive objectives,are,difficult to achieve,They call for multiple comparisons and impeccably rigorous logic,Access,to a corpus/to human participants/to hardware/software?,Do you have the required,linguistic knowledge,knowledge of linguistics,psychology,etc.?,Acquiring missing knowledge takes time,D.Gile Via Doctorosa,11,MANAGING TIME,Count several months for drafting alone,With several shuttle movements between you and the supervisor,Countdown should take this into account,-,Count at least several months to select topic and determine objectives,Calculate time,required to access literature,to read it,Allow some,time for ideas to mature,Work regularly,not in spurts,D.Gile Via Doctorosa,12,WORKING WITH A SUPERVISOR,Generally,s/he is experienced in research,but may not have expertise in your topic,Is not devoting all of his/her time to you only,Will not necessarily remember what you are doing,where you stand etc.each time you put a question to him/her Remind him/her,His/her work with you takes considerable time and efforts,generally without additional pay,The intensity and quality of his/her work with you,Depend partly on him/her,But partly on you,D.Gile Via Doctorosa,13,SELECTING A SUPERVISOR,Ideally:,Experienced in the are you are working on,Available,Conscientious,Has a personality with a good fit with yours,You will not necessarily find such a supervisor in your institution,So:,Do as well as you can with available supervisors,Co-supervisor,Informal co-supervisor,D.Gile Via Doctorosa,14,WORKING WITH ONES SUPERVISOR,Take the initiative:,Report to him/her regularly,Turn to him/her when encountering problems,Make the task easier for him/her:,Send regular reports on state of


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