Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Index notation,LO:-To understand and be able to use cubes of numbers,index notation and other integer powers,Squares and cubes,The square of a number is the number multiplied by itself.,E.G 3 x 3=9,The cube of a number is that number multiplied by itself and then by itself again,3cm,3 cm,3cm,3cm,3cm,Squares and cubes,A squared number is written 3,A cubed number is written,Write in your books the squares of numbers 1-15,The cubes of numbers 1-5 and 10,Using index notation,5x5=5,5x5x5=5,5x5x5x5=,5x5x5x5x5=,5x5x5x5x5x5=,We have written the product as a,power,of 5.The power is often called the,index.,We say that numbers are written using,index notation,Your turn,Answer question page 25,Exercise 3.1,1,2,3 and 4,Using your calculator,Work out these,15,6 to the power of 5,Find the power button on your calculator it may look like this,Your turn,Exercise 3.2,Question 1-8 a,c,e only,Question 9,Question 12 and 14,Page 28 Challenge,Key ideas,The,cube,of a number is,the number,multiplied by itself,and,then by itself again.,Numbers can be written using index notation,for example 2,means,2,x,2,x,2,You can use the,power button,on your calculator to work out,any power,of any,number,