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Unit 5 First aid 课时跟踪 4 基础巩固 .单句语法填空 1If convenient(convenience),I will visit you this weekend and discuss what to do next with you. 2Once encouraged(encourage),he will have confidence to overcome the difficulties. 3Mary,how about going to the movies after supper? Sounds(sound) great. 4Though surprised(surprise) to see us,the old man gave us a warm welcome. 5He rushes out of the room as if to meet(meet) some important person. 6Knowing his trouble,I had nothing to do but inspire(inspire) him to continue his work. 7Tom wanted to play football with his friends in the street,but his father told him not to. 8If possible(possibility),Id like to work in the Ministry of Finance because I am good at mathematics and know much professional knowledge about finance. 9Were(be) I a bird,I would fly to see you at once. 10Who should be responsible for the accident? The boss instead of the workers.They just carried out the order as told(tell) .单句改错(每小题仅有 1处错误) 11I wont go to the party even if being invited. 12He opened his mouth as if speak. to 13He came home earlier than 或 was expected. he 14Cathy can do nothing but to lie down and sleep. 15The teacher told us not to take the equipment out of the laboratory until to. allowingallowed 16Eye doctors recommend that a childs first eye exam at the age of six wasbe months old. .句型转换 17When I am in trouble,I always turn to her for help. When in trouble,I always turn to her for help. 18This conclusion proved to be correct. This conclusion proved correct. 19He told a lie when he was questioned by the police. He told a lie when questioned by the police. 20I dont know how I can improve my English. I dont know how to improve my English. 21They are scolded whenever they are late for school. They are scolded whenever late for school. 能力提升 .阅读理解 Electric Shocks Can Be Fatal Government statistics recently showed that in the UK,more than 3,000 people a year experience electric shocks in their homes.A smaller number of people are killed after they touch the power lines outside their homes.Electric shocks can cause a persons heart or breath to stop and are potentially fatal.It is essential for people to learn basic first aid techniques to deal with such emergencies. What to do? If you are the first person to reach someone who has an electric shock,dont touch him or her! If the victim is still holding the appliance(家用电器) that gives him or her the shock (e.g.a hair dryer),unplug it or turn off the power at its source.Under no circumstances can you try to move the appliance with your hands! If you cant turn off the power,use a piece of wood,like a broom handle or a chair,to separate the victim from the appliance or the power source.You may even be able to do this with a folded newspaper. The victim must remain lying down.If he or she is unconscious,the victim should be placed on his or her side.But he or she should not be moved if there is a possibility of neck or spine injuries unless it is absolutely necessary. It is essential to maintain the victims body heat,so make sure you cover him or her with a blanket before you do anything else.If the victim is not breathing,apply mouthtomouth resuscitation(口对口人工呼吸)Keep the victims head low until professional help arrives. If the electric shock has been caused by an external power line,the dangers to the victim and to anybody providing first aid are much greater. 语 篇 解 读 本 文 主 要 介 绍 了 对 触 电 的 人 的 急 救 技 巧 。 22What kind of passage is it? AAn advertisement. BA horror story. CA news report. DFirst aid emergency advice. 答案D 解析文章类型题。通读全文可知,文章用大量篇幅向读者介绍对触电的人该如何进行急 救,所以这是一篇有关急救建议的文章。 23The underlined sentence implies that . Ayou should move the appliance Byou should pick up the appliance and turn off the electricity Cit is very dangerous to touch the appliance with your hands Dit is unnecessary to unplug the appliance with your hands 答案C 解析句意理解题。Under no circumstances放在句首,构成了倒装语序,画线句意为 “任何情况下都不要用手将家用电器移开” ,可见用手触碰触电者所持的家用电器是很危险 的,故选 C项。 24When a person has got an electric shock,you should . Aseparate the victim from the appliance and let him sit up Bkeep the victim warm and help him or her breathe again Cmove the victim onto his or her side if he or she has got neck injuries Dkeep the victims head high until professional help arrives 答案B 解析细节理解题。由倒数第二段可知,要保持触电者的体温,同时要帮助他恢复呼吸, 故选 B项。由倒数第三段首句可知,应使触电者躺下而不是坐起来,排除 A项;由倒数第 三段最后一句可知,若触电者颈部受伤了,不应挪动他,排除 C项;由倒数第二段最后一 句可知,应将触电者的头部放低而不是抬高,排除 D项。 .完形填空 One Monday evening,I received a direct message from a boy who found a mean message in his locker.He took a picture of it and sent it to me asking for 25 .I asked him to meet me the following morning. A few hours later I 26 on the Internet that he had posted the picture of the mean note and asked if anyone 27 who it was.I thought it was 28 of the boy to find it out via social media. The next day the boy came to me and another 29 was with him.The boy showed me another note he had 30 .But this was a beautiful,heartfelt 31 .I asked him if he knew who had done it,and the boy who came with him 32 , “It was me.I dont know why I did it, 33 I know it was wrong and not at all kind.So I wrote him this note.I also wrote 150 notes with 34 sayings and put them in all the lockers.I just 35 to do something to make up for my 36 .” My heart felt full of pride and love for this 37 boy.I told him how courageous it was for him to come 38 and how amazing it was that he did something kind in return to try to balance his 39 .I turned to the boy who received both notes and asked him if he also 40 the bravery and could forgive.Without 41 ,he said, “Yes,definitely.And 42 anyone tries to be mean to him for making a bad choice,I will stand up to him.” These two boys 43 me that coming forward when we need help is important,and coming forward to 44 a wrong is vital. 语篇解读文章主要讲述了一个小男孩在做错事情后,勇于承认错误。作者认为当我们需 要帮助时,挺身而出是重要的,而挺身而出承认错误是至关重要的。 25A.support Bmoney Chelp Dcomfort 答案C 解析句意为:他拍了一张照片,发送给我向我求助。ask for hep求助。根据句意,故 选 C。 26A.noticed Brealized Cconcluded Ddeclared 答案A 解析句意为:几个小时后,我在网上注意到他已经发布了这张便条的照片,问是否有人 知道是谁。 notice 注意到,故选 A。 27A.agreed Bpredicated Cknew Dimagined 答案C 解析参考上题解析。故选 C。 28A.patient Bsmart Chonest Dreliable 答案B 解析句意为:我认为这个男孩通过社交媒体查找是聪明的。smart 聪明的,故选 B。 29A.boy Bteacher Cgirl Dadvisor 答案A 解析句意为:第二天,这个男孩与另外一个男孩一起来找我。根据下文的“and the boy who came with him”可知选 A。 30A.written Blost Creceived Dselected 答案C 解析句意为:男孩给我看了他收到的另一张便条。receive 收到,故选 C。 31A.invitation Bwish Cgreeting Dapology 答案D 解析句意为:但这是一个美丽的、真心的道歉。apology 道歉。根据下文的“I know it was wrong and not at all kind”可知小男孩写了这个便条来道歉。故选 D。 32A.replied Badded Cshouted Dargued 答案A 解析句意为:我问他是否知道是谁干的,和他一起来的男孩回答说:“是我干的” reply回答,故选 A。 33A.so Bfor Cor Dbut 答案D 解析句意为:我不知道我为什么这么做,但我知道那是错的,一点也不友好。but 但是。 前后句为转折关系,故选 D。 34A.simple Bkind Cspecific Dcautious 答案B 解析句意为:我还用善意的话写了 150个便条,并把它们放在所有的储物柜里。小男孩 在便条上用善意的语言道歉。kind 善意的,故选 B。 35A.wanted Bcontinued Cfailed Drefused 答案A 解析句意为:我只是想做点什么来弥补我卑劣的行为。want 想要,故选 A。 36A.carelessness Bloneliness Cmeanness Dsadness 答案C 解析参考上题解析。meanness 坏心眼,卑鄙,符合题意,故选 C。 37A.special Bunique Cwise Dbrave 答案D 解析句意为:我心中充满了对这个勇敢男孩的自豪和爱。根据下文“I told him how courageous it was”可知选 D。 38A.along Bforward Cback Dout 答案B 解析句意为:我告诉他,他挺身而出是多么勇敢,他做了那么友好的事情来弥补他的错 误是多么令人吃惊。come forward 站出来,挺身而出,故选 B。 39A.mistake Bloss Cbelief Dvalue 答案A 解析参考上题解析。 mistake 错误,故选 A。 40A.compared Bchallenged Cpresented Drecognized 答案D 解析句意为:我转向那个收到了两张便条的男孩,问他是否也认可了那个男孩的勇敢并 且原谅他。 recognize 认可。故选 D。 41A.difficulty Bdoubt Chesitation Dfear 答案C 解析句意为:他毫不犹豫地说:“是的,当然”without hesitation毫不犹豫。故 选 C。 42A.although Bif Cbecause Duntil 答案B 解析句意为:如果有人因为他做出错误的选择而责怪他,我会勇敢站出来反对那个人。 故选 B。 43A.promised Bwarned Cshowed Dinformed 答案C 解析句意为:这两个男孩让我知道,当我们需要帮助时,挺身而出是重要的,而挺身而 出承认错误是至关重要的。show 展示,表明,故选 C。 44A.discover Bconduct Cjudge Dadmit 答案D 解析参考上题解析。admit 承认。根据句意,故选 D。 .语法填空 Hospitals havent always been clean and quiet places.Long ago they were dirty and crowded.Nurses were never taught 45. to look after their patients and many people died.It was Florence Nightingale 46. changed all this. Florence was born in 1820.As a child,she often went with her mother 47. (visit) the poor people.They took food and medicine to the sick.It was these visits that first gave her the idea of becoming a nurse. Her chance came in 1854 48. Britain went to war with Russia.Florence 49. (ask) to take a group of nurses to look after the sick and the 50. (wound) soldiers.The hospitals were dirty,and there was not enough medicine.Florence and her team worked very hard,51. (clean) the hospital rooms and beds every day.At night,she would go from room to room checking on the patients.She often stayed to talk to the patients,especially if she could see that they were scared or 52. (die) After the war,Florence opened a school to teach nurses to look after their patients 53. (proper)However,she never really got better from the 54. (ill) that she had in the war,and she died in 1910. 语篇解读本文是对世界著名护理专家、近代护理教育的创始人、护理学的奠基人弗洛伦 斯南丁格尔的介绍。 45答案how 解析以前的护士不知道如何照顾病人,故用疑问词 how。 46答案who/that 解析该句使用了强调句型,被强调的是 Florence Nightingale。 47答案to visit 解析to visit the poor people 在句中作目的状语。 48答案when 解析when 引导的从句在句中作时间状语。 49答案was asked 解析Florence 是谓语动词的承受者,用被动语态;这里说的是 1854年的事,用一般过 去时。 50答案wounded 解析wounded 是过去分词作定语。 51答案cleaning 解析cleaning the hospital rooms and beds every day 是现在分词短语作伴随状语。 52答案dying 解析dying 表示“快要死的” 。 53答案properly 解析空格中所填单词在句中修饰 look after,需用 proper的副词形式。 54答案illness 解析空格中所填单词在句中作介词 from的宾语,需用 ill的名词形式。 .短文改错 Dear friends, It is really a good chance to have met all of you there.We have spent several precious weeks learn in the English club.Although we have been member for a short period of time,we have made a great progress.That is because we are all very actively and the activities are not only enjoyable but also helpful.But the foreign teachers here work very hard and tried their best to make the activities lively and interesting.I am very pleased to say that all of us has greatly improved their spoken English so far.I am looking forward seeing all of you again in the near future. Thank you. 答案 Dear friends, It is really a good chance to have met all of you .We have spent therehere several precious weeks in the English club.Although we have been learnlearning for a short period of time,we have made a great progress.That is membermembers because we are all very and the activities are not only enjoyable but activelyactive also helpful. the foreign teachers here work very hard and their best ButAnd triedtry to make the activities lively and interesting.I am very pleased to say that all of us greatly improved spoken English so far.I am looking forward hashave theirour seeing all of you again in the near future. to Thank you.


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