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小学人教版五年级上册英语期末试题一、根据汉语提示,填入所缺的字母,完成单词。(10分)1、y _ ung 年轻的 2、f _ nny 可笑的3、th _ n 瘦的 4、Th _ rsday 星期四5、fr _ sh 新鲜的 6、tom _ to 土豆7、br _ dge 桥 8、c _ rtain 窗帘9、cl _ set 衣柜 10、cl _ thes 衣服二、按要求进行词形转换 。(10分)1、family (复数) _ 2、young (反义词) _3、short (反义词) _ 4、meal (复数) _5、know (同音词) _ 6、active (反义词) _7、Tuesday (复数) _ 8、have (第三人称单数) _9、help (形容词) _ 10、mountains(单数)_三、英汉词组互译(10分)1、做饭 _ 2、浇花 _3、打扫卧室 _ 4、洗碗碟 _5、在家 _ 6、empty the trash _7、in the nature park _ 8、wash the clothes _9、make the bed _ 10、play chess _四、将问句和相应的答句连接起来,并将选项填入题号前括号内。(5分)( ) 1、What can you do? A、No,she isnt( ) 2、Can you wash the clothes? B、Yes,there is.( ) 3、Is there a river in the park? C、I can do housework.( ) 4、How many lakes are there in the park? D、Two.( ) 5、Is she quiet? E、Yes,I can.五、选择填空。(10分)( ) 1.I often watch TV _ Mondays.A. in B. on C. at D. to( ) 2.What _ you do on Saturdays?A. do B. is C. are D. does( ) 3.She can do the _ at home.A、dish B、dishes C. dishes D. dishs( ) 4.There are many _ in the park.A. girl B. boy C. student D. teachers( ) 5.There arent _ rivers in the park.A. a B. an C. any D. one( ) 6.Dont _ the window,please!A. closing B. to close C. close D. closes( ) 7.What do you _ for lunch today?A. have B. do C. eat D. drink( ) 8.Its 12 oclock at noon. Hes having _.A. breakfast B. lunch C. supper D. time( ) 9. _ you like the park?A. Do B. do C. are D. are( ) 10.Do you want _ go to a movie?A. on B. in C. at D. to六、按要求改写句子。(10分)1、I have tomatoes on Mondays.(否定句)I _ have tomatoes on Mondays.2、There is an apple on the table.(复数句)There _ some _ on the table.3、There are 60 students in the classroom.(对划线部分提问)_ _ students are there in the classroom?4、I often play football on Tuesdays.( 一般疑问句)_ _ often _ football on Tuesdays?5、Its Friday today.(对划线部分提问)_ _ is it today?七、根据短文判断正误,在括号内打“”或“”。(5分)In the morning I get up at six. I wash my face and put on my clothes. Then I eat breakfast with my family at six thirty. At six forty I go to school by bike. I am never(从未)late(迟到),but Tom is sometimes late and Mary is often late. They often run to school.( ) 1.I get up at 7:00.( ) 2.I eat breakfast at home.( ) 3.I go to school by bus.( ) 4.I am often late for class.( ) 5.Mary is often late for class.来源


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