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伟世通分层审核1 伟世通分层审核2 Driven by demands for zero defects and aggressive cost-reductions, the need for control of manufacturing processes has never been greater, especially in the automotive industry. In todays business environment suppliers cannot rely on inspection of parts and remain cost competitive. Instead, the focus is swinging to the basics of proactive process control, for both automatic and human-dependant tasks. Murray Sittsamer, The Luminous Group 受到零缺陷和大幅度成本降低要求的驱使,对于制造过程控制的需求变得空前强烈,尤其是在汽车工业。在当今的商业环境中,供应商不能依靠零部件的检查并保持价格的竞争力。相反,不论是自动化生产还是手工制造,工作的核心内容正在朝前期过程控制的基础转移。 默里 斯特赛默,Luminous 公司 伟世通分层审核3 伟世通分层审核4 The Layered Process Auditis a tool that:分层审核是一个工具:q Reduces variation (both assignable and common cause) 减少变差(包含指定的和一般的原因) q Prevents process errors and operator mistakes 预防过程中的错误和操作失误q Improves and maintains discipline 改进和维护工艺要求q Initiates Continuous Improvement actions 启动持续改进措施q Reduces rework 减少返工q Reduces scrap and eliminates waste 减少废料和消除浪费q Improves communication 加强交流q Instills and improves standardization 逐渐加强和改进标准 q Improves overall Quality and reduces cost. 提高整体质量和降低成本q Meets Customer Requirements 满足客户的需求 伟世通分层审核5 Layered Process Audits (LPA):分层审核:q A Layered Process Audit is a quality improvement process involving multiple layers of management. Key process this is not a desk audit.q管理层必须身体力行地完成审核,而不是坐在办公室里。 伟世通分层审核42 Check检查q Review audit results frequently, especially when starting the process.q经常评估审核结果,尤其在分层审核启动阶段。q Conduct internal review of Layered Process Auditsq实施分层审核的内部审核q Know that Layered Process Audits are part of your TS Quality System q了解分层审核是TS质量体系中的一部分q LPA plan must be signed-off by the LPA team and the Plant Manager分层审核计划必须被分层审核小组和工厂经理签署q Review effectiveness of follow-up actionsq评审跟踪措施的有效性q Verify that corrective actions prevent recurrence of the checklist item验证整改措施,防止问题再发生q Plant leadership shall review unresolved nonconformities weekly工厂领导每周需评审未解决的不符合项 q Plant leadership shall review summarized audit results in Management Review q工厂领导需在管理评审中审核评审结果 伟世通分层审核43 ADJUST 调整-q Adjust the audit schedule- 调整检查日程 Add or drop areas as required.根据需要增加或减少区域 Change schedule to include auditors new to an area, remember the advantage of fresh eyes.在审核日程中安排不同的审核员审核同一区域,有利于发现问题。 Error proofing audits are best done at the beginning of the shift but process audits should be conducted at different times of the shift.防错审核最好在每班开始时进行,过程审核则需在不同的时间进行 Consider the current events at the plant and adjust audit frequency as needed.考虑工厂的当前情况,必要时调整审核频次 q Adjust training to meet new needs调整培训,满足新的需求 Evaluate training effectiveness of auditors-评估审核员的培训有效性 Review any process changes with auditors, especially those who do not work in the area和审核员对任何的过程更改进行评估,特别是与那些不在该区域工作的审核员 Make certain auditors are kept current with any process changes确保审核人员及时了解过程的任何变更 Evaluate whether or not auditors are finding problems before they impact production评估审核人员是否能够在不影响生产的前提下发现问题 All process documentation must be up-to-date for effective auditing所有用于审核的工艺文件必须最新的 伟世通分层审核44 ADJUST调整 Adjust checklists and forms调整检查表和表格 Update your audit checklists to include new processes, operations, equipment, or error & mistake proofing devices. 更新审核检查表,以包括新工艺、作业、设备或防错装置 Do you capture the information you need on the forms you use.从你使用的表格中获取你所需要的信息了吗 Confirm all layers of management are included in auditing-ALL LEVELS! 确保各级管理层次的人员都参与到审核中! 伟世通分层审核45 Contacts and Questions!联系和咨询 Lori Rundall - (734) 710-8237 CDS: lrundall Janet Horvat (734) 710-8105 CDS: jhorvat Stephanie Jackson - (734) 710-8233 CDS: sjack100 Matthew Maffucci - (734) 710-7372 CDS: mmaffucc Mike Needham (734) 710-8231 CDS: mneedha1QUESTIONS? 提问


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