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五年级英语(下册)期中检测听力部分(50分)一、听录音选出听到的单词(读三遍)(10分)( )1. learning learntlearn( )2. telephone televisiontimetable( )3. glasspassclass( )4. easy eggemail( )5. hardcardlady二、听录音标序号(读三遍)(10分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听录音选择正确的图片(读三遍)(10分)( )1. ( )2.( )3. ( )4.( )5. 四、听录音选出听到的句子(读三遍)(10分)( )1.A. He lived in a small house. B. He lives in a small house.( )2. A. Ive got an email from Lingling . B. Ive got an egg from Lingling.( )3. A . Here is an e-card for you . B. Here is a card for you.( )4. A. Where are the books about English food , please ?B. Where are the books about English , please ?( )5. A. This black bag is nice . B. This black bag is nice, but its heavy .五、听录音选出正确答案(读三遍)(10分)( )1. A. I drank some juice . B. I had eggs and milk . C. I have some rice .( )2. A. They are on Shelf B. B. I dont know . C. I want to buy some toys .( )3. A. Yes , I do . B. I played basketball yesterday.C. I play basketball yesterday .( )4. A. Yes , she does . B. No , she didnt . C. Yes , he did.( )5. A. She is dancing . B. Because she was a dancer . C. Because she was a teacher. 笔试部分(50分)一、选出划线部分读音不同的一项(10分)( )1. A. easy B. bread C.teacher( )2. A. afternoon B. good C. book( )3. A. warm B. party C. star( )4. A. bike B. likeC. live( )5. A. snowB. how C. now二、判断句子与所给图片是否相符,正确的打,错误的打(10分)( )1. The bag is heavy . Itll be hard for her.( )2. I went to school by bike three years ago.( )3. I had fish and chips for lunch yesterday .( )4. The bananas are on Shelf B. ( )5. We can find out about food on this CD-ROM. 三、选择正确答案(10分)( )1. Yesterday I TV with my grandchildren .A. watchB. watchedC. watches( )2. Please bring back the book .A. in two weeks timeB. in two weeksC. in two times( )3. The dress is big for you .A. twoB. to C. too( )4. There a small house four years ago.A. wereB. was C. is( )5. Where are the books the computers , please ?They are on Shelf C .A. about B. in C. for( )6. It a panda on it .A. have got B. has got C. there are( )7. What did you last night ? Some juice .A. drank B. eatC. drink( )8. This black bag is nice . its heavy .A. but B.andC. to( )9.There any buses many years ago.A. were B. werent C. are( )10.I want to make e-card for mum .A. a B. an C. the四、连词成句(10分)1. small we in a lived house2. She English learnt 3. youWhere about can find out animals4. Its you too for big5. I lunch fish and chips for had五、阅读短文,选择正确答案(10分)Hello , Im Jack . Im from China . This is Tom . He is from London . Yesterday I had a traditional English dinner . I had fish and chips . It was delicious . But Tom likes Chinese food . He had dumplings for dinner . He was too full (饱的).( )1. Where is Jack from ?A. China . B. London .C. England .( )2. Where is Tom from ? A . China B. London C. England( )3. What did Jack have for dinner ?A.B.C.( )4. What did Tom have for dinner ?A. B.C.( )5. Does Tom like Chinese food ?A. Yes , he does . B. No , he doesnt . C. We dont know .小五英半期试题 2 2011.04


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