Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,ELEMENT 4,PLANNING FOR SAFETY,1,LEARNING OUTCOMES,Policy,Importance of planning in H&S,Principles and practice of risk assessment,Hierarchy of controls,Key sources of H&S information,Factors to be considered when developing SSOW,Role and function of permit to work system,2,PLANNING FOR SAFETY,Remember.Plan,do check act?-HSEMS,Now set the objectives,but make them,SMART,S,pecific:Clearly defined,M,easurable:Can be measured,A,chievable:It can be done,R,easonable:Within the time scale,T,imely:A deadline or timescale,3,4,RISK ASSESSMENT,What is it?,A careful examination of what,in your work,could cause harm to people so that you can weigh up whether you have taken enough precautions to prevent harm or need to do more.,The aim of risk assessment is to identify significant risks and set priorities to minimise risks thereby reducing accidents and ill health.,5,RISK ASSESSMENT,The concept of risk assessment requires to take,reasonably practicable precautions,to safeguard staff and everyone else who may be affected by the operations.,The risk assessment should be based on a balanced judgment of the extent and realization of the risk against,time,trouble and cost,of the steps required to remove or reduce it.,If the cost is grossly disproportionate,then the company is entitled to say that the steps proposed are not reasonably practicable.,6,7,RISK ASSESSMENT,Definitions:,Accident,Near Miss,Dangerous Occurrence,Occupational/work related ill health,8,Frank&Bird accident triangle 1950s,Gathered from 600 incidents,RISK ASSESSMENT,9,RISK ASSESSMENT,What is a Hazard.,Anything that has the potential to cause harm,What is Risk.,The likelihood of the hazard realising actual harm,10,11,RISK ASSESSMENT,Competence of Risk Assessors,A combination of training,knowledge,experience and personal qualities,A thorough understanding of the processes and procedures involved,Knowledge of own limitations,Good communication skills,12,13,RISK ASSESSMENT,Risk assessment has to be Suitable and Sufficient,Identify all the significant hazards and risks,Evaluate the risks,Identify employees and others at risk,Identify control measures,Record the significant and ignore the trivial,Be appropriate to the nature of the work,Ensure that the residual risk is low,14,15,RISK ASSESSMENT,Risk Assessment 5 Steps,Identify the Hazards,Decide who may be harmed and how,Evaluate risks&existing precautions,Record the findings,Review Assessments and revise if necessary,16,17,RISK ASSESSMENT,Step 1-Identify the hazards,Consider both safety and health hazards,Inspections,Task Analysis,Legislation,Manufacturers Information,Incident data,18,19,RISK ASSESSMENT,Step 2-Who may be harmed&how?,Employees,young workers,expectant mothers,visitors,public,disabled,night shift workers etc.,Other Factors to Consider,How likely to occur?,Consequences?,Number of people?,Effects of exposure?,Frequency/Duration?,Existing Controls?,20,21,15,20,RISK ASSESSMENT,RISK MATRIX,22,15,20,S,E,V,E,R,I,T,Y,LIKELIHOOD,RISK ASSESSMENT,Likelihood&Severity Exercise,23,15,20,S,E,V,E,R,I,T,Y,LIKELIHOOD,RISK ASSESSMENT,Likelihood&Severity Exercise,24,15,20,S,E,V,E,R,I,T,Y,LIKELIHOOD,RISK ASSESSMENT,Hierarchy of Risk Reduction Measures,-ERICPD,Elimination,Reduction,Isolate,Control,Personal Protective Equipment,Discipline,25,RISK ASSESSMENT,Principles of Control,Avoiding risks,Evaluating the risks that cannot be avoided,Combating the risks at source,Adapting the work to the individual,Adapting to technical progress,Replacing the dangerous by the less/non dangerous,Safe System of Work,Reduce time of exposure,Giving priority to collective protective measures,Providing appropriate training,information and supervision,26,27,Name and describe the sign,SAFETY SIGNS,Video Safety signs,28,29,PPE,must be;,Comfortable,Adjustable,Compatible,Affordable,PPE,must have;,Wearer Training,Accommodation,Maintenance,Defects reported,Inspection,Replacement programme.,PPE,must not be;,Worn if damaged,Abused,Incorrectly used,PPE,Provided by employer,No cost to worker,Worker complies with rules,PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT,PPE is a last resort,Does not change likelihood only outcome!,Many different types but must always be,SUITABLE,30,31,15,20,S,E,V,E,R,I,T,Y,LIKELIHOOD,RISK ASSESSMENT,Step 4-Record the Significant findings,The significant hazards,People affected,Adequacy of controls,Further actions,required,The risk assessment should be communicated and made available to those involved so that any requirements can be implemented,32,15,20,S,E,V,E,R,I,T,Y,LIKELIHOOD,RISK ASSESSMENT,Step 5-,Review Risk Assessment,Circumstance requiring RA Review,Accidents,Changes in Process,Changes in Work Methods,Changes in Materials,New Plant or Technology,New Information,Changes in Legislation,Prosecutions/Enforcement notices,Changes in Personnel,Monitoring Results not as expected,33,34,Remember sources of information from Ele