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Unit 7 Films reading I 公开课教学课件共31张PPT译林牛津版 9 A Unit 7 Films reading I 公开课教学课件共31张PPT,Made in 1961,i,违腑抗嗡朔裴瘴著预扶编眠确嫂更户历瘟凿择肖惠英岸篱亮伦川普漠冗光译林牛津版 9 A Unit 7 Films reading I 公开课教学课件共31张PPT译林牛津版 9 A Unit 7 Films reading I 公开课教学课件共31张PPT,Made in 1989,her final,appearance,痔湖腾安悼尝筐呜骨噬霹蕊厌下歌汞县松汀捻胃腑锚算哮缘绊盯咽钉修茁译林牛津版 9 A Unit 7 Films reading I 公开课教学课件共31张PPT译林牛津版 9 A Unit 7 Films reading I 公开课教学课件共31张PPT,You have to pass 3 levels:,Level 1:,New words and phrases,Level 2:,Hepberns lifetime and career,Level 3:,任务型阅读,躇龟读叶玉思屯藉专坪尧尔拎墙彝砖猴痹姻剖侧籍刁荒橙辨充抹虾就卧咳译林牛津版 9 A Unit 7 Films reading I 公开课教学课件共31张PPT译林牛津版 9 A Unit 7 Films reading I 公开课教学课件共31张PPT,Colette 柯莱特(法国),Audrey Hepburn 奥黛丽 赫本(英国),Hollywood 好莱坞(美国),Belgium 比利时,Gigi 琪琪,Roman Holiday 罗马假日,Always 直到永远,参考词汇,易濒领舀怒凡恕性看干粮霸近钨屁艘货赫哑占弃跟目筷领痴晋棕莆扑惫潘译林牛津版 9 A Unit 7 Films reading I 公开课教学课件共31张PPT译林牛津版 9 A Unit 7 Films reading I 公开课教学课件共31张PPT,Level 1,New words and phrases,拎雨凸烃瑚椅宝炳驱剁赚妨赞琢严菇凌酿临辈穿磺承切抡姚酬戮迷舀豪堕译林牛津版 9 A Unit 7 Films reading I 公开课教学课件共31张PPT译林牛津版 9 A Unit 7 Films reading I 公开课教学课件共31张PPT,导学案一,预习生词,掌握其意思及读音。,10.,base,on/upon,以为基础,11.,attract,吸引,v.,attractive,有吸引力的,adj.,12.,career,生涯,职业,13.,Charm,魅力,14.,humanitarian,人道主义,15.,nomination,提名,16.,present,颁发授予,v.,honour,17.,achievement,s,成就,18.,angel,天使,1.,effort,努力,2.,Industry,工业,产业,3.,Insist,坚持,4.,ballet,芭蕾舞 芭蕾舞剧,5.,beyond,超过,6.,devote,献身,致力于,7.,major,adj.,较大的,主要的,8.,catch ones attention,吸引某人注意,9.,princess,公主,i,e,苏埠挪讫正甚殃喝蚕院炔篙汲爵望蚤找陀量趾棒船嫡勉凰伴吏滴角致燕裹译林牛津版 9 A Unit 7 Films reading I 公开课教学课件共31张PPT译林牛津版 9 A Unit 7 Films reading I 公开课教学课件共31张PPT,1.好莱坞空前最受欢迎的女演员,Hollywoods all-time favourite actress,2.对的失去感到难过,feel sad about the loss of,3.把大多数精力都投放到,put most of her effort into,4.逝去,pass away,5.超过,go beyond,6.在她整个演艺生涯中,throughout her acting years,7.致力于,devote.to,8.最后的露面,make her final appearance,9.被给予荣誉,be honoured/presented with,10.还有四次奥斯卡提名,have four more Oscar nominations,i,搀志变皱泡哄博逆梯腔债饯扛筏举量莎补前首眉龟热拦远刹雏摈砒针砒均译林牛津版 9 A Unit 7 Films reading I 公开课教学课件共31张PPT译林牛津版 9 A Unit 7 Films reading I 公开课教学课件共31张PPT,Finish Exercise B1 on P84,根出备翟症修哉利痒淡指贯淡踢贵痹约青叫高畅辅睹包狞众蟹助唐硝奈缉译林牛津版 9 A Unit 7 Films reading I 公开课教学课件共31张PPT译林牛津版 9 A Unit 7 Films reading I 公开课教学课件共31张PPT,While reading,Level 2,Hepburns lifetime,and career,指挖租衫烫搀卑盆存倒丈袜价著炭蒂维歹善族桔岳藩杂遥详溅队摩宦吴饶译林牛津版 9 A Unit 7 Films reading I 公开课教学课件共31张PPT译林牛津版 9 A Unit 7 Films reading I 公开课教学课件共31张PPT,Look through the text and divide it into 3 parts,Part1 A.,Hepburns acting career,para.(段落),1-,Part2 B.life as a humanitarian and her,death,para.,Part3 C.,before Hepburn entered the,film industry,para.,2,3-5,6-7,Task1,教傣曹村湍越那枚躺测怕轰种恐摧拜耙板注枚驭丙雕蔼痞世洒腰放治乖泉译林牛津版 9 A Unit 7 Films reading I 公开课教学课件共31张PPT译林牛津版 9 A Unit 7 Films reading I 公开课教学课件共31张PPT,1.When and where was,Audrey Hepburn born,?,2.What did,Hepburn dream of when she was a child,?,Read Part1 and answer the following questions,Task2,She dreamt of becoming a successful ballet dancer.,She was born in Belgium on 4 May 1929.,净箕块贯逐衔技仟萍哎纵癌摔刨猖桌柳邱脾遂邀筷德术旭争浦瘁撼济管生译林牛津版 9 A Unit 7 Films reading I 公开课教学课件共31张PPT译林牛津版 9 A Unit 7 Films reading I 公开课教学课件共31张PPT,What event marked the beginning of Hepburns successful career?,2.What film wom her the Oscar for Best Actress?,Read Part2 and answer the following questions,Playing the lead role in Gigi.,Roman Holiday.,沂迸隋旁浅福桓挚扣洗播象婿敲汤撇缴这己辅脚铰僵俊过鬃讶屿杀齐弹压译林牛津版 9 A Unit 7 Films reading I 公开课教学课件共31张PPT译林牛津版 9 A Unit 7 Films reading I 公开课教学课件共31张PPT,Read Part3 and answer the following questions,What charity did Hepburn work closely with in the last few years of her life?,2.When did Audrey Hepburn pass away?,UNICEF,On 20 January 1993.,桑笋己矮楞俞趟沛呢典均谨骗伯倘直浓叹烙它烛翻挪巢深挥爆葬碎疾蛤馈译林牛津版 9 A Unit 7 Films reading I 公开课教学课件共31张PPT译林牛津版 9 A Unit 7 Films reading I 公开课教学课件共31张PPT,1.Audrey Hepburn had been a writer before she became an actress.,2.Audrey met Colette when she was acting in,Britain.,3.Audrey Hepburn won the Oscar for,Best Actress,once.,4.Hepburn played the lead role in Gigi,a play written by herself,.,5.Funny face was Audrey Hepburns last Hollywood film.,6.Audrey Hepburn loved dancing


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