外贸函电unit 5 offer1(精品)

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 5 offer,教学重点和难点,重点,:,1. offer, receipt,等单词和,subject to ,as follows,等短语在函电中的用法,;,2.,与发盘相关的专业术语,;,3.,实盘和虚盘的区别,;,4.,发盘的内容,即如何写有关发盘的函电,.,难点,:,1.,实盘和虚盘的表示方法,即如何表明你的发盘是实盘还是虚盘,?,2.,发盘中主要交易条款的表示方法,即如何写好发盘,?,Business negotiations,(,关于交易磋商的函电,),Classification(,交易磋商函电的分类,):,Offer,(,发盘,),Counter-offer,(,还盘,),Order,(,接受,),Enquiry,(,询盘,),发盘又称报盘,发价或报价,在法律上叫要约。一般是卖方向,特定的人,(Specific Person,),提出的,;,内容,十分确定,(Sufficiently Definite),的,即列明了主要交易条件,;,并表明只要受盘人在有效期内接受,发盘人即,受其约束,的交易条款和交易条件,.,Establishment of Business Relations,(,建立贸易关系的函电,),Yancheng,Jingwei,International Group Co. , Ltd.,(,盐城经纬国际集团有限公司,),To extend American market,(,进一步开拓美国市场,),Catalogue,(,商品目录,),and sample book,(,样本,),Victory Trade Corp., Ltd,.(,美国维多利亚贸易有限公司,),81000 printed shirting,(81000,号印花细布,),We are very pleased to,receive,your enquiry of 22nd May, which enquired about our 81000 printed shirting.,(,很高兴收到你方,5,月,22,日关于我方,81000,号印花细布的询盘,.),We acknowledge with thanks,receipt,of your,enquiry,dated,22nd May,.,(,感谢,你方,5,月,22,日的询盘,.),Receipt,n,.,(1),收到,We are in receipt of your letter of June.,(2),收据,收条,Cargo Receipt,货运收据,; Deposit Receipt,存款收据,; Freight Receipt,运费收据,; Mates Receipt,大副收据,; Parcel Post Receipt,邮包收据,Offer,(1),与,offer,搭配的动词和介词,make/send/give/fax an offer for/on/of,发盘,Eg.1.Please make us an offer on 20 metric tons groundnuts.,请给我们一个,20,公吨花生的发盘,.,2.We,re pleased to fax you an offer for the printed shirting.,很高兴向你方传真印花细布的发盘,.,其他与,offer,连用的动词,:,Accept offer,接受发盘,; Confirm offer,确认发盘,; Extend offer,延长发盘,; Renew /Reinstate offer,恢复发盘,; Decline offer,拒绝发盘,; Entertain offer,考虑发盘,; Withdraw offer,撤回发盘,; Combined offer,搭配发盘,; Lump offer,综合发盘,offer,(2),实盘,(,Firm Offer,),和虚盘,(,Non-Firm Offer,),的区别,:,与实盘相比,虚盘的内容不确定,有保留条件,不受约束,其表示方法主要有两种,A.Subject to,以,为条件,在,条件下,eg,. We make you a special offer, subject to our final confirmation.,兹报特别盘,以我方最后确认为准,.,Subject to your reply reaching here before,以你方答复在,前到达为准,Subject to your immediate acceptance,以你方立即接受为条件,Subject to our cable confirmation,以我方电报确认为准,B.Without engagement/ obligation,不受此盘约束,We take pleasure in making you,a special offer, subject to our final confirmation, as follow,s,: US,0.986,per yard CIF New York,(,很高兴向你方报特别发盘如下,:CIF,纽约价每码,0.986,美元,以我方最后确认为准,),1.Offer,的其他种类:,good/best offer (,优惠发盘,); special offer (,特别发盘,); favorable offer (,优惠盘,); package offer (,一揽子发盘,),As follows:,如下,=as what follows.,这是一个习惯用语,所以,Follows,后面的,s,不能丢,E.g. Its as follows:,如下,:,The telegrams reads as follows:,电文如下,:,The items as follows:,项目列举如下,:,We state as follows:,兹陈述如下,:,Our products is competitive,in,price and good in quality,.(,我们的产品,价廉物美,.),Though our price is lower than other suppliers, we,ve never lowed our production standards.,(,价格虽然比别人低,但产品的质量标准并没有降低,.),We offer you such low price totally because we hope it will be,a good start,of our long business relation,.(,我们之所以报这么低的价格,完全是由于我们希望这笔业务能够成为双方长期合作关系的良好开端,.),As it is the first,transaction,between us, we here make you a favorable offer.,(,因为这是我们的第一笔生意,所以特报优惠发盘,.),We suggest you place the order immediately because of its large demand,.(,鉴于此类货物需求很大,建议立即定货,.),You may,avail yourselves of the advantage,of this,strengthening market,because,of late,there has been,brisk demand,for textile, especially the value of our money has increased all along,.(,近来纺织品行市上涨,而且人民币持续升值,请抓住这个好机会,.),We suggest you place a trial order to have a try. We feel confident it would have,a ready market,.(,如果你们不放心,可以先试定,我们相信市场前景一定会看好的,.),Dear Sirs,We are very pleased to receive your enquiry of 22nd May, which enquired about our 81000 printed shirting.,We take pleasure in making you a special offer, subject to our final confirmation, as follows:,Article:81000 printed shirting,Specification: 36,36,Price: US0.986 per yard CIF New York.,Our product is competitive in price and good in quality. We offer you such low price totally because we hope it will be a good start of our long business relation. You may avail yourselves of the advantage of this strengthening market because of late there has been brisk demand for textile; especially the value of our money has increased all along.,I,m looking forward to your soon reply.,Yours Faithfully,Principal terms and conditions,Quality:,Name,Including brand,Specification, grade and standard,Quantity,Measuring Method,Length, weight, piece and so on,Measuring Unit,International system, metric system and so on,Package,Packing method,Packing material,Price,Unit price,Money, measuring unit, unit amount and trade terms (with commission),Eg,. Us& 500 per yard CIFC5% New York,Total price,Payment,Payment method and documents,Shipment,Method,If partial shipment is allowed,?,Time,Lesson 19 Offer,Take pleasure in doing,sth,.,Make you an offer,As follows,Per yard,Be competitive in price,Be good in quality,A good start,Avail yourself of the advantage of,The strengthening market,Of late,Brisk demand,In receipt of,Metric ton,Subject sugar,Comply with your request,Confirmed letter of credit,The first available boat sailing to sp.,Your attention is drawn to the fact that,Ready stock,Enable us to,effect,early shipment,Meet your approval,Exercises,Enclosed please find our quotation sheet and notice that the offer is,valid,during 2 weeks.,This best price is valid subject to your order reach us before 31 Jan. or it will,lose its validity,.,We also take pleasure in arranging to produce the items according to the specifications listed in your,goods list,.,I assure that you would be satisfied with our quotation.,Youd better place the order as soon as possible because,the market/ going/ prevailing/ present/ current price,is expected to rise in the future.,This is a favorable offer which,wont be repeated any longer,.,We hope the quotation will urge you to place an order.,We suggest you place an order at once because there is,popular demand,for this article.,Non-firm offer,If a specific price is agreed upon or guaranteed by the exporter, the precise period during which the offer remains valid should be specified.,Usually, the exporter will send the offer with some conditions, which make the offer a non-firm offer.,Lesson 20 Non-firm offer,We thank you for ,Telex enquiry,In reply,European Main Ports =EMP,Sight draft,Lately,Growing demand,for,sth,.,Growing/increasing/ popular demand,High/ great/ large/ heavy/ brisk demand,Low/ poor demand,Doubtlessly,Avail yourself of the strengthening market,Inquiry for,Relevant L/C,issued,by,Your first class bank,In our,favour,Upon signing Sales Contract,Meet your customers taste and need,Feel free to do,sth,.,Meet with our careful attention,Lesson 21 Confirming a Non-firm Offer,1. In reply to,2. Confirm our fax,dispatched,on,3. Offering without engagement,4. Woolen mixed blanket,5. 1bs=pounds,6.,Pcs,=piece,7. Draft after 60 days,8. Cordially,9. Take advantage of this attractive offer,10. Cause a sharp rise in price,11. A perfect combination of durability, warmth, softness and easy care,How to write a counter-offer?,Rarely is an exporter able to offer a product to all customer at the same price. Therefore price bargaining is common in exporting.,However, a few large importers are willing to provide a counter-offer, unless the product is unique or new and there is little or on competition.,If the importer has a buying agent in the exporters country, it would be better to contact the agent.,The letter of rejection should cover the following points:,Thank the seller for the offer;,Express regret at inability to accept;,Make a counter-offer, in the circumstance, it is appropriate;,Suggest other opportunities to do business together.,Lesson 22 Counter-offer,Appreciating the good quality of your shirts,Price is rather too high,On the high/ large/ big/ small side,偏高,/,大,/,小,Too much,on the high side,太,高,Point out,Make reduction in your price,Say,That is to say,Namely,Make a concession,Kindly note that,Cope with,The prevailing heavy competition,With regard to,The minimum quantity,Cable confirmation,At your earliest convenience,Exercises:,We acknowledge receipt of your letter of March 20, in which you told us that our price didnt,accord with,your market.,We thank you for your letter of April 26, in which you told us that our quotation was,in accordance with,your market and prepared to place an order for 500 units sewing machines soon.,In reply to your letter of June 10, we find that your quotation was,too much on the high side,and we couldnt accept it.,As you didnt agree to,lower/ decrease/ fall/ reduce,the price, we have to,place/ book our order elsewhere,.,As we can obtain goods of the same quality from Japan,at a much lower figure, we are very sorry that we would not consider your offer made three days ago.,How to reply a counter-offer?,The seller should states,briefly,but,clearly,that whether he can accept the counter-offer and gives the reasons why.,At last of the letter, he usually should politely make it clear that the,bargaining,is at an end. The buyer must now accept the offer or withdraw from the transaction.,Lesson 23 Reply to a Counter- offer,1.,Grant,your request,Grant = Agree to,Grant a favor,Grant sb. permission to do,sth,.,2.,Lower,the price,3. Raw material,4. Rise,sharply,5. Reduce price,by,15%,Decrease/ reduce/ go down/ lower/ drop/ decline price,降低价格,6. Considerably,7. On all,lines,= All types,We will place an order for those lines.,8. Order,for,US,3,000,9. Manage to,10. Counter-suggestion,11.,Regular,order,Regular customer/ visitor,固定顾客,/,常客,Regular doctor,固定医生,Lesson 24 Requesting a Bid from the Buyer,1. Make you firm offer,2. Walnut meat,3. the few parcels,4. Under offer elsewhere,5. Make us an acceptable bid,6. Of late=lately,7. Result in increased price,8. Avail yourself of,9. Strengthening market,= the market advance/ rises/ stiffens/ hardens/ soars,总 结,1.,要掌握的单词和短语,:,transaction, receipt, offer, as follows, trial order,2.,要掌握的专业术语,:,Accept offer;,Confirm offer;,Extend offer;,Renew offer;,Lump offer;,Good/best offer;,Favorable offer;,Special offer;,Package offer;,Catalogue;,Sample books;,Cargo receipt;,Deposit receipt;,Freight receipt;,Mate,s receipt;,Parcel post receipt,3.,实盘和虚盘的区别,特别是虚盘的的表示方法,4.,发盘的写作,注意写作的技巧,你能翻译下列短语吗,In receipt of,As requested,Under separate cover,By separate post,One catalogue,Two sample books,In due course,In making your selection,A concrete transaction,Take/ Have pleasure in/ of doing,sth,.,Making you a special offer,Subject to our final confirmation,As follows:,Confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight,Be acceptable,With keen interest,Trial order,Acknowledge with thanks,Mate,s Receipt,Accept/ Entertain offer,Extend offer,Decline offer,Withdraw offer,Renew /Reinstate offer,A good start,The first transaction,Long business relation,Subject to our final confirmation,Subject to your reply reaching here before,Subject to our cable confirmation,Without engagement/ obligation,A special offer,Package offer,Good/best/ favorable offer,As follows,Avail yourselves of the advantage,Strengthening market,Make you a favorable offer,Competitive in price,Good in quality,Cargo Receipt,Of late,Brisk demand,Place a trial order,Cause a sharp rise in price,The market/ going/ prevailing/ present/ current price,Not be repeated any longer,Popular demand,Rush us samples by airmail,Give this enquiry your prompt attention,Remain valid for negotiation,Woolen mixed blanket,Feel confident,Article number,Draft at sight,With keen interest,Take the liberty of doing,sth,.,Excellent/good/better/more value for money,Lose its validity,Growing demand for,sth,.,On the high side,Finalize an order,Benefit from the expanding market,Accord with your market,lower/ decrease/ fall/ reduce the price,Order elsewhere,Grant your request,Lower the price by 15%,Counter-suggestion,Regular order,Under offer elsewhere,Make us an acceptable bid,Point out,Limited supply,Please do some exercises on page 128-130.,Thank,you!,


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