SectionB (3)

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Im watching TV.,Section A 2,2d-,Grammar focus-3c,What are you doing now?,Im watching TV.,Hes reading a newspaper.,Whats he doing?,Shes talking on the phone.,Whats she doing?,Theyre washing the dishes.,What are they doing?,No.she isnt.Shes using the computer.,Is she exercising?,Yes,they are.,Are they watching TV?,Look!They _.,are running,现在进行时:,be(am/is/are)+v-ing,标志性词语:,now,look!listen!.,动词,-ing,的构成:,do-doing read-reading,use-using make-making,run-running swim-swimming,Read the conversation in 2d and match.,Laura,Jenny,eat out,go to the movies,want to,2d,Read 2d together,1.,This is Jenny.,我是詹妮。,这是打电话用语。,Language points,打电话介绍自己时用“,This is,”“,Its,询问对方用“,Is that,?,”或,“,Whos that(speaking),?,”。,例如:,Hello?,This is Bob,whos that,?,Hi,Bob.,Its Mike here.,1),交际用语,用于礼貌地接受他人邀请,还可以说成I,d like to,,但语气比较弱。,2),当委婉拒绝他人邀请时,多用,I,d,love to,but.或,Sorry,I,m afraid I,can,t because.,等。,如:,Would you like to come with us to the,show?,你愿意跟我们一起去看表演吗?,Thanks.,Id like to.,谢谢,我愿意。,I,d,love to,but,I have a lot of homework to do.,2,.,I,d love,to,.,我很乐意。,Read and Role-play the conversation,in 2d,.,Role-play,_ Do you want to go tomorrow then?,_ OK.See you tomorrow evening,!,_ Im reading a book.,_,Lets go at seven oclock.,_ No,this book is really interesting.,_ What are you doing?,_ Do you want to go to the movie,s,now?,_,Sure,what time?,Number the sentences in order,to make a,telephone conversation,.Then practice it with a partner.,3b,_ Do you want to go tomorrow then?,_ OK.See you tomorrow evening,!,_ Im reading a book.,_,Lets go at seven oclock.,_ No,this book is really interesting.,_ What are you doing?,_ Do you want to go to the movie,s,now?,_,Sure,what time?,1,3,2,5,4,6,8,7,Grammar focus,What,are,you,doing,?I,m watching,TV.,What,s,she,doing,?She,s washing,her,clothes.,What,are,they,doing,?They,re listening,to a CD.,Are,you,doing,your homework?Yes,I,am,./,No,I,m not,.I,m cleaning,my room.,Is,he,reading,a newspaper?Yes,he,is,./,No,he,isnt,.He,s playing,basketball.,Are,they,using,the computer?Yes,they,are,./,No,they,arent,.They,re exercising.,She,s,exercis,ing,(now).,She exercise,s,(on Mondays/every night/in the morning).,现在进行时与一般现在时态的区别,1.,现在进行时:表现在、表进行;,一般现在时:表经常、习惯性动作,2.,结构:,现在进行时:,be(am/is/are)+v-ing,一般现在时:动词原形或三单,3.,标志性词语:,现在进行时:,now,look,listen.,一般现在时:,every day,on weekends,on Mondays.usually,often.(,频率副词),如:,He,usually,rides,a bike to school.,He,is taking,a bus to school,now,.,3.Marys parents/drink tea/after dinner,_,4.Bill/talk on the phone/now,_,5.Susan and Bob/watch TV/on weekends,_,Write sentences following the examples.,1.Jenny/clean the house/now,Jenny is cleaning the house now.,2.Bob/make dinner/every Saturday,Bob makes dinner every Saturday.,3a,3.Marys parents/drink tea/after dinner,_,4.Bill/talk on the phone/now,_,5.Susan and Bob/watch TV/on weekends,_,Bill is talking on the phone now.,Marys parents usually drink tea after dinner.,Susan and Bob watch TV on weekends.,课堂作业,用所给词的适当形式填空,1.He _(get)up at six oclock every morning.,2.Its nine o;clock.My father _(work)in the office.,3._ you _(brush)your teeth every morning?,4.What _(do)he usually _(do)after school?,5.-What are you _(do)now?,-I _(eat)bread.,6.Look!The boy _(put)the rubbish into the bin.,7.-_ he _(clean)the classroom?,-No,he isnt.He _(play)basketball.,8.-Where is Mark?,-He _(run)in the playground.,读背,2d,和语法聚焦,预习,section B,


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