英语人教版八年级下册unit8 Section B1a-1

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Welcome to my class!,宁晋县第六中学 张志伟,Unit 8,Have you read Treasure Island yet?,Section B,1a-1d,1,.,掌握本课时的单词和短语。,2.,进行听力训练,培养用英语听、说、写的能力。,Learning,aims,流行音乐,pop,music,乡村音乐,country,music,摇滚乐,rock,古典音乐,classical,music,摇滚乐队,rock,band,Pre-listening,1a.Do you like music?,Who is your favorite singer or musician?Why?,Pre-listening,1a,Pair work:,A,:Do you have a favorite,singer/musician/band?B,:Yes,my favorite singer/musician/band is,_,.,A:Why do you like listening to,_,songs?,B:Because,_,.,认真练习,积极展示!,Alex,and,Dave,are talking about a band from a Western country.,_,The Toms must be popular.,_ The Toms play pop music.,_ The Toms music sounds more like rock.,_ Listening to The Toms is a good way to,wake up.,D,D,D,A,Listen to a conversation between Alex and Dave.Write A for Alex or D for Dave next to each opinion.,1b,While-listening,First-listening,Band name,Country,Number of,people in the band,Kind of music,1c,Listen again and take notes.,The Toms,the United States,Five,_,but sounds more,like_,Pop,rock,While-listening,Second-listening,Why Alex and Dave,like to,listen to,this band,Alex:Because its _,and,_.He feels _,when he listens to their music.,Dave:Because it,will _and _,for the rest of the day.,loud,full of energy,excited,wake him up,make him happy,While-listening,Second-listening,Dave:What are you listening to,Alex?The song sounds really good.,Alex:Hey,Dave!Im listening to a band called”The Toms”.Have you heard of them yet?,Dave:No,I havent.Are they a new band?,Alex:Yes,they only started singing earlier this year.But theyve already made two CDs.,Dave:Wow,they must be really popular.Where are they from?,While-listening,Third-listening,The Toms,must be,popular.,The book,must be,Toms because it has name on it.,must be意为:_.,-Whose coat is this?-It _be Jims.Only he likes blue.,A.must B.may C.might D.can,t,“,一定是”表,推测,A,While-listening,Third-listening,1d,Interview(,采访,)one of your friends what kind of music he/she listens to and why.How does the music make he/her feel?,Then have a report.,Post-listening,1d,What kind of music do you like?,Why do you listen to it?,How does it make you feel?,I,My Friend,I like/love _,because it is,_.Because,it sounds_.,I feel_,when I listen to it.,My friend.likes/loves_,rock music,loud and full of energy,exciting,excited,Music is the medicine,of the breaking heart,音乐是医治心痛的良药,流行音乐,乡村音乐,摇滚乐,古典音乐,摇滚乐队,Summary,一定是,pop,music,rock,country music,classical music,rock,band,must be,()1,.-Do you know the movie,Lost in Thailand,?,-Yes.I,_,it twice.Its funny.,A.saw B.see C.have seen D.will see,()2.-Lunch?-No,thanks.I_.,A.will eat B.am eating C.have eaten,()3.-Whose notebook is it?,-It_be Jims.It has his name on it.,A.cant B.must be C.can D.must,()4.-Listen,the music _sweet.,-Its Yesterday once more,my favourite.,A.sounds B.smells C.feels D.listens,C,中考真题演练,C,D,A,Homework,完成本课时导学测评,Thanks,Goodbye,


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