英语人教版八年级下册unit 3 section A-1

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Unit 3,Section A,Period 1(1a-2d),Make polite requests,礼貌提出请求,Ask for permission,请求允许,Objectives,What do you usually do at home?,do homework,watch TV,sleep,listen to music,read some books,Do you often help your parents do the dishes?,What do you often do to help your parents?,Look at these chores.,do the dishes,take out the rubbish,fold the clothes,sweep the floor,make the bed,clean the living room,1a,Do you do these chores at home?Discuss them with your partner.,1.do the dishes,2.take out the rubbish,3.fold your clothes,4.sweep the floor,5.make your bed,6.clean the living room,What other chores do you do?,mop the floor,babysit the,child,clean the,windows,wash the car,Memory Test,do the dishes,take out the rubbish,make the bed,fold the clothes,Listen.Who will do these chores?Check(),Peters,mother,or,Peter,.,Chores,Peters mother,Peter,do the dishes,sweep the floor,take out the rubbish,make the bed,fold the clothes,clean the living room,1b,Make conversations about the chores in 1a.,Pair work,A:,Could you please sweep the floor?,B:,Yes,sure.Can you do the dishes?,A:,Well,could you please do them?,Im going to clean the living room.,B:,No problem.,A:,Could you please,sweep the floor?,B:,Sure,./Sorry,I cant.,Lets talk!,Could you please?,do the dishes,sweep the floor,take out the rubbish,make the bed,fold the clothes,clean the living room,A:Could you please,take out the rubbish,?,B:Sure./Sorry,I cant.,Listen.Peter asks his father if he can do four things.What does his father say?Check(),yes,or,no,.,2a,Peter wants to,Peters father says,His fathers reasons,go out for dinner.,_yes _no,I have to do some work.,go to the movies.,_yes _no,You have to clean your room.,stay out late.,_yes _no,I need to eat breakfast.,get a ride.,_yes _no,You have a basketball game.,Listen again.Why does Peters father say“no”?Draw lines to the reasons in the chart in 2a.,2b,Peter wants to,Peters father says,His fathers reasons,go out for dinner.,_yes _no,I have to do some work.,go to the movies.,_yes _no,You have to clean your room.,stay out late.,_yes _no,I need to eat breakfast.,get a ride.,_yes _no,You have a basketball game.,2c,Pair work,Could you please?,do the dishes,sweep the floor,take out the rubbish,make your bed,fold your clothes,clean the living room,open the door,Yes,I can.,All right.,“Yes”,Sure.,No,problem.,Certainly.,No,I cant,I have to,“,No”,Sorry,I cant,I have to,-Could you please?,-Yes./Sorry,take out,the rubbish,turn on/off,the lights,clean,the blackboard,close/,open,the door/window,put,the bags,into,the desks,put,the brooms(,扫帚),behind,the door,Make our classroom clean and tidy.,A:,Could I sweep the floor after class?,B:,Yes,you can.,A:Could I use your computer?,B:Sorry.Im going to work on it now.,A:Well,could I watch TV?,B:Yes,you can,but first you have to clean your room.,2d,Role-play the conversation.,Read the conversation again and find out the sentences used to,make requests,and those used to,ask for permission,.,Make requests:,Could you please help out with a few things?,Could you take out the rubbish,fold the clothes,and do the dishes?,Ask for permission:,Could I at least finish watching this show?,After lunch,what would your parents like to say?,Think about what others would like to say to you and,try to make the conversations,.Please begin with:,Could you please?,Role play,Could you please do the dishes?,2.Could you please sweep the floor?,3.Could you please clean the table?,4.Could you please put the left food,into the fridge?,Who?,How often?,do the dishes,clean the floor,do the laundry,What chores do you do at home?How often do you do these things?,Interview,Hello!Im In my group,does the dishes and cleaning._,_.We think.is the most able one at home.,Report,rubbish,n.,take out the rubbish,fold,v.,sweep,v.,(swept/swept),floor,n.,mess,n.,垃圾;废弃物,倒垃圾,折叠;对折,扫;打扫,地板,杂乱;不整洁,New words,take out,拿出来,取出来,He,took,a dictionary,out,.,他拿出来一本字典。,take out of,把,从,拿出来,He,took,a dictionary,out of,his bag.,他从书包里拿出来一本字典。,1.Could you please,take out,the rubbish?,work on,从事,忙于,=work at,He is,working on,a new novel.,他正在写一部小说。,I have been,working at,my assignment all day.,我整天都在做作业。,2.Im going to,work on,it now.,拓 展:,work on sb./sth.,奏效,产生预期的结果,The pills,work on,cough well.,药对治疗咳嗽很有效果。,His charm doesnt,work on,me.,我不为他的魅力所动。,【2011,邵阳,】26.Could I borrow your computer,Bob?,Sorry,I am _ it.,A.taking out B.turning on C.working on,【,解析,】,考查动词词组的词义。,take out“,拿出”;,turn on“,打开”;,C.work on“,忙于;使用”。句意为:鲍勃,我能用一下你的电脑吗?对不起,我正在使用。故选,C,。,two hours of TV,虽为复数,但却表达一种整体的概念。当时间、长度、距离或其他可数名词表示一个完整的整体概念用作主语时,其后谓语动词应用单数形式。,Two months is,quite a long time.,两个月是挺长的一段时间。,Thirty students is,not a big number for a class.,30,人对一个班来说算不上是个大数目。,3.I think,two hours of TV,is enough for you.,Three years _ a short time.You have to study hard.A.is B.are C.be D.were,Ten minutes _ enough for me.A.is B.are C.am D.be,当表示时间、货币单位、长度距离等名词的复数形式作主语时,可将其看成一个整体,谓语动词用单数形式。,A,A,any minute now,随时,立


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