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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,交际英语大全(续),潘晓燕 讲解,1,十一、问路,(一)答话人认识路,1. - How do I get to the cinema?,- _,A:Its very far.,B:Yes, there is a cinema near here.,C:Its well known.,D:Go down this street and turn left.,答案:D,2,十一、问路,2. - Excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest post office?,- _ Oh yes! Two blocks away from here at the Green Avenue. You cant miss it.,A:I beg your pardon?,B:What do you mean?,C:Youre welcome.,D:Mm, let me see.,答案:D,3,(二)答话人不认识路,1. - Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the post office?,- _.,A:Dont ask that,B:Sorry, Im a stranger here,C:No, I cant say that,D:No, youre driving too fast,答案:B,4,2. - Madam, do all the buses go downtown?,- _.,A:Wow, you got the idea,B:No, never mind,C:Pretty well, I guess,D:Sorry, Im new here,答案:D,5,3. Stranger: Excuse me, sir, could you tell me the way to Peoples Square?,Passer-by: _,A. Dont bother me.,B. Sorry, Im a stranger here, too.,C. I dont understand you.,D. Why dont you take a taxi?,答案:B,6,十二、就医,1. - Doctor, I dont feel well.,- _,A:You are fine.,B:It doesnt matter.,C:Whats the matter?,D:Dont take it seriously.,答案:C,7,十二、就医,2. - Have you found anything wrong with my stomach?,- _. Ill let you know the result next week.,A. Not yet, Im still examining,B. Oh, no, theres nothing wrong,C. Yes, there is a serious problem,D. I dont know,答案:A,8,十三、寻找座位,1. - Is that seat taken?,- _,A:Please dont worry.,B:I dont think so.,C:Why not?,D:Its very nice.,答案:B,9,十三、寻找座位,2. - Is this table taken?,- No. _.,- Thanks a lot.,A. Go ahead, sit down,B. Its taken,C. You cant sit here,D. Sorry, I have a friend here,答案:A,10,-寻找座位,3. Ashley: Excuse me. Is this table taken?,Michael: _,A. Sorry, you should sit somewhere else.,B. Yes, you can sit here.,C. Yeah. Im saving these seats for friends.,D. Sure, its really cheap.,答案:C,11,十四、谈论职业,1. - What do you do?,- _,A:What do you do?,B:Fine, thank you.,C:Im a college student.,D:I do well in my studies.,答案:C,12,十四、谈论职业,2. - What does Peter do?,- _,A:Hes good at fixing things.,B:He can speak good German.,C:He does the washing-up after supper.,D:Hes a language teacher.,答案:D,13,-,谈论职业,3. - What does Toms wife do for a living?,- _.,A:She is a doctor.,B:Tom loves his wife.,C:She has a happy life.,D:She lives far from here.,答案:A,14,-,谈论职业,4. - _?,- He teaches physics in a school.,A:What does your father want to do,B:Who is your father,C:What is your father,D:Where is your father now,答案:C,15,十五、提建议,1.Im afraid Ive got a terrible flu.,_.,A. Never mind,B. Keep away from me,C. Better go and see a doctor,D. You need to be more careful,答案:C,16,十五、提建议,2. - Lets go to the library this afternoon.,- _.,A:Yes, thats right.,B:No. I cant.,C:What about you?,D:Thats a good idea.,答案:D,17,-,3. - How about going to dinner at the Mexican restaurant tonight?,- _,A:Forget it.,B:Sorry, I like Mexican food.,C:Thats great!,D:Glad you like it.,答案:C,18,-,4. Amanda: I know youre busy, but you have to put some time aside to play with your kids.,Matthew: _,A. I should. But I have too much work to do these days.,B. I think my children can play by themselves.,C. Thank you, but its none of your business.,D. Thanks for your concern, and I wont do that.,答案:A,19,十六、询问看法及发表看法,1. - Do you think this is a nice place?,- _,A:Thats all right.,B:Youre well.,C:No, its not here.,D:Yes, I think so.,答案:D,20,十六、询问看法及发表看法,2. -Do you think its going to rain over the weekend?,-_.,A. I dont believe,B. I dont believe it,C. I believe not so,D. I believe not,答案:D,21,-,询问看法及发表看法,3. - What do you think of this novel?,- _,A:Ive read it.,B:Its well-written.,C:It was written by my uncle.,D:I bought it yesterday.,答案:B,22,-,询问看法及发表看法,4. - What do you think of your new teacher?,- _,A:He came to teach us last week.,B:He teaches us English.,C:He has two children.,D:He is very nice.,答案:D,23,-,询问看法及发表看法,5. - John said he didnt like the film you went to last week. What did you think of it?,- _a total waste of time.,A. It was boring and unrealistic,B. It was pretty good,C. I like it very much,D. It was not bad,答案:A,24,-,询问看法及发表看法,6. - Do you like my new jacket?,- _. It goes beautifully with your hat.,A. Yes, but it doesnt suit you,B. Yes, and I like your hat,C. Yes, I like it very much,D. Im not sure,答案:C,25,-,询问看法及发表看法,7.W: How do you like my new dress, dear?,M: _. youve never been more beautiful.,A. When did you buy it?,B. You call it new?,C. It doesnt suit you at all!,D. It looks terrific on you!,答案:D,26,-,询问看法及发表看法,8.Tom: How did you like yesterdays play?,Ted: _,A. Generally speaking, it was quite good.,B. Thats all right.,C. It doesnt matter.,D. Sorry, I have nothing to say.,答案:A,27,十七、征求意见,1. Shall I tell John about it?,No, you _. Ive told him already.,A. neednt B. wouldnt,C. mustntD. shouldnt,答案:A,28,十七、征求意见,2.Must I be home before seven?,_.,A. No, you neednt B. No, you mustnt,C. Yes, you will D. No, you wont,答案:A,29,-,征求意见,3. - Must I take a taxi?,- No, you_. You can take a car.,A:had better to,B:dont,C:must not,D:dont have to,答案:D,30,-,征求意见,4. - Is there any way to convince John hes wrong?,- Well, _. I wouldnt be surprised if he didnt listen.,A. Im sure hes wrong,B. hes likely to be stubborn,C. there must be a way,D. Im not sure,答案:B,31,-征求意见,5. - Is it possible for you to work late tonight?,- _.,A:I like itB:Ill do that,C:Id love toD:I think so,答案:D,32,-征求意见,6. Jerry: But what happens if it rains? What are we going to do then?,Cherry: _,A. The plan must be canceled with bad weather.,B. Have a good time.,C. It will never happen.,D. Not at all. Go ahead.,答案:A,33,十八、同意或不同意对方的说法,(一)同意对方的说法,1. - I think he is a good lecturer.,- _,A:Sorry, it doesnt matter.,B:So do I.,C:Yes. Its a good idea.,D:I dont mind.,答案:B,34,-,同意对方的说法,2. - The lecture given by Sue was absolutely fascinating.,- _. I was totally attracted by her.,A. Yes, but I dont think so,B. Maybe youre right,C. I disagree with you,D. I couldnt agree with you more,答案:D,解析:“I couldnt agree with you more”或“I couldnt agree more with you”的直译是“对你的说法,我不能同意得更多了”,或“对你的说法,我同意得无以复加”,其意译就是“我完全同意你的说法”。,【比较】,I couldnt agree with you. 我不能同意你的说法。,I couldnt agree with you more. 我完全同意你的说法。,35,-同意对方的说法,3. - Miami Beach is beautiful, isnt it?,- _. I like the beach very much.,A. Yes, terrific,B. Yes, terrible,C. No, it isnt,D. No, I dont think so,答案:A,36,-同意对方的说法,4. - I really dont see why football players get such high salaries.,- _. After all, how much work do they do? A couple of hours a week at most!,A. So do IB. No, I cant see that,C. Neither do I D. Me too,答案:C,37,(二)不同意对方的说法,1.I believe weve met somewhere before.,No,.,A. it isnt the same B. it cant be right,C. I dont think so D. Id rather not,答案:C,38,十九、关切、安慰与同情,(一)关切,1. - Whats the matter with you?,- _,A:It doesnt matter.B:Not too bad.,C:I dont feel well. D:Thats all right.,答案:C,39,十九、关切、安慰与同情,2. - Whats the matter, dear?,- _,A:I didnt go to school.,B:I have a terrible headache.,C:I took the kids shopping today.,D:It is a beautiful dress.,答案:B,40,-关切,3. - Whats the problem with your bike?,- _,A:Not at all. B:Good, thank you.,C:Nothing serious.D:Sure,答案:C,41,-关切,4. Hows the young man?,_,A. Hes twenty. B. Hes a doctor.,C. Hes much better. D. Hes David.,答案:C,42,-关切,5. - David injured his leg playing football yesterday.,- Really? _?,A:Who did that,B:Whats wrong with him,C:How did that happen,D:Why was he so careless,答案:C,43,-关切,6. - Im afraid Susans question made you angry.,- _. If I had been angry, I would have refused to answer.,A. Do be afraidB. You are right,C. Dont worryD. Yes, it did,答案:C,44,(二)安慰,1. Oh dear! Ive just broken a window.,_ ! It cant be helped.,A. Great B. Never mind,C. Thats fine D. Not at all,答案:B,45,(二)安慰,2. - Its already ten. Were going to miss the train!,- _. It leaves in about an hour. Weve got plenty of time.,A. Hurry upB. Go on,C. RelaxD. Be quick,答案:C,46,-安慰,3. - Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again!,- _. This is not the end of the world.,A:Good luckB:Cheer up,C:Go aheadD:No problem,答案:B,47,(三)同情,1. My grandmothers taken ill and Ive got to go down to the hospital.,_.,A. Very sorry to hear it. I hope its nothing serious,B. Really?,C. Were going to the same place,D. Let me go with you,答案:A,48,二十、赞赏与应答,1. - Thats a beautiful dress you have on!,- _.,A:Oh, thanks. I got it yesterday,B:Sorry, its too cheap,C:You can have it,D:See you later,答案:A,49,二十、赞赏与应答,2. - What a beautiful dress you have on today!,- _,A:It is suitable for me.,B:No, it isnt.,C:You want to have one, too?,D:Thank you.,答案:D,50,-,赞赏与应答,3. Mary, your dress is really beautiful. How is John?,.,A. Thank you very much.,B. No, no, John is not bad.,C. Thank you. He is fine.,D. Dont say that. Its ugly. John is good.,答案:C,51,-,赞赏与应答,4. You speak very good English., _.,A. No, my English is poor,B. Dont say that,C. Thank you,D. Its a pleasure,答案C,52,-,赞赏与应答,5. - Wow! This is a marvelous room! Ive never known youre so artistic.,- _.,A:Great, I am very art-conscious,B:Dont mention it,C:Thanks for your compliments,D:Its fine,答案:C,53,-,赞赏与应答,6. Jane: Carol, you look very well.,Carol: Thank you, Jane. You look wonderful too. Your weekend tennis must have done you good.,Jane: _.,A. Thats very kind of you.,B. Are you kidding? Thank you anyway.,C. You think so? Thats encouraging.,D. I dont believe it. You are flattering me.,答案:C,54,二十一、感谢与应答,1. - Thank you ever so much for your lovely gift.,- _,A:Never mind.,B:Im glad you like it.,C:Please dont say so.,D:No, Its not so good.,答案:B,55,二十一、感谢与应答,2. - Thanks for your help.,- _.,A:My pleasureB:Never mind,C:Quite rightD:Dont thank me,答案:A,56,-,感谢与应答,3. - Thank you for inviting me.,- _,A:I really had a happy time.,B:Oh, its too late.,C:Thank you for coming.,D:Oh, so slowly?,答案:C,57,-,感谢与应答,4. - Thank you for your invitation.,- _,A:It doesnt matter.,B:Its a pleasure.,C:Its a small thing.,D:Ill appreciate it.,答案:B,58,-感谢与应答,5. These are certainly beautiful flowers. Thank you so much.,_.,A. No, no. Its nothing,B. You are welcome,C. Yes, I agree,D. Yes, I think so, too,答案:B,59,二十二、祝贺与祝愿,1. - Tomorrow is my birthday.,- _,A:Oh, I have no idea.,B:Im glad you like it.,C:Many happy returns of the day!,D:You must be very happy.,答案:C. 解析:“Many happy returns of the day”的意思是“祝你快乐长寿”。,60,二十二、祝贺与祝愿,2. - Congratulations! You won the first prize in todays speech contest.,- _.,A:Yes, I beat the others,B:No, no, I didnt do it well,C:Thank you,D:Its a pleasure,答案:C,61,-祝贺与祝愿,3. Jack: I heard you got a full mark in math exams. Congratulations!,Mike: _.,A. Thanks! Im sure you also did a good job.,B. Dont mention it, I am so-so.,C. Thats all right. The same to you.,D. Thats a small piece of cake for me.,答案:A,62,-祝贺与祝愿,4. A: What a surprise! You changed your hairstyle.,B: Yes, and another surprise. Im going to get married next Saturday.,A: _,A. Oh, sorry, I nearly forgot that.,B. Really? Congratulations!,C. How about another time? Ill be busy then.,D. Thats OK. Saturday is the most suitable day for any marriage.,答案:B,63,-,祝贺与祝愿,5. - I was worried about my math, but Mr. Brown gave me an A.,- _,A:Dont worry about it.,B:Congratulations! Thats a difficult course.,C:Mr. Brown is very good.,D:Good luck to you!,答案:B,64,-,祝贺与祝愿,6. Im going to America for a holiday next week.,_.,A. Goodbye,B. Wish you success,C. For sure,D. Thats great,答案:D,65,-,祝贺与祝愿,7. -You know, I have three kids now.,- _,A:Oh, Ive heard a lot about you.,B:Thats wonderful!,C:Youve really changed your hair style.,D:Well, I gave up drinking.,答案:B,66,-,祝贺与祝愿,8. M: Merry Christmas!,W: _,A. Oh, thanks to you!,B. Happy New Year!,C. The same to you!,D. I never celebrate it!,答案:C,67,-,祝贺与祝愿,9.M: _,W: If it werent for the climate, Id like it here very much.,A. I hope youre enjoying your stay here.,B. What is the weather like today?,C. Have you been familiar with Dallas now?,D. Are you feeling OK?,答案:A,68,二十三、请求帮助与提供帮助,1. - Can you help me?,- _,A:No, I dont know.,B:Sure. What is it?,C:Dont mention it.,D:Thats it.,答案:B,69,二十三、请求帮助与提供帮助,2. -My radio doesnt work. Can you fix it for me?,- _. A piece of cake.,A. Let me think,B. Sure thing,C. Im not sure,D. I dont think I can,答案:B,70,-,请求帮助与提供帮助,3. - Could you help me with my physics, please?,- _.,A:No, no way,B:No, I couldnt,C:No, I cant,D:Sorry I cant. I have to go to a meeting right now,答案:D,71,-,请求帮助与提供帮助,4. Kate: I wonder if you could give me a hand.,Jack: _.,A. Sorry, I have no extra hand,B. Sure, Id like to,C. No, I cant do this,D. Yes, but I have to leave now,答案:B,72,-,请求帮助与提供帮助,5. - Would you mind helping me for a minute, Barbara?,- _. What do you want me to do?,A. Yes, I do,B. No, I mind,C. Sorry, I have no time,D. Id be glad to,答案:D,73,-,请求帮助与提供帮助,6. - This box is too heavy for me to carry upstairs.,- _.,A:You may ask for help,B:Ill give you a hand,C:Please do me a favor,D:Id come to help,答案:B,74,-,请求帮助与提供帮助,7. Can I borrow your camera for a week?,_.,A. Sure, here you are,B. Yes, you can borrow,C. Yes, bring it with you,D. It doesnt matter,答案:A,75,-,请求帮助与提供帮助,8. - Could I borrow your car for a few days?,- _.,A:Yes, you may borrow,B:Yes, go on,C:Sure, here you are. Enjoy your journey,D:It doesnt matter,答案:C,76,-,请求帮助与提供帮助,9. - I wonder if I could use your computer tonight.,- _ Im not using it right now.,A:Sure, go ahead.,B:I dont know.,C:It doesnt matter.,D:Who cares?,答案:A,77,-,请求帮助与提供帮助,10. - May I use your bike for a moment?,- _.,A:Its well,B:It doesnt matter,C:By all means,D:I have no idea,答案:C,78,-,请求帮助与提供帮助,11. Student A: May I use your computer this afternoon?,Student B: Im sorry, but I have to finish typing this term paper today.,Student A: _.,A. Do as you please,B. It doesnt matter,C. Thank you just the same,D. Never mind,答案:C,79,-,请求帮助与提供帮助,12. Excuse me. I dont want to interrupt you but,_,A. Can I help you?,B. Certainly, how dare you?,C. Its quite all right.,D. Yes, you did.,答案:C,80,-,请求帮助与提供帮助,13. Sorry to interrupt, but can you give me another copy of the handout?,_.,A. No, of course not,B. Certainly,C. Im sorry to hear that,D. By no means, but its impossible,答案:B,81,-,请求帮助与提供帮助,14. - If you like I can mail this letter for you.,- _.,A:Thats very kind of you,B:You are so kind,C:Please give me a hand,D:You are great,答案:A,82,-,请求帮助与提供帮助,15. Can I help you with your luggage?,_.,A. Thank you. I can manage it myself,B. No way. I can do it myself,C. No, I dont need your help,D. You do your things, please,答案:A,83,二十四、请求允许与应答,1. Would you mind changing seats with me?,_.,A. Yes, you can B. Of course, I like to,C. No, I dont mind D. Certainly, please do,答案:C,84,二十四、请求允许与应答,2. Its cold in here. Do you mind if I close the door?,_.,A. With pleasure B. Yes, please,C. Of course not D. Thank you,答案:C,85,-,请求允许与应答,3. - Its rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the window?,- _.,A:Yes, please,B:No, go ahead,C:Sure, please,D:I dont like it,答案:B,86,-,请求允许与应答,4. Do you mind if I play some music?, _. Ive finished writing my assignment.,A. Not at all. Go ahead.,B. Of course I would.,C. Why not?,D. Id rather you didnt.,答案:A,87,-,请求允许与应答,5. Do you mind if I take a couple of hours off this afternoon?,_.,A. Never mind,B. OK, but what for?,C. Yes, please help yourself,D. Yes, but I dont care,答案:B,88,-,请求允许与应答,6. - Do you mind my smoking here?,- _.,A:No, thanks,B:Yes, I do是的,我介意。,C:Yes. Id rather not,D:Good idea,答案:B,89,-,请求允许与应答,7. Can I have a look at your passport?,_.,A. It is here B. Here is it,C. Here you are D. No, you cant,答案:C,90,-,请求允许与应答,8. - May I see your tickets, please?,- _.,A:No, they are mineB:No, you cant,C:SureD:Yes, you can,答案:C,91,-,请求允许与应答,9.Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now?,_.,A. Sorry, you cant,B. No, you cant,C. Sorry, he is busy at the moment,D. I dont know,答案:C,92,-,请求允许与应答,10. Mr. Chairman, could I raise a point about the plan?,_.,A. Yes, Dr Chosuk,B. I think so, either,C. Yes, I hope not,D. No, I have no idea,答案:A,93,二十五、委婉要求,1. Can you turn down the radio, please,_,A. Oh, I know.,B. Im sorry. I didnt realize it was that loud.,C. Please forgive me.,D. Ill keep it down next time.,答案:B,94,二十五、委婉要求,2. - Could you be so kind as to turn down that rock n roll? Im preparing for tomorrows exam.,- _,A:Its none of your business.,B:What are you doing?,C:Sure. Sorry to disturb you.,D:No, I dont think so.,答案:C,95,二十六、询问数量,1. - How many students do you teach?,- _,A:Quite a bit.,B:More boys than girls.,C:About 50.,D:Three mornings.,答案:C,96,二十六、询问数量,2. - How many languages does Peter speak?,- _,A:Many languages.,B:Pretty well.,C:Four languages.,D:With his roommates.,答案:C,97,-,询问数量,3. - How tall is your sister?,- _,A:She is not very well.,B:She is 28 years old.,C:She is very nice.,D:She is as tall as I am.,答案:D,98,-,询问数量,4. - _?,- Well, they got there last Wednesday. So about a week.,A:When did your parents arrive at Paris,B:How long have your parents been in Paris,C:Did your parents arrive at Paris last Wednesday,D:When will your parents go to Paris,答案:B,99,二十七、询问时间、频率,1. - When are you going on holiday?,- _,A:Last night.,B:Next week.,C:By plane.,D:With my brother.,答案:B,100,二十七、询问时间、频率,2.Christopher: When will you be through with your work, John?,John: _,A. It will never happen to me.,B. You go first without waiting for me.,C. Who cares?,D. Not known yet.,答案:D,101,-,询问时间、频率,3. - How often do you go dancing?,- _.,A:I will go dancing tomorrow,B:Yesterday,C:Every other day,D:Ive been dancing for a year,答案:C,102,-,询问时间、频率,4. Johnson: How often do you eat fast food?,Tom: _.,A. Every day.,B. In the morning.,C. At 1:30 p.m.,D. I like it very much.,答案:A,103,-,询问时间、频率,5. - Are you going on holiday for a long time?,- _,A:It was a long time.,B:Two weeks ago.,C:No. Only a couple of days.,D:Not long time ago.,答案:C,104,-,询问时间、频率,6. What day is today?, _.,A. Today is March 25th,B. Today is Saturday,C. Today is fine,D. Today is cold,答案:B,105,-,询问时间、频率,7. - What day is it today?,- _,A:Its March 6.B:Its a fine day today.,C:Its March.D:Its Monday.,答案:D,1


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