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Click to edit the title text format,Click to edit the outline text format,Second Outline Level,Third Outline Level,Fourth Outline Level,Fifth Outline Level,Sixth Outline Level,Seventh Outline Level,Eighth Outline Level,Ninth Outline Level,*,AIM Global Ambition,伦敦交易所另类投资市场世界的目标,A Global market place,一个属于全世界的市场,Richard TSAU,曹平,China July 20082008,年,7,月 中国,Who am I?,我是谁?,What is my experience?,我有哪些经历?,Why am I here?,为什么我会在这里?,Who Am I?,我是谁?,Richard TSAU A China Based Partner of GAP,曹平,绿色大西洋合作伙伴组成成员之一,Age 40,40,岁,8 Years Global Business Experience,具有,8,年从事全球性商业贸易的经历,Founder and head of Senswins Solicitors,盛世文辉律师事务所的创始人和负责人,Most senior Chinese member of Green Atlantic Partners,绿色大西洋合作伙伴高层中国成员,Leads all Chinese projects from outset,负责所有的中国项目,Sources and develops Green Atlantic China projects,负责引进和发展绿色大西洋合作伙伴的中国项目,The sole Chinese member on the CML management team,中国钼业有限公司管理层中唯一的中国人,Assisted in listing one of the first Chinese businesses on AIM,several more under preparation,也是第一项中的第一个中国人,致力于伦敦交易所另类投资市场,同时也在着手准备其它项目,What is my experience?,我有哪些经历?,Lawyer by profession,以专业律师的身份曾工作于,With Chinese firms,众多中国公司,With International firms,及国际公司,Pinsent Masons,品诚梅森律师事务所,Cameron Mckenna,金马伦麦坚拿律师事务所,Now CEO of China Molybdenum Limited,现在是中国钼业有限公司的执行总裁,Why Am I Here?,为什么我会在这里呢?,To Tell You how to sell Chinese projects to the London Market,为了介绍如何将中国的项目卖给伦敦市场,To tell you how to raise international funds to develop your company,in China,为了介绍如何将国际资金引入中国,To share the experiences and lessons in such processes by a case study of CML,以中国钼业有限公司为案例分享其中的经验,吸取其中教训,Case Study CML(1),案例分析,-,中国钼业有限公司(,1,),The project includes 6 mining licenses and 1 exploration license,这个项目包含,6,个采矿权证和,1,个探矿权证,The value totals up to RMB 300 million,总价值为,3,亿,There are 20 Chinese vendors excluding subsidiary shareholders,除了小股东外,至少有,20,位中方卖家,The project began 22 months ago,此项工作于,22,个月前开始,A large obstacle has been the revised Catalogue,政府法规修订的带来一定阻碍,Another issue has been the global economic slow down,另一个影响是全球经济衰退,Case Study-CML(2),案例分析,-,中国钼业有限公司(,2,),We have resolved the problems posed by the revised Catalogue,我们已经解决了法规修订带来的困难,We are emerging from the economic slow down,我们正在摆脱经济衰退带来的影响,Our IPO is imminent,我们的股票即将上市,Our subsidiaries are operating profitably for the investors,the government and employees,现在,我们的子公司正在正常运转并开始为投资者,政府以及员工创造效益,We are developing the local economy,introducing new environmental standards and employee health&safety,我们正在发展当地经济,引进环保,以及员工健康,&,安全的新标准,What Do You Need To Succeed?,具备哪些因素才能成功呢?,A thorough understanding of the local culture and the difference between the Chinese culture and western culture and the real business world,要透彻地了解当地文化,了解中国文化和西方文化的差异,以及了解实际的经营,Your ability to take pressure,具备承受压力的能力,Your being optimistic,保持乐观心态,Your total commitment to the team,对团队的忠诚,Your ambition,理想,Your flexibility,灵活性,Your ability to fight against your supervisors for your correct ideas,为坚持自己的正确观点有勇于对抗上级的勇气,Your spirit of being easily encouraged and always ready to encourage,具有容易被鼓励和随时准备鼓励别人品质,Due Diligence,尽职调查,Any IPO project requires complete transparency in accounting and business practices,任何上市的项目要求必须有完全透明的财务和企业信息,You must be prepared to cooperate with independent accounting and other professional firms,必须准备与独立的审计公司和其它专业公司进行合作,A willingness to demonstrate compliancy will result in a quick and successful IPO,积极的配合将有助于公司顺利上市,Green Atlantic Partners,绿色大西洋合作伙伴,Green Atlantic Partners,绿色大西洋合作伙伴,Thank You,谢谢,演讲完毕,谢谢观看!,


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