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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,8A Unit 1,Friends,Revision,Huanan,Experimental School,by Gong,Yanghui,Brain storm,How do you describe a person?,appearance,a/an _ face,_ eyes,_ hair,a/an _ boy,a/an _ girl,personality,a/an_ boy/girl,hobbies,He/she is _, he/she likes _.,Do you have a/an_ friend?,话题简述(,Boys PK Girls,),要点一:,在学校我最好的朋友是汤姆;他长得,眼睛,脸,;喜爱,,擅长,;,汤姆为人,,愿意,;总是,;,要点二:,在学校我最好的朋友是米莉;她长得,眼睛,脸,;喜爱,,擅长,;,米莉为人,,愿意,;总是,;,My best friend,活动,n. _,广告,n. _,社会的,adj._,观念,n. _,解决,v. _,紧张不安的,adj. _,秘密,n. _,相信,v. _,竞争,n. _,杂志,n. _,重点词汇,s,ec,r,e,t,magazin,e,ne,r,vous,soc,ia,l,b,e,li,e,v,e,sen,s,e,advertis,e,ment,compe,ti,tion,acti,vi,ty,s,ol,ve,PK,重点词汇,(1),伤心的,adj. _(,比较级,) _(,最高级,),adv._ n._,(2),苗条的,adj._ _(,比较级,) _(,最高级,),(3),忠实的,adj._ adv._ n._,(4),高的,adj._ n._,(5),正确的,adj._ ,oppo,._ adv._,oppo,._ ,改正,v._,(6),微笑,v./n,. _adj._,(7),瘦的,adj. _(,比较级,) _(,最高级,),oppo,._ _(,比较级,) _(,最高级,),薄的,adj. _,oppo,._,(8),诚实的,adj._ ,oppo,._,sad,d,er,sad,sad,d,est,sad,ly,sad,ness,s,li,m,sli,mm,er,sli,mm,est,tru,e,truly,truth,high,h,e,igh,t,correct,fat,correctly,incorrectly,correct,sm,ile,sm,ili,ng,thin,thi,nn,er,thi,nn,est,incorrect,fa,tt,er,fa,tt,est,thin,thick,honest,dis,honest,根据提示写出单词,1.I b_ that he will be a good,teacher.,2.We dont know how old she is. Her age,is a s_ to us.,3.We all like her bright, s_ eyes.,4.You can read these _(,杂志,)in,the reading-room.,5.There are many _(,广告,)in,the newspapers nowadays.,elieve,ecret,miling,magazines,advertisements,单词检测,根据所给词的适当形式填空,1.The boy is only 1.55,metres,in_ (high).,2. _, I failed in the,maths,exam at,last. (sad).,3.I think this is a _(true) beautiful,picture.,4.I feel really _ when I,sit on that hard sofa. (comfortable),5.His parents are funny and_.,(cheer).,height,Sadly,truly,uncomfortable,cheerful,单词检测,1.If you answer all the questions_,(correct), you will get a gift from the host.,(,2013,泰州),2.He is a _(honest) boy, so we,seldom believe what he says.,(,2012,镇江),3.Though she answered the teachers questions,_(incorrect), the teacher,didnt blame her.,(,2011,泰州),4.You look s_(,苗条的,)and more,fashionable in so charming a dress.,(2013,连云港),5.( )Ifyoudontwork_enough,Idont,think yourdreamwillcome_.,(,2011,苏州),A.hardly;truly B.hardly;true,C.hard;true D.hard;truly,中考链接,correctly,dishonest,incorrectly,limmer,C,(,抢答,),PK,1.,请问,我能喝点什么东西吗?,Can I have_, please?,2.,我们老师善于讲有趣的笑话。,Our teacher is good at_.,3.,我认为说老师的坏话是错误的。,I think it wrong to_,_teachers.,4.,老师们随时乐意帮助我们。,Our teachers _ help,us any time.,5.,由于玩电脑游戏,他的视力很差。,He _ because of playing,computer games.,完成句子,something to drink,telling funny joke,s,say a bad word/bad words,about,has poor eyesight,are willing / ready to,6.,她脸上总是带着微笑,看上去很开心。,She always _ her face,and looks happy.,7.,作为一名社会工作者,我喜欢倾听人们的问题。,As a social worker, I like,_.,8.,他孤自一人时总会想起家人和朋友。,He always _ their families and,friends when he is alone.,9.,我想要一个能保守秘密的朋友。,I want to have a friend who can_.,10.,他总是把我的文具盒从课桌上碰翻。,He always _ my stationery _ the desk.,wear,s,a smile on,listening to people,s,problem,s,think,s,of,keep secret,s,knock,s,off,完成句子,1.adj.,健康的,2.v.,容纳,3.v.,合身,保健有必要。,Its necessary to _.,他的双腿太长,课桌下面放不下。,His legs are very long and they _ the desk .,This pair of shoes _me very well.,The coat _ me well last year.,比较,:,sth,.,es,sth,. very well,他的领带很配他的外套。,=His tie _ _ _his coat.,拓展,:,The film is not fit for the children.,Jack is fit for the job.,fit,keep/stay fit,do not fit under,fits,go,es,well with,Language points,sth,.,fits,sb,.,very well,match,fitted,(fit-fi,tt,ed-fi,tt,ed),adj.,适合的,胜任的,(be fit for=be suitable for),(fit-fi,tt,er-fi,tt,est),His tie match,es,his coat very well.,Language points,famous,adj.,著名的,syn.,oppo,.,比较级,最高级,2.,因,出名,作为,出名,爱迪生因他的发明而出名。,Edison is famous for his inventions.,爱迪生作为发明家而出名。,Edison is,famous as,an,inventor,.,well-known, known,more famous,(the) most famous,be famous for,be famous as,unknown,language points,bored adj.,感到无聊,boring adj.,令人乏味的,类似词,interest,ed,;interest,ing,;, amaze,d,;amaz,ing,;, surprise,d,;surpris,ing,;, excite,d,;excit,ing,;, relax,ed,relax,ing;, frighten,ed,;frighten,ing;,please,d,pleas,ant,bored/ boring,Key points,1. adv.,离开,;,脱离,;,有,远,(=away);,切断,学校一英里远。,The school is _ _ _.,在屋里请脱帽。,_ _ your hat in the house.,请关灯。,_ the light _, please.,2. prep.,离开,;,脱离,从自行车上摔下来,_ _ the bike,3. adv.,下班,;,休班,休两周假,have _ _ _,4. Phrases with,off,knock off,把,撞离,;,take off,脱,(,衣,); (,飞机,),起飞,;,turn off,关掉,;,get off,下车,;,put off,推迟,;,show off,炫耀,;,haveoff,休,假,;,see,sb,off,为某人送行,;,fall off,从,摔下来,off,one mile off,Take off,Turn off,fall off,two days off,1.Mr. Li is an _(interested, interesting) man, we all like his lessons.,2.when the boy rushed across the finishing line, his mother cheered with an _ (excited, exciting) look on her face.,3.The little girl cried when she saw the_ (frightening, frightened) tiger.,4. The _(frightening, frightened),zebras are running in all directions.,interesting,excited,frightening,活学活用,frightened,1.Excellent teachers are usually_(,感兴趣,) in their students.,【2011,苏州,】,2.( ) Fishing with Dad was so_ for little,Sam that he almost fell asleep,.【2013,无锡,】,A. excited B. exciting C. bored D. boring,3.( ) My family and I had,a(an,)_ trip,in Taiwan because of the typhoon and,rainstorm.,【 2013,连云港,】,A. suitable B. unpleasant,C. comfortable D. impatient,链接中考,D,interested,B,单项选择,( )1. Have you got_ to tell us?,A. important something B. something important,C. important anything D. anything important,( )2. Is Simon at school now?,No. he is at home _ his illness.,A. because B. because of C. for D. when,( )3.Dont worry. Let me give you a piece of _.,A. advise B. advice C. advised D. advising,( )4.Our English teacher always _ a smile on her,face.,A. wears B. has C. makes D. shows,( )5.Hangzhou is famous _ producing silk in,China.,A. from B. as C. in D. for,D,B,B,A,D,( )6. Im sure Cindy will be able to find the hotelshe,has a pretty good _ of direction.,A. idea B. feeling C. experience D. sense,( )7.Im sorry for _ all your stationery on your desk.,A. knocking down B. knocking off,C. knocking on D. knocking over,( )8.The,film”Kung,Fu Panda” is _ interesting _ I,would like to see it again.,A. such, that B. too, to C. as, as D. so, that,( )9.lets vote_ Betty, because she often helps,people _ need.,A. to, in B. to, to C for, in D against, in,( )10.Miss lee became our English teacher two years,ago.,Yes, she _ our English teacher for two years.,A. became B. is C. has been D. has become,D,B,D,C,C,Thank you!,


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