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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,一句多译,实战演练,100,例,By Gail,1.,他宁愿工作,也不愿在家休息。,He would rather work than have a rest at home.,He prefers to work rather than have a rest at home.,He prefers working to having a rest at home.,2.,虽然他累了,但他继续工作。,Though / Although he was tired, he went on working.,Tired as / though he was, he went on working.,He was tired, but he went on working.,3.,他决不是傻子。,He is anything but a fool.,He is not a fool at all.,He is far from being a fool.,He is by no means a fool.,4.,这个城市是那个城市的三倍那么大。,This city is there times as large as that one.,This city is three times the size of that one.,This city is twice larger than that one.,5.,那个男孩为祖国献出了自己的生命。,The boy devoted his life to his country.,The boy died for his country.,The boy gave / lost his life for his country.,6.,天下雨了,我们出不去。,The rain prevented us,(,from,),going out.,The rain stopped us,(,from,),going out.,The rain kept us from going out.,7.,他只有服从命令别无选择。,He could do nothing but obey the order.,He had no choice but to obey the order.,There was nothing left for him to do but obey,the order.,All he had to do was obey the order.,8.,这个问题值得讨论,.,This problem is worth discussing.,This problem is worthy of discussion.,This problem is worthy of being discussed.,This problem is worthy to be discussed.,It is worthwhile discussing,/to discuss,this problem.,9.,卓别林被认为是最滑稽的演员之一。,Chaplin is considered to be one of the funniest actors.,Chaplin is regarded as one of the funniest actors.,Chaplin is known as one of the funniest actors.,Chaplin is looked on as one of the funniest actors.,10.,我打开窗户好吗?,Do you mind if I open the window ?,Would you mind if I opened the window ?,Would you mind my / me opening the window ?,11.,我喜欢古典音乐。,I enjoy classical music.,I like classical music.,I love classical music.,I am interested in classical music.,I am into classical music.,12.,一班在篮球比赛中赢了二班。,Class One beat Class Two in the basketball match.,Class One defeated Class Two in the basketball match.,Class One won against Class Two in the basketball match.,13.,在过去,女运动员不允许参加奥运会。,Women were not allowed to join in the,Olympic Games in the past.,Women were not allowed to take part in the Olympic Games in the past.,14.,他昨晚没有去参加宴会。,He didnt attend the party last night.,He didnt go to the party last night.,He wasnt present at the party last night.,15.,这个地方值得参观。,The place is worth visiting.,The place is worthy of being visited.,The place is worthy of a visit.,The place is worthy to be visited.,16.,我们班大部分学生都是近视眼。,Most students in our class are near-sighted.,The majority of the students in our class are short-sighted.,17.,你能把这个句子译成英语吗?,Can you translate this sentence into English?,Can you put this sentence into English?,Can you turn this sentence into English?,18.,当地政府必须采取措施阻止动物灭绝。,The local government must take measures to stop animals dying out.,The local government must take steps to stop animals dying out.,The local government must take action to stop animals dying out.,19.,我们班共有六十位学生。,There are 60 students in all in our class.,There are 60 students in total in our class.,There are 60 students altogether in our class.,20.,所有的老师都对他的教法做出了高度的评价。,All of the teachers speak highly of his teaching methods.,All of the teachers think well of his teaching methods.,All the teachers sing high praise for his teaching methods.,21.,我们都知道地球是圆的。,As we all know, the earth is round.,As is known to all, the earth is round.,It is known to all that the earth is round.,What is known to all is that the earth is round.,22.,据说他出国了。,It is said that he has gone abroad.,He is said to have gone abroad.,23.,我说的话使他生气。,What I said made him angry.,What I said caused him to be angry.,24.,我住在一个房子里,这个房子的窗户面向南。,I live in a house, whose window faces the south.,I live in a house, the window of which faces the south.,I live in a house; its window faces the south.,I live in a house, and its window faces the south.,I live in a house. Its window faces the south.,25.,我当医生的梦想终于实现了,。,My dream of becoming a doctor has come true.,I have realized my dream of becoming a doctor.,My dream of becoming a doctor has come into being.,26.,他不仅是我们的老师,而且还是我们的朋友。,He is more than our teacher. He is also our friend.,He is not only our teacher, but also our friend.,27.,树上长着许多苹果。,There are a great many apples on the tree.,There are plenty of apples on the tree.,There are a lot of apples on the tree.,There are a large number of apples on the tree.,28.,几年前汶川发生了一场可怕的地震。,A terrible earthquake hit Tangshan several years ago.,A terrible earthquake struck Tangshan several years ago.,A terrible earthquake happened in Tangshan several years ago.,29.,我们将千方百计地帮助他。,Well do all /everything,(,that,),we can to help him.,Well do what we can to help him.,We will try/do our best to help him.,30.,一所新的学校在一座教堂的遗址上建了起来。,A new school has been built where there was a church.,A new school has been built in the place where there was a church.,31.,他吃得多,睡得好,很容易发胖。,He puts on weight easily because of much food and sleep.,He gains weight easily because he eats much and sleeps a lot.,32.,我愿意步行去那里,不喜欢坐公共汽车去。,I prefer to go there on foot rather than take a bus.,I would rather go there on foot than take a bus.,33.,我突然想到了一个好主意。,I came across a good idea.,A good idea struck me.,A good idea was formed in my mind.,A good idea flashed into my mind.,34.,他父亲离开祖国已经,50,年了。,His father has been away from his homeland for fifty years.,His father left his homeland fifty years ago.,It is fifty years since his father left his homeland.,It has been fifty years since his father left his homeland.,Fifty years has passed since his father left his homeland.,35,他来晚了使我很生气。,His coming late made me very angry.,That he came late made me very angry.,He came late, which made me very angry.,I was very angry at his coming late.,36,我刚走进房间电话铃就响了。,As soon as I entered the room, my telephone rang.,No sooner had I entered the room than my telephone rang.,Hardly/Scarcely had I entered the room when my telephone rang.,The moment/minute/instant I entered the room, my telephone rang.,Immediately/Directly I entered the room, my telephone rang.,On entering the room, I heard my telephone rang.,37,大家都知道,台湾是中国的一部分。,As is known to all, Taiwan is a part of China.,It is known to us all that Taiwan is a part of China.,We all know that Taiwan is a part of China.,Everybody knows that Taiwan is a part of China.,What is known to all is that Taiwan is a part of China.,38,使我吃惊的是这次他得了满分。,What surprised me was that he got full marks this time.,It made me surprised that he got full marks this time.,It was surprising that he got full marks this time.,He got full marks this time, which made me surprised.,I was surprised that he got full marks this time.,To my surprise, he got full marks this time.,39,他是他们班个子最高的学生。,He is the tallest student in his class.,He is taller than any other student in his class.,He is taller than anyone else in his class.,40,会议结果很成功。,The meeting turned out (to be) successful.,The meeting turned out (to be) a success.,It turned out that the meeting was a success.,41,这家具花了我,500,美元。,I paid,500 for the furniture.,I bought the furniture for,500.,I spent,500 on the furniture.,I spent,500 in buying the furniture.,The furniture cost me,500.,It cost me,500 to buy the furniture.,42.,我宁愿呆在家里也不愿去电影院。,I would rather stay at home than go to the cinema.,I prefer staying at home to going to the cinema.,I prefer to stay at home rather than go to the cinema.,43.,这个房间是那个房间的三倍大。,This room is three times as large as that one.,This room is three times the size of that one.,This room is twice larger than that one.,That room is one third the size of this one.,44.,到我们做眼保健操的时间了。,Its time for eye exercises.,Its time for us to do eye exercises.,Its time that we should do eye exercises.,Its time that we did eye exercises.,45.,医生警告我不要吸烟。,The doctor warned me not to smoke.,The doctor warned me against smoking.,The doctor warned me that I shouldnt smoke.,46,他有可能成功。,Probably/Perhaps/Maybe he will succeed.,He is likely to succeed.,It is likely/possible for him to succeed.,It is likely/possible/probable that he will succeed.,He may possibly succeed.,47.,他太小而不能参军。,He is too young to join the army.,He is so young as not to join the army.,He is so young that he cant join the army.,He is such a young boy that he cant join the army.,He is so young a boy that he cant join the army.,He is not old enough to join the army.,48.,这个地方值得参观。,The place is worth visiting.,The place is worthy of being visited.,The place is worthy to be visited.,The place is worthy of a visit.,49.,他动身去上海希望找到一份好工作。,He set off for Shanghai in the hope of finding a good,job there.,He started off for Shanghai in the hope that he could,find a good job there.,He started out for Shanghai hoping to find a good job,there.,He started for Shanghai hoping that he could find a,good job there.,50.,你介意我把门打开吗?,Do you mind if I open the door?,Would you mind if I opened the door?,Do/Would you mind my opening the door?,51.,虽然他是个孩子,但他知道的很多。,Although/Though he is a child, he knows a lot.,Child as/though he is, he knows a lot.,He is a child, but he knows a lot.,He is a child. However, he knows a lot.,52.,我原打算去看你,但我儿子病了。,I had planned to see you, but my son was ill.,I planned to have seen you, but my son was ill.,I would like to have seen you, but my son was ill.,53.,我建议我们举行一个英语晚会。,I suggest that we (should) hold an English evening party.,I suggest our holding an English evening party.,My suggestion is that we (should) hold an English evening party.,54.,这台彩电值多少钱?,How much is the color TV set?,How much is the color TV set worth?,Whats the price of the color TV set?,What does the color TV set cost?,How much does the color TV set cost?,55.,我发现他正坐在教室的后面。,I found him sitting at the back of our classroom.,I found him seated at the back of our classroom.,I found him seating himself at the back of our classroom.,I found that he was sitting at the back of our classroom.,56,在他五岁的时候,他第一次登台演出。,He first acted when he was five (years old).,He first acted at the age of five.,He first acted at five.,57.,这条河长三百公里,。,The river is 300 kilometers long.,The river is 300 kilometers in length.,This is a 300-kilometre-long river.,This is a river 300 kilometers long.,58.,汤姆不但会说法语,而且会说汉语。,Tom can speak Chinese as well as French.,Tom can speak French; he can speak Chinese, as well/too.,Tom can speak not only French but also Chinese.,Tom can speak both French and Chinese.,59.,穿着红色羊毛衫的那个女孩是我们班长。,The girl (who is) dressed in a red sweater is our monitor.,The girl dressing herself in a red sweater is our monitor.,The girl (who is) wearing a red sweater is our monitor.,The girl in a red sweater is our monitor.,The girl who has on a red sweater is our monitor.,60.,我母亲喜爱音乐。我父亲也是。,My mother likes music. My father likes music, too/as well.,My mother likes music. So does my father.,Both my mother and my father are fond of music.,My mother, as well as my father, is fond of music.,61.,我不会开车。我弟弟也不会。,I cant drive a car. My brother cant, either.,I cant drive a car. Neither/Nor can my brother.,62.,我发现跟他相处很容易,。,I found it was easy to get along with him.,I found it easy to get along with him.,I found him easy to get along with.,63.,我直到十点钟才上床睡觉。,I didnt go to bed until ten oclock.,It was not until ten oclock that I went to bed.,Not until ten oclock did I go to bed.,64.,由于没有公共汽车,我们只好步行回家。,There was no bus, so we had to walk home.,As there was no bus, we had to walk home.,There being no bus, we had to walk home.,Because of no bus, we had to walk home.,65.,这个会议很重要。,The meeting is very important.,The meeting is of great importance.,66.,这本辞典不如那本有用。,This dictionary isnt as/so useful as that one.,This dictionary is less useful than that one.,67.,这项工作花了我们两个星期。,It took us two weeks to finish the work.,The work took us two weeks to finish.,We took two weeks to finish the work.,We spent two weeks (in) finishing the work.,68.,我胃痛。,I have a pain in the stomach.,I have a stomachache.,My stomach aches.,69.,他和我一样不富有,。,He is as poor as I.,He is no richer than I.,Neither he nor I am rich.,He is not rich; I am not, either.,He is not rich, neither/nor am I.,70.,我的录音机坏了。,My tape recorder is out of order.,My tape-recorder doesnt/wont work.,There is something wrong with my tape recorder.,Something is wrong with my tape recorder.,Something has gone wrong with my tape recorder.,My tape recorder has broken down.,71.,他们马上动身去寻找那失踪的孩子。,They set off to look for that missing boy at once.,They set out to search for that missing boy immediately.,They started out in search of/for that missing boy right now.,72.,你应该为你那些无礼的话向她道歉。,You should apologize to her for your rude words.,You should make an apology to her for your rude words.,You should say sorry to her for your rude words.,73.,这事对我不重要。,It doesnt matter to me.,It is not important to me.,It is of no importance to me.,It makes no difference to me.,74,林肯被认为是美国伟大的总统之一。,Lincoln is considered (to be) one of the greatest president of America.,Lincoln is considered/ regarded as one of the greatest president of America.,Lincoln is thought to be one of the greatest president of America.,75.,我收到你的来信有三天了。,I received your letter three days ago.,Your letter reached me three days ago.,It is three days since I received your letter.,It was three days ago that I received your letter.,76.,她要当飞行员的梦想已经变成了现实。,Her dream of becoming a pilot has been turned,into a reality.,Her dream of becoming a pilot has come true.,Her dream of becoming a pilot has been realized,.,77.,不是所有的男子都吸烟。,Not all men smoke.,All men dont smoke.,Some men smoke; some men dont smoke.,78.,他尽力地来帮我。,He did/tried his best to help me.,He did what he could to help me.,He did all/everything (that) he could to help me.,He did as much as he could to help me.,He did as much as possible to help me.,79.,我不怀疑他是诚实的。,I dont doubt that he is honest.,I have no doubt that he is honest.,There is no doubt for me that he is honest.,Im sure (that) he is honest.,I believe (that) he is honest.,80.,他毫不费劲就把这道题解出来了。,He had no difficulty/trouble (in) working out the problem.,He didnt have any difficulty/trouble (in) working out the problem.,He worked out the problem without any difficulty.,He worked out the problem with ease.,81.,听到这个消息,她放声大哭。,Hearing the news, she burst into tears.,When she heard the news, she burst out crying.,She burst out crying at the news.,82.,你能告诉我去邮局的路吗?,Can you tell/show me the way to the post office?,Can you tell me how to get to the post office?,Will you please show me how I can get to the post office?,Can you tell me where the post office is?,83.,在强光下读书会对你的眼睛造成伤害。,Reading in the strong light will be harmful to your eyes.,Reading in the strong light will do harm to your eyes.,It will harm your eyes reading in the strong light.,84.,什么导致了火灾对警察来说是个谜。,What caused the fire is a puzzle to the police.,What caused the fire puzzled the police.,What puzzled the police was what caused the fire.,The police are in a puzzle about the cause of the fire.,The police are puzzled about what caused the fire.,It is a puzzle to the police what caused the fire.,85.,他证明自己是个诚实的人。,He proved himself (to be) an honest man.,He proved himself (to be) honest.,He proved that he was an honest man.,He proved that he was honest.,86.,对我们来说困难的是如何减少噪音。,The difficulty for us is how we can reduce the noise.,The difficulty for us is how to reduce the noise.,The difficulty for us is what we can do to reduce the noise.,87.,我祝你成功。,I wish you to succeed.,I wish you successful.,I wish you success.,I wish you would be successful.,I wish you would succeed.,May you succeed!,88.,他不再是他过去的样子了。,He is no longer the person that he used to be.,He is no longer what he used to be.,He is no longer the same person as he used to be.,89.,据说他正在国外学习。,It is said that he is studying abroad.,People say that he is studying abroad.,He is said to be studying abroad.,90.,他似乎已经得知了这个坏消息。,It seems/appears that he has heard of the bad news.,He seems/appears to have heard of the bad news.,91.,前几天,我碰巧在大街上遇到他。,I happened to meet with him in the street the other day.,It happened that I met with him in the street the other day.,I met with him in the street by chance a few days ago.,I ran across him in the street a few days ago.,92.,学生对老师应该有礼貌。,Students should be polite to their teachers.,Students should respect their teachers.,Students should have/show respect for their teachers.,93.,艰苦的工作使他获得了成功,。,His hard work led to his success.,His hard work resulted in his success.,His success resulted from his hard work.,He worked very hard; That was why he succeeded.,The reason for his success was that he worked very hard.,The reason why he succeeded was that he worked very hard.,It was because of his hard work that he succeeded.,He succeeded as a result of his hard work.,94,、,他上星期生病了”,:,(1) He got ill last week.,(2) He was ill last week.,(3) He fell ill last week.,(4) He became ill last week.,(5) He was in bad health last week.,95,、他写那篇文章花了三个星期”:,(1) It took him three weeks to write the article.,(2) He took three weeks to write the article.,(3) The article took him three weeks.,(4) To write the article took him three weeks.,(5) It took three weeks for him to write the article.,(6) Writing the article took him three weeks.,96,、,“他做完练习后,便出去了”:,(1) After he had finished the exercises, he went out.,(2) After he finished the exercises, he went out.,(3) Having finished the exercises, he went out.,(4) Finishing the exercises, he went out.,(5) After finishing the exercises, he went out.,(6) The exercises being finished, he went out.,(7) The exercises finished, he went out.,(8) The exercises having been done, he went out.,98.,他会说英语也会说汉语,.,He can speak not only English but also Japanese.,He can speak English as well as Japanese.,He can speak English and Japanese as well.,Besides English he can speak Japanese.,He can speak Japanese, let alone English.,He can speak Japanese, not to mention English.,99.,又如:这问题不容易回答,The question isnt easy enough for him to answer.,The question isnt so easy for him to answer.,The question is too difficult for him to answer.,The question is so difficult that he cant answer it.,It is such a difficult question that he cant answer it.,It is so difficult a question that he cant answer it.,It is too difficult a question that he cant answer it.,


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