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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Review,Brain storming,译林下册,1-4,学过的单词可以分为,哪几类?,Think!,英语,语文,数学,音乐,美术,科学,体育,E,ngl,i,sh,C,h,i,nese,M,a,ths,M,us,i,c,A,rt,Science,PE,subject,/,i,/,/,ai,/,/,/,/,i,/,/,ai,/,星期,M,o,nday,T,uesd,ay,W,e,dnesday,T,h,ur,sday,F,r,i,day,S,a,t,ur,day,S,u,nday,星期一,星期二,星期三,星期四,星期五,星期六,星期日,on,/,/,/,/,/,ai,/,/,ei,/,/,:,/,/,e,/,/,/,星期,S,u,nday,M,o,nday,T,uesd,ay,W,e,dnesday,T,h,ur,sday,F,r,i,day,S,a,t,ur,day,星期一,星期二,星期三,星期四,星期五,星期六,星期日,on,/,/,/,/,/,ai,/,/,ei,/,/,:,/,/,e,/,/,/,in,the m,or,ning 在上午,in,the,a,ft,er,noon 在下午,in,the evening 在晚上,at,n,i,ght 在夜里,时间短语,/,:,/,/,a:,/,/,ai,/,watch TV,do my homework,get up,have lunch,go to bed,play football,go to school,have dinner,go home,动词短语,词性分类,船,花,树,山丘,湖,河,江,boat,n.,flower,n.,tree,n.,hill,n.,lake,n.,river,n.,easy,adj,difficult,adj,try,v.,draw,v.,drawing,容易的,困难的,试,画,画画,我们来闯关,我们的新课程表,去操场,今天早上,打乒乓球,一场足球比赛,our new,timetable,go to the,playground,this,morning,play table tennis,a football,match,10,15,5,20,10,一,英汉互译,放学后,做家庭作业,在公园,在7点看电视,在晚上,after school,do my homework,in,the park,watch TV at seven,in,the,evening,10,20,5,5,10,一节游泳课,在周六,真遗憾,在下午,吃晚饭,a swimming lesson,on,S,aturday,What a pity,in,the afternoon,have dinner,10,20,5,5,10,on,Sunday,good idea,have two lessons,at night,at,four fifty,go to bed at nine thirty,在周日,好主意,有两节课,在夜里,在4:40,在9点半上床,15,0,5,5,10,1. 很高兴见到你。,2. 欢迎回到学校。,3. 该上语文课了。,4. 你呢,杨玲?,5. 你喜欢什么科目?,What subject,s,do you like?,Nice to see you.,Welcome back to school.,Its time for,Chinese.,What about you, Yang Ling?,二,小小翻译家,1, over, can, see, what, there, you(?),_,2, have,what, you, lessons, do ,this ,morning (?),_,3, dont on any we Sunday have lessons ( . ),_,4, go school when you do to ( ? ),_,5, crayon, this, is, your ( ? ),_,_,_,W,hat can you see over there,?,W,hat lessons do you have this morning,?,W,e dont have any lessons on Sunday,.,W,hen do you go to school?,I,s this your crayon,?,三,连词成句,知识竞答,7,40,:,seven forty,6,20,six twenty,4,35,four thirty-five,8,15,eight fifteen,( ) 1.Is this a hill?,A. Yes, I do. B.No, it is. C. Yes, it is.,( )2. Can Mr Green play basketball?_.,A. Yes, I can. B. No, he cant. C. Yes, he do.,( )3._ you like this boat? Yes, I do.,A. Do B. Would C. Can,C,B,A,( )4.Art and Science _ fun.,A,is B, am C ,are D, not,( )5.A: How much is the Art book?,B:_,A Its five. B Theyre four yuan.,C. Its four yuan. D. They are four,( )6. A: Do you have _ PE lessons this week(,星期)?,B: Yes, I do.,A. any B, some C, a D ,an,C,C,A,()7._atimetableforyou.,A.HereB.HeresC.HereareD.Itis,()8.-Whendoyougetupeveryday?,.,A.ItsMondayB.AtsixC.Itssix,()9.Let _ goandplaytabletennis.,A.isB.thisC.us,B,B,C,()10.-?-Its9:20.,A.Whatsthis,B.Whattimeisit,C.Whatsthat,()11.-Aretheyflowers?-,A.Yes,theyare.,B.Yes,itis.,C.No,itisnt.,()12.Iusuallydo_homeworkatfivetwenty.,A.myB.theC.me,B,A,A,1.这个学期你们有多少门学科,有7门。,_ _ _ do you have,this term(学期)? We have _.,2.现在是上体育课的时候,让我们到操场去。,Its time _ _.,Lets go to the _.,3.你喜欢什么课?我喜欢英语,它是有趣的。,What _ do you like?,I like _. Its _.,How,many,subjects,seven,for,PE,subjects,English,fun,playground,小小翻译家,4,.刘涛想要去打乒乓球。,Liu Tao would like to _ _ _.,5,.迈克星期三有一场足球比赛。,Mike _ a _ _ _ Wednesday.,6.,苏海和苏阳有一节游泳课。,Su Hai and Su Yang _ a _ _.,7.,他们星期六没有课。,They _ have _lessons _ Saturday.,8.,她没有一节英语课。,She _ have an English lesson.,play,table,tennis,football,has,have,swimming,lesson,on,match,dont,any,on,doesnt,9,. 这是一条河,那是一条湖。,This is a _ and _ is a _.,10,. 你会干什么? 我会画画。,What _ you _? I can _ _.,11,. 你能看见公园里有什么?我能看见一棵树和一些花。,What can you _ in the_?,I can see a _and _ _.,12,.河面上的那个是什么?是一条船。,Whats _ on the _? Its a _.,13,.它很难,但是我可以试试。,Its_, but I can_.,river,that,lake,can,do,draw,pictures,see,park,tree,some,flowers,that,lake,boat,difficult,try,口语微表达,Task 1,PE,Music,Science,English,1,2,3,4,Q:,What subjects do you like ?,Do you like ?,Task 2,get up 起床,go to,school,上学,have,lunch,吃午饭,play football 踢足球,go,home,回家,have,dinner,吃晚饭,watch,TV 看电视,do my,homework,写作业,go to bed 上床睡觉,in,the morning,in,the afternoon,in,the evening,at,night,根据提示描述自己的一天,Task 3,Q:,What can you see,?,Can you see ?,谢谢,观赏,WPS,Office,Make Presentation much more fun,WPS官方微博,kingsoftwps,


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