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,Unit One,Past and present,Comic strip&Welcome to the unit,in the,past,(过去),at,present,(现在),Our living areas,have changed,a lot.What about Hobo and Eddie?,1.What is Hobo looking for?,He is looking for his food.,2.Where is Hobos food?,Eddie ate it.,Listen and answer:,1.Why did Eddie eat Hobos food?,2.Is Hobo happy?,3.What does Hobo think of Eddie?,4.Why does Hobe think so?,Read,and answer:,Because he was very hungry.,No,he isnt.,He thinks Eddie is not kind now./He thinks Eddie has changed.,Because Eddie was kind before.,1.Eddie,have,you,seen,my food?,Eddie,你看见我的食物了吗?(你知道我的食物在哪儿吗?),base form,原形,simple past,过去式,past participle,过去分词,see,saw,seen,have/has+,过去分词,此结构为,“现在完成时,(present perfect tense)”,表示过去的动作一直延续到现在,或与现在有一定联系,Some key points(,要点,):,base form,原形,simple past,过去式,past participle,过去分词,eat,ate,eaten,2.I,ve,just,eaten,it.,(,Ive=I have),我刚刚把它吃了。,现在完成时,:,have eaten,base form,原形,simple past,过去式,past participle,过去分词,change,changed,changed,3.You,ve,changed,Eddie.(Youve=You have),你(已经)变了。,现在完成时,:,have changed,base form,原形,simple past,过去式,past participle,过去分词,see,saw,seen,eat,ate,eaten,change,changed,changed,use,used,used,Have a try,!,(,想一想,试一试,),现在完成时,:,have/has used,base form,原形,see,have/has seen,eat,have/has eaten,change,have/has changed,use,have/has used,Have a try,!,(,想一想,试一试,),present perfect tense,现在完成时,1.Eddie,have,you,seen,my food?,2.I,ve,just,eaten,it.,(,Ive=I have),3.You,ve,changed,Eddie.(Youve=You have),base form,原形,simple past,过去式,past participle,过去分词,use,used,used,我已经使用这支钢笔长达两年了。,I,this pen for two years,.,have used,Have a try,!,(,想一想,试一试,),Hobos food _ in the _ an hour ago.But it isnt there now.Why?Eddie has just _ it because he was _.Eddie,thinks Hobo has _ and he is not _ now.,was,bowl,eaten,hungry,changed,kind,Fill in the blanks:,Daniel,Daniel is preparing his history project.,He found some changes of the,transport(,交通工具,),in Beijing.,Hobo and Eddie,have changed,.There are some changes in Beijing too.,coach,It is a comfortable bus for carrying people over a long way.,transport,It is the fastest way of traveling to a place far away,but it will cost you a lot of money.,plane,Thousands of people go to work on it every day.It is fast and it is under the ground.,underground,It runs above the ground on tracks over a long way.,train,It travels along a fixed route and has many stops,to let people get on and off.,bus,It is a car with a driver,and you have to pay the driver to take you somewhere.,taxi,Transport at different times,_,_,_,_,_,_,coach,bus,taxi,underground,train,plane,Millie and her dad are talking about transport at different times.,Listen and answer the following questions:,1.How did her dad go th school when he was a student?,2.Why did he take a bus?,3.What about Millie?,He used to go to school by bike.,Because there were always too many people on the bus,and it took a long time to wait for the next one.,She goes to school by bus.,Work in pairs and take turns to talk about it.Use the conversation below as a model.,A:How did you go to school when you were a student,Mum/Dad/grandma.,B:I used to go to school.,A:Why didnt you.?,B:.,A:.,Language points,1.,Have,you,seen,my food?,解析:此句时态是现在完成时疑问形式。现在完成时由,“,主语+,have/has+动词过去分词形式”,构成。它的要义在于表达过去已经发生的事情对现在造成的某种影响,或者,强调过去发生的事情一直持续到现在的状态。,它的否定形式为:,havent/hasnt+动词过去分词,它的疑问形式:把,have或者 has,提到相应主语的前面。,For example:,A:,H,ave,y,ou,studied,English for ten years,?,B:Yes,I,have,.And you?,A:No,I,havent,.,B:Then how many years,have you learnt,English?,A:I have learnt it for eight years.,2.Ive,just,eaten it.,我刚才把它吃了。,just adv.意为“刚才”,常与完成时连用,。,他们刚刚到达。,They have just arrived.,注意:just now 意为“刚才”,相当于“a moment ago”通常与一般过去时连用。,我刚才去了图书馆。,I went to the library just now.,3.You,used to,share food with me!,你过去常与我分享食物!,used to do sth.,意为“,过去经常做某事,以前常常做某事,”,表示过去的习惯。本身已是过去时态,没有人称和数的变化,暗含现在已不再如此。,他的父母过去住在乡下。,His parents used to live in the countryside.,Tom 过去常常早起,不是吗?,Tom used to get up early,didnt he?,be used to doing sth.,习惯于做某事,我父亲习惯晚饭后读报。,My father is used to reading newspapers after dinner.,share v.共用;分享,分享某物,share sth,和某人分享某物,share sth with sb,4.,past,n.意为“过去”。,她正在回忆她的过去。,She is thinking of,her past.,past,adj.意为“过去的”,in the past 过去,in the past few years 在过去的几年中,5.present,n.现在,目前,at,present,n.礼物,Tanslation,1.我刚刚完成我的作业。,2.过去这里有一所老房子。,3.现在我们不再需要什么了。,4.我喜欢和朋友分享我的快乐。,5.我过去常常帮助李明学英语。,I have just finished my homework.,There was an old house in the past.,We dont need anything at present.,I like to share my happiness with my friends.,I used to help Li Ming with his English.,


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