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What will the Hubble tell us?,1.When and by whom was the Hub,1.When and by whom was the Hubble telescope launched?,The Hubble telescope was launched by NASA on April 20, 1990.,2.What was the trouble with the Hubble from the start?,The pictures it sent us were very disappointing because its main mirror was faulty!,1.When and by whom was the Hub,3. How is NASA going to repair the telescope?,NASA will soon be sending up four astronauts to repair it. The shuttle Endeavour will be taking the astronauts to the Hubble. A robot-arm from the Endeavour will grab the telescope and hold it while the astronauts make the necessary repairs.,3. How is NASA going to repair,4. What will the Hubble tell us?,The Hubble will tell us a great deal about the age and size of the universe.,How much did it cost?,4. What will the Hubble tell u,The Hubble telescope was launched into space by NASA on April 20, 1990 at a cost of over a billion dollars.,The Hubble,telescope,NASA,The Hubble telescope was launc,telescope,a piece of equipment shaped like a tube, used for making distant objects look larger and closer.,through a telescope,Details on the moons surface can only be seen,through a telescope,.,n.,望远镜,telescopea piece of equipment,The Hubble,a very powerful,telescope,which is attached to a satellite in space, going around the Earth, and can see much further into space than telescopes on Earth,The Hubblea very powerful tele,launch,l:nt v.,发射,launch,a satellite,发射卫星。,开办,创办,创办一个新企业,launch,a new enterprise,launch on,开始;着手,launch into/ out,开始从事;投身于,My parents,launched,me into business.,launch l:nt v.,哈勃望远镜被发射到太空,The Hubble telescope was launched into space,by NASA on April 20, 1990 at a cost of over a billion dollars.,哈勃望远镜被发射到太空The Hubble telescop,Who launched the Hubble telescope into space?,It was launched into space by,NASA,Who launched the Hubble telesc,space,speis n.,太空,spaceman spaceship,空地,空处,这儿有空位停车吗?,Is there any,space,for the car,?,同义词,room n.,空间(不可数);房间(可数),你能为我腾一点空间吗,?,Could you make room for me?,这只有一个人的空间了,.,There is only space/room for one more person.,时间,一段时间,for a space,暂时,短时间,in space,片刻,一会儿,n.,宇航员,宇宙飞船,space speis n. 时间,一段时间n. 宇,at a cost of,造价为,at all costs,无论如何,不惜任何代价,她不惜任何代价都要送他的女儿去美国,读书。,She sent her daughter to America to,study at all costs.,cost,at a cost of 造价为cost,pay/spend/cost/take,1) pay,构成,:,sb pay +(money)+for sth,pay for sth,付,钱、,pay for sb,替某人付钱,我昨天为这辆新自行车支付了,200,元,.,I paid 200 yuan for the new bike yesterday.,2) spend,构成,:,sb spend +money +on sth,sb spend +time +,(,in,),doing sth,pay/spend/cost/take1) pay,3) cost,(主语是物或,it,),构成,:,sth + cost +,(,sb,),+ money,The book cost me 20 yuan.,4) take,构成,:,it takes sb +time + to do,doing sth takes sb +time,It took me 5 hours to finish my,homework.,3) cost (主语是物或it),practise,I _ 3 hours doing the maths problem,A new computer_ a lot of money.,Repairing this new car _ the whole afternoon.,It _ me 4 years to finish the book.,I have to _ them 20 yuan for this skirt.,practiseI _ 3 hours do,cost/price/value,作名词时:,cost,成本,price,具体的价格,单价,value,价值,作动词时:,cost,花费,price,定价,问价,value,估价,评价,valueless,worthless,没有用处的,,不重要的,priceless,贵重的 ,无价的,cost/price/value作名词时:valueless,他牺牲了生命,把女儿从大火中救出来。,He saved his daughter from the fire but,at the cost of,his own life.,生活费用继续上涨。,The cost of living continues to rise.,他牺牲了生命,把女儿从大火中救出来。,billion,biljn,十亿,several,billion,几十亿,hundred/ thousand/ million / billion/ trillion,hundreds of,成百上千,thousands of,.,成千上万,miljn,百万,triljn,万亿,billion biljn十亿 miljn,哈勃望远镜,于,1990,年,4,月,20,日,由,国家航空航天局,发射升空,耗资,10,多亿,美元,.,The Hubble telescope,was launched into space,by,NASA,on April 20, 1990,at a cost of,over a billion,dollars.,哈勃望远镜于1990年4月20日由国家航空航天局发射升空,1),right,from the start,从最开始(,right,起强调作用),我从最开始就不想在这上班。,I didnt want to work here (right) from the start.,2) trouble with,关于,有麻烦,Whats the trouble with you?,你有什么麻烦,? (,医生常这样问,),There is (engine) trouble with my car.,我的汽车(发动机)有问题。,陷入麻烦 摆脱困境,get into trouble get out of trouble,His father told him to,stay out of trouble,.,他父亲叫他避开是非之地。,Right,from the start there was,trouble,with the Hubble.,1) right from the start Ri,The pictures it sent us were very disappointing because its,main mirror was faulty!,定语从句,send sb. sth.,1) disappointed,感到失望的,disappointing,令人失望的,2) faulty,adj.,(判断)有误的,有误差的,adj.,有毛病的,有缺点的,他上交了一份有错误的报告,He handed in a,faulty,report.,这些产品有毛病,These goods are faulty.,(,faulty goods,次品),The pictures it sent us were v,fault,n.,故障,过失,缺陷,faultless,a.,无错误的,完美的,打碎水杯不是你的过失。,Breaking the glass is not your fault.,她讲一口完美的法语。,She spoke faultless French.,fault n.故障,过失,缺陷faultless,从,最,开始哈勃望远镜就,有问题,.,它,传送给我们的,图像很,令人失望,因为它的,主要镜子,有,误差,.,Right from the start there was trouble with the Hubble. The pictures it sent us were very disappointing because its,main mirror,was,faulty,!,从最开始哈勃望远镜就有问题. 它传送给我们的图像很令人失望,NASA is now going to,put the telescope right, so it will soon be,sending up,four astronauts to repair it.,put sth. right,修好(故障等),校正,纠正,Remember to put the lights right tomorrow.,明天记得把灯修好,A good rest will put you right.,好好休息一下你就会好转的。,send up,往上送, 使(价格等)上升,提高,Space rockets are being sent up all the time.,现在随时都有火箭发射,send away,赶走,解雇,派,He sent his daughter away to school in England.,NASA is now going to put the t,send in,send up,send out,send for,递交,送来,发射,发出,派遣,派人去叫,send,send in递交,送来send,国家航天局准备纠正这一错误,为此将把,4,名宇航员送入太空修复望远镜,.,NASA is now going to,put the telescope right, so it will soon be,sending up,four astronauts to repair it.,国家航天局准备纠正这一错误,为此将把4名宇航员送入太空修复望,The shuttle,Endeavour,will be taking the astronauts to the Hubble. A,robot-arm,from the Endeavour will,grab,the telescope and hold it while the astronauts make the necessary repairs.,v.,奋力,努力 (比,try,更正式),endeavour to do =try to do,竭尽全力做,n.,尝试,努力,best endeavours,尽最大的努力,他总是竭尽全力帮助他人。,He always edeavours to help others.,因为我尽了最大的努力,所以我通过了考试。,Because of my best endeavours, I passed the exam.,The shuttle Endeavour will be,robot-arm,rbt n.,机器手,robot n.,机器人,arm n.,臂,v.,装备 配备(,be armed with,),=be equipped with,Justice has long arms.,天网恢恢,疏而不漏。,arm in arm,臂挽臂,(,hand in hand / shoulder by shoulder,),robot-arm rbt n. 机器手,grab,v.,抓,抓住,抓住(机会),grab sth from sb,从某人手里抢来某物,grab a chance,抓住机会,警察抓住了他的肩膀。,The policeman grabbed his shoulder.,我从比尔手里抢来了枪。,I grabbed the gun from Bill.,!,趁着你还年轻,抓住机会去旅行吧!,Grab your chance to travel while youre,still young,grab v.抓,抓住,抓住(机会) grab sth,grab,rb v.,抓,抓住,;,匆忙地做;,这贼猛地一把抓住钱包逃跑了,.,The thief,grabbed,the purse and ran away with it.,爸爸匆匆吃了点早饭就去上班了。,Dad,grabbed,some breakfast and went to work.,随便找个地方坐,别客气。,Grab,a seat and make yourself at home.,grab rb v.抓,抓住;,“,奋进,” 号航天飞机将把,宇航员,送上哈勃,.,当宇航员进行必要的修复工作时, “,奋进” 号上的,一只机器手,将,抓住,望远镜并托住它,.,The shuttle,Endeavour,will be taking the astronauts to the Hubble. A,robot-arm,from the Endeavour will,grab,the telescope and hold it while the astronauts make the necessary repairs.,“奋进” 号航天飞机将把宇航员送上哈勃. 当宇航员进行必要的,Of course, the Hubble is,above,the earths,atmosphere, so it will soon be sending us,the clearest,pictures of the stars and,distant,galaxies that we,have ever seen,.,above/over/on,在,之上,above,(,below,),不一定垂直,不接触,over,(,under,),垂直,不接触,on,与表面接触,as we stated above,综上所述,above all,最重要的,尤其是,above oneself,兴高采烈,Of course, the Hubble is above,atmosphere,tm,sfi n.,大气,atmosphere,pressure,大气压力,气氛,氛围,working,atmosphere,工作氛围,课堂上我们需要良好的学习氛围,.,We need good studying atmosphere in class.,空气,这的空气很闷,(stuffy),,咱们能把窗户打开吗,?,The,atmosphere,is very stuffy here can we open the window?,当然,哈勃位于地球的大气层之外,Of course, the Hubble is,above,the earths,atmosphere, atmosphere tm,sfi n.,so it will soon be sending us,the clearest,pictures of the stars and,distant,galaxies,that we,have ever seen,.,distant,distnt adj.,遥远的,(+from),太阳距地球很遥远。,The sun,is,distant,from,the earth.,非近亲的,远亲的,他是我的远房亲戚。,He is my,distant,relative,.,冷淡的,不亲近的,be,distant,towards/to sb.,对某人冷淡,distant calls,长途电话,distant relationship,异地恋,so it will soon be sendin,distance,n.,距离,short/long distance,短、长距离,in the distance,在远处,follow sb from distance,远远地跟着某人,keep your distance,保持距离,at a distance of 5 metres,相隔,5,米处,distance n. 距离short/long dist,galaxy,lksi,n.,The galaxy=the Milky Way,银河,一群,(,尤指出色的人或灿烂的事物),a galaxy of beauties,一群美女,一批新车,a galaxy of new cars,galaxy lksi n.,so it will soon be sending us,the clearest,pictures of the stars and,distant,galaxies,that we,have ever seen,.,形容词,最高级,后面的关系从句常用,ever heard, met, read,seen,等,完成时,:,这是我所看过的书中最长的一部。,This is the longest book (that) I have ever read.,你是我所遇见的最有趣的人。,You are the most interesting man whom I have ever met.,因此,它很快就会给我们传送我们所见到过的、有关行星和远距离星系的最清晰的照片,.,so it will soon be sendin,当然,哈勃位于地球的大气层之外,因此,它很快就会给我们传送我们所见到过的、有关行星和远距离星系的最清晰的照片,.,Of course, the Hubble is,above,the earths,atmosphere, so it will soon be sending us,the clearest,pictures of the stars and,distant,galaxies that we,have ever seen,.,当然,哈勃位于地球的大气层之外,因此,它很快就会给我们传送我,The Hubble will tell us a great deal about the age and size of the,universe,.,universe,ju:niv:s n,宇宙,Miss Universe,环球小姐,;,宇宙小姐,;,世界小姐,university,(综合)大学,Oxford University,牛津大学,The Hubble will tell us a grea,by,到,为止(后面从句一般跟,完成时,),By the end of last year, he had written about 5 books.,By this time tomorrow, you will have received your parcel.,thousands and thousands of,成千上万的,There are thousands and thousands of cars in this city.,By the time,you read this, the Hubbles eagle eye will have sent us,thousands and thousands of,wonderful pictures.,by 到为止(后面从句一般跟完成时)By the time,eagle eye,鹰眼,eagle,老鹰,eye,(n.),眼睛;眼光,;,眼神,with sleepy eyes,用昏昏欲睡的眼神,keep an eye on .,照看,;,注意,make eyes at sb,向某人暗送秋波,eagle eye 鹰眼,哈勃将告诉我们有关宇宙的年龄和大小的许多事情,.,等到你读到这篇文章时,敏锐的哈勃望远镜已经为我们送来了成千上万张精彩的照片,.,The Hubble will tell us a great deal about the age and size of the universe. By the time you read this, the Hubbles eagle eye will have sent us thousands and thousands of wonderful pictures.,哈勃将告诉我们有关宇宙的年龄和大小的许多事情. 等到你读到这,根据美国天文学家的名字而命名,他于,1929,年发现哈勃定律,也就是星云的速度随距离的增加而增加,.,根据美国天文学家的名字而命名,他于1929年发现哈勃定律,也,新概念第二册-Lesson61-(共48张)课件,astronaut,strn:t,n.,宇航员;航天员,astronautstrn:t,Lesson 61,Trouble with the Hubble,哈勃望远镜的困境,Lesson 61,1. Hubble hbl n.,哈勃,2. telescopeteliskup n.,望远镜,3. launch l:nt, l:nt v.,发射,4. space speis n.,空间,(,指宇宙空间,),5. billion biljn n. 10,亿,6. faulty f:lti adj.,有错误的,7. astronautstrn:t n.,宇航员,8. shuttletl n.,航天飞机,9. Endeavour indev n. “,奋进” 号,1. Hubble hbl n. 哈勃,10.robot,arm n.,机器手,rbt,11.grab rb v.,抓,12.atmospheretm,sfi n.,大气层,13.distant distnt ad.j,遥远的,14.galaxy lksi n.,星系,15.universe ju:niv:s n.,宇宙,16.eagle eye n.,鹰眼,一种仪器,10.robotarm n. 机器手rbt,1.When and by whom was the Hubble telescope launched?,2.What was the trouble with the Hubble from the start?,3. How is NASA going to repair the telescope?,4. What will the Hubble tell us?,1.When and by whom was the Hub,1.When and by whom was the Hubble telescope launched?,The Hubble telescope was launched by NASA on April 20, 1990.,2.What was the trouble with the Hubble from the start?,The pictures it sent us were very disappointing because its main mirror was faulty!,1.When and by whom was the Hub,3. How is NASA going to repair the telescope?,NASA will soon be sending up four astronauts to repair it. The shuttle Endeavour will be taking the astronauts to the Hubble. A robot-arm from the Endeavour will grab the telescope and hold it while the astronauts make the necessary repairs.,3. How is NASA going to repair,4. What will the Hubble tell us?,The Hubble will tell us a great deal about the age and size of the universe.,How much did it cost?,4. What will the Hubble tell u,The Hubble telescope was launched into space by NASA on April 20, 1990 at a cost of over a billion dollars.,The Hubble,telescope,NASA,The Hubble telescope was launc,telescope,a piece of equipment shaped like a tube, used for making distant objects look larger and closer.,through a telescope,Details on the moons surface can only be seen,through a telescope,.,n.,望远镜,telescopea piece of equipment,The Hubble,a very powerful,telescope,which is attached to a satellite in space, going around the Earth, and can see much further into space than telescopes on Earth,The Hubblea very powerful tele,launch,l:nt v.,发射,launch,a satellite,发射卫星。,开办,创办,创办一个新企业,launch,a new enterprise,launch on,开始;着手,launch into/ out,开始从事;投身于,My parents,launched,me into business.,launch l:nt v.,哈勃望远镜被发射到太空,The Hubble telescope was launched into space,by NASA on April 20, 1990 at a cost of over a billion dollars.,哈勃望远镜被发射到太空The Hubble telescop,Who launched the Hubble telescope into space?,It was launched into space by,NASA,Who launched the Hubble telesc,space,speis n.,太空,spaceman spaceship,空地,空处,这儿有空位停车吗?,Is there any,space,for the car,?,同义词,room n.,空间(不可数);房间(可数),你能为我腾一点空间吗,?,Could you make room for me?,这只有一个人的空间了,.,There is only space/room for one more person.,时间,一段时间,for a space,暂时,短时间,in space,片刻,一会儿,n.,宇航员,宇宙飞船,space speis n. 时间,一段时间n. 宇,at a cost of,造价为,at all costs,无论如何,不惜任何代价,她不惜任何代价都要送他的女儿去美国,读书。,She sent her daughter to America to,study at all costs.,cost,at a cost of 造价为cost,pay/spend/cost/take,1) pay,构成,:,sb pay +(money)+for sth,pay for sth,付,钱、,pay for sb,替某人付钱,我昨天为这辆新自行车支付了,200,元,.,I paid 200 yuan for the new bike yesterday.,2) spend,构成,:,sb spend +money +on sth,sb spend +time +,(,in,),doing sth,pay/spend/cost/take1) pay,3) cost,(主语是物或,it,),构成,:,sth + cost +,(,sb,),+ money,The book cost me 20 yuan.,4) take,构成,:,it takes sb +time + to do,doing sth takes sb +time,It took me 5 hours to finish my,homework.,3) cost (主语是物或it),practise,I _ 3 hours doing the maths problem,A new computer_ a lot of money.,Repairing this new car _ the whole afternoon.,It _ me 4 years to finish the book.,I have to _ them 20 yuan for this skirt.,practiseI _ 3 hours do,cost/price/value,作名词时:,cost,成本,price,具体的价格,单价,value,价值,作动词时:,cost,花费,price,定价,问价,value,估价,评价,valueless,worthless,没有用处的,,不重要的,priceless,贵重的 ,无价的,cost/price/value作名词时:valueless,他牺牲了生命,把女儿从大火中救出来。,He saved his daughter from the fire but,at the cost of,his own life.,生活费用继续上涨。,The cost of living continues to rise.,他牺牲了生命,把女儿从大火中救出来。,billion,biljn,十亿,several,billion,几十亿,hundred/ thousand/ million / billion/ trillion,hundreds of,成百上千,thousands of,.,成千上万,miljn,百万,triljn,万亿,billion biljn十亿 miljn,哈勃望远镜,于,1990,年,4,月,20,日,由,国家航空航天局,发射升空,耗资,10,多亿,美元,.,The Hubble telescope,was launched into space,by,NASA,on April 20, 1990,at a cost of,over a billion,dollars.,哈勃望远镜于1990年4月20日由国家航空航天局发射升空,1),right,from the start,从最开始(,right,起强调作用),我从最开始就不想在这上班。,I didnt want to work here (right) from the start.,2) trouble with,关于,有麻烦,Whats the trouble with you?,你有什么麻烦,? (,医生常这样问,),There is (engine) trouble with my car.,我的汽车(发动机)有问题。,陷入麻烦 摆脱困境,get into trouble get out of trouble,His father told him to,stay out of trouble,.,他父亲叫他避开是非之地。,Right,from the start there was,trouble,with the Hubble.,1) right from the start Ri,The pictures it sent us were very disappointing because its,main mirror was faulty!,定语从句,send sb. sth.,1) disappointed,感到失望的,disappointing,令人失望的,2) faulty,adj.,(判断)有误的,有误差的,adj.,有毛病的,有缺点的,他上交了一份有错误的报告,He handed in a,faulty,report.,这些产品有毛病,These goods are faulty.,(,faulty goods,次品),The pictures it sent us were v,fault,n.,故障,过失,缺陷,faultless,a.,无错误的,完美的,打碎水杯不是你的过失。,Breaking the glass is not your fault.,她讲一口完美的法语。,She spoke faultless French.,fault n.故障,过失,缺陷faultless,从,最,开始哈勃望远镜就,有问题,.,它,传送给我们的,图像很,令人失望,因为它的,主要镜子,有,误差,.,Right from the start there was trouble with the Hubble. The pictures it sent us were very disappointing because its,main mirror,was,faulty,!,从最开始哈勃望远镜就有问题. 它传送给我们的图像很令人失望,NASA is now going to,put the telescope right, so it will soon be,sending up,four astronauts to repair it.,put sth. right,修好(故障等),校正,纠正,Remember to put the lights right tomorrow.,明天记得把灯修好,A good rest will put you right.,好好休息一下你就会好转的。,send up,往上送, 使(价格等)上升,提高,Space rockets are being sent up all the time.,现在随时都有火箭发射,send away,赶走,解雇,派,He sent his daughter away to school in England.,NASA is now going to put the t,send in,send up,send out,send for,递交,送来,发射,发出,派遣,派人去叫,send,send in递交,送来send,国家航天局准备纠正这一错误,为此将把,4,名宇航员送入太空修复望远镜,.,NASA is now going to,put the telescope right, so it will soon be,sending up,four astronauts to repair it.,国家航天局准备纠正这一错误,为此将把4名宇航员送入太空修复望,The shuttle,Endeavour,will be taking the astronauts to the Hubble. A,robot-arm,from the Endeavour will,grab,the telescope and hold it while the astronauts make the necessary repairs.,v.,奋力,努力 (比,try,更正式),endeavour to do =try to do,竭尽全力做,n.,尝试,努力,best endeavours,尽最大的努力,他总是竭尽全力帮助他人。,He always edeavours to help others.,因为我尽了最大的努力,所以我通过了考试。,Because of my best endeavours, I passed the exam.,The shuttle Endeavour will be,robot-arm,rbt n.,机器手,robot n.,机器人,arm n.,臂,v.,装备 配备(,be armed with,),=be equipped with,Justice has long arms.,天网恢恢,疏而不漏。,arm in arm,臂挽臂,(,hand in hand / shoulder by shoulder,),robot-arm rbt n. 机器手,grab,v.,抓,抓住,抓住(机会),grab sth from sb,从某人手里抢来某物,grab a chance,抓住机会,警察抓住了他的肩膀。,The policeman grabbed his shoulder.,我从比尔手里抢来了枪。,I grabbed the gun from Bill.,!,趁着你还年轻,抓住机会去旅行吧!,Grab your chance to travel while youre,still young,grab v.抓,抓住,抓住(机会) grab sth,grab,rb v.,抓,抓住,;,匆忙地做;,这贼猛地一把抓住钱包逃跑了,.,The thief,grabbed,the purse and ran away with it.,爸爸匆匆吃了点早饭就去上班了。,Dad,grabbed,some breakfast and went to work.,随便找个地方坐,别客气。,Grab,a seat and make yourself at home.,grab rb v.抓,抓住;,“,奋进,” 号航天飞机将把,宇航员,送上哈勃,.,当宇航员进行必要的修复工作时, “,奋进” 号上的,一只机器手,将,抓住,望远镜并托住它,.,The shuttle,Endeavour,will be taking the astronauts to the Hubble. A,robot-arm,from the Endeavour will,grab,the telescope and hold it while the astronauts make the necessary repairs.,“奋进” 号航天飞机将把宇航员送上哈勃. 当宇航员进行必要的,Of course, the Hubble is,above,the earths,atmosphere, so it will soon be sending us,the clearest,pictures of the stars and,distant,galaxies that we,have ever seen,.,above/over/on,在,之上,above,(,below,),不一定垂直,不接触,over,(,under,),垂直,不接触,on,与表面接触,as we stated above,综上所述,above all,最重要的,尤其是,above oneself,兴高采烈,Of course, the Hubble is above,atmosphere,tm,sfi n.,大气,atmosphere,pressure,大气压力,气氛,氛围,working,atmosphere,工作氛围,课堂上我们需要良好的学习氛围,.,We need good studying atmosphere in class.,空气,这的空气很闷,(stuffy),,咱们能把窗户打开吗,?,The,atmosphere,is very stuffy here can we open the window?,当然,哈勃位于地球的大气层之外,Of course, the Hubble is,above,the earths,atmosphere, atmosphere tm,sfi n.,so it will soon be sending us,the clearest,pictures of the stars and,distant,galaxies,that we,have ever seen,.,distan


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