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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit3,Reading I,Revision,翻译下列各句,我正在发胖。,Im getting fat,2.,你吃得太多,为什么不少吃多锻炼呢?,You eat too much.Why not eat less and exercise more?,3.,我睡眠不足,在课堂上感到疲倦,.,I dont get enough sleep.I feel tired in class.,4.,我没有足够的时间来做家庭作业,5.,家里电视总是开着。噪音几乎令我发疯,.,6.,我没有一些亲密的朋友。有时,我感到孤独。,I dont have enough time to do my homework,The TV is always on at my home.The noise almost drives me mad.,I dont have any close friends.Sometimes I feel lonely,7.,有时我考试分数低,我感到伤心。,Sometimes I get low marks in exams.I feel sad.,8.,我的父母整天工作。他们没有时间陪我,My parents work all day.They dont have time for me.,New words,deal,vi.,处理,deal with sth.,vt.,处理某事,choice,n.,选择,stay up(late),熬夜,awake,adj.,醒着的,hardly,adv.,几乎不,imagine,vt./vi.,想象,设想,doubt,vt.,怀疑,worth,adj.,值得,be worth doing sth.,值得做某事,suggestion,n.,建议,cause,n.,原因,strict,adj.,严格地,严厉的,be strict with sb.,对某人要求严格,stay out,呆在户外,;(,晚上,),不回家,schoolwork,n.,课业,valuable,adj.,宝贵的;贵重的,but,conj./perp,除,.,外,;,只有,1.choice _,2.stay up _,3.imagine _,4.doubt _,5.cause _,6.strict _,7.develop _,8.valuable _,a.reason,b.be not sure if something is true,c.making sure that rules are obeyed,d.very useful or important,e.the right to decide which thing you want,f.start to have a skill,ability,etc.,g.go to bed later than usual,h.form a picture in your mind of someone or something,f,g,d,b,c,e,a,h,Do you have any problems?,Do you have enough time for your hobbies?,Free talk,What should I do,Today,well have two Grade 9 students,Millie and Simon,to talk,with us about their study and life.,What problem does Millie have?,She has a lot of homework every day and often stays up late.She hardly has any spare time for her hobbies.,Careful-reading,Does Millie have too many exercises to,do,?,2.How does she feel the next day?,3.Does she refuse to do so much homework?Why?,Yes,she does.,She feels tired the next day.,She,finds it hard to,stay awake.,No,she doesnt.,Because she thinks its important to finish all her homework on time.,No,she doesnt.,5.Does Millie have any spare time for her hobbies?,4.What are Millies hobbies?,They are volleyball,music,and so on.,6,.,What is she looking forward to?,A long holiday.,Careful-reading,Millie has lots of homework every day.She has no c_ but to do it.Often she has to s_ up late,sometimes she cant stay a_ in class.She spends so much time d_ her homework that she h_ has any time for her hobbies.She cant i_ a life without hobbies.She often d_ whether it is worth working so hard.So she asks Mr Friend to offer her some s_ and help her d_ with the problem.,Fill in the blanks:,hoice,tay,wake,oing,ardly,magine,oubts,uggestions,eal,Have a try!,Simons letter,Simon,Careful-reading,1.How does Simon like football?,He is crazy about football.,2.What does Simon often do with his friends?,3.How long do they often play football?,They often play football together.,They often play for hours,and never worry about the time.,Careful-reading,4.Why does he get into trouble at home?,5.What does Simon think of his parents?,6.How does Simon feel?,Because his parents dont allow him to play outside after 6 p.m.,They are very strict with him.,He feels angry from time to time.,Simon is so crazy about football that he often s_ out late to play and never w_ about the time.Then he gets into t_ because his parents dont a_ him to play outside after 6 p.m.He thinks his parents are too s_ with him and its important to d_ hobbies.Sometimes he feels a_.His love of football has become the c_ of his problem.He wonders how he can a_ a balance between schoolwork and hobbies.He looks forward to Mr Friends v_ advice.,tays,orries,rouble,llow,trict,evelop,ngry,ause,chieve,aluable,Millie,Problems,Friendship _,Lots of homework _,Low marks _,Not enough time for hobbies _,Staying up late _,Strict parents _,Weight _,B2/P38,Simon,Problems,Friendship _,Lots of homework _,Low marks _,Not enough time for hobbies _,Staying up late _,Strict parents _,Weight _,B2/P38,homework,hobbies,Millie and Simon cant,achieve,a balance,They can ask a,youth worker,for help.,青少年辅导员,Sigmund Friend,Offer,some,valuable,suggestions,.(adj),They will be of,value,to us,.(,n.),Discussion,If you were Sigmund,what suggestions would you,give to Millie and Simon?,讨论解决问题,My suggestions:,To Millie:,1.Plan her day carefully.,2.Make a list of all the homework she has to do.,3.Choose one hobby to do each day.,4.Focus on her favourite hobby.,To Simon:,1.Go home earlier.,2.Dont give up his hobby but dont forget about,his family,either.,3.Play football for an hour or two.,Letters from Sigmund Friend,Dear Millie,Thank you very much for your letter.I hope I can help you.,You said you often(1)_ late to finish your,homework.Plan your day carefully.Make a list of all the,(2)_ you have.Then work out how much time,you need to finish it all.This will give you an idea of how,much(3)_time you have.,You also said that you do not have enough time for your(4),_.What about choosing your hobby according to,the time you have?for example,play(5)_ if,You have a lot of time,and listen


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