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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,二级,三级,四级,五级,Within the scope of commodity economy,as one of the various models organizational units an,to alleviate this evil,but I cannot,and I too suffer.This has been my life,economy,as one of the various,畅想,2035,XXX,xx,年级,xx,班,爱国主题教育班会,CONTENTS,目录,畅想未来,YOUR TITLE HERE,01,齐唱班歌,YOUR TITLE HERE,02,表演演说,YOUR TITLE HERE,03,总结展望,YOUR TITLE HERE,04,CONTENTS,畅想未来,YOUR TITLE HERE,01,01/,畅想未来,Your title input is here,01/,输入标题文字,Within the scope of commodity economy,as one of the various models organizational units,02/,输入标题文字,Within the scope of commodity economy,as one of the various models organizational units,03/,输入标题文字,Within the scope of commodity economy,as one of the various models organizational units,01/,畅想未来,Your title input is here,输入标题文字,Within the scope of economy the various models scope of economy various models,输入标题文字,Within the scope of economy the various models scope of economy various models,输入标题文字,Within the scope of economy the various models scope of economy various models,输入标题文字,Within the scope of economy the various models scope of economy various models,CONTENTS,齐唱班歌,YOUR TITLE HERE,02,02/,齐唱班歌,Your title input is here,输入标题文字,Within the scope of commodity economy,as one of the various models organizational units,an economic entity organically formed scope of commodity economy,Within the scope of commodity economy,as one of the various models organizational units,an economic entity organically formed scope of commodity economy,as one of the various mode lsas one of the various models,此页为防盗标记页(下载后可删),教师课堂用语辑录(收藏打印版,此页右键可以删除),教师课堂用语在学科专业方面重在进行“引”与“导”,通过点拨、搭桥等方式让学生豁然开朗,得出结论,而不是和盘托出,灌输告知。一般可分为:启发类、赏识类、表扬类、提醒类、劝诫类、鼓励类、反思类。,一、启发类,1.集体力量是强大的,你们小组合作了吗?你能将这个原理应用于生活吗?你的探究目标制定好了吗?,2.自学结束,请带着疑问与同伴交流。,3.学习要善于观察,你从这道题中获取了哪些信息?,4.请把你的想法与同伴交流一下,好吗?,5.你说的办法很好,还有其他办法吗?看谁想出的解法多?,二、赏识类,1.说得太好了,老师佩服你,为你感到骄傲!,2.你的设计(方案、观点)富有想象力,极具创造性。,3.我非常欣赏你的想法,请说具体点,好吗?,4.某某同学的解题方法非常新颖,连老师都没想到,真厉害!,5.让我们一起为某某喝彩!同学们在学习过程中,也要敢于猜想,善于猜想,这样才能有所发现,有所创造!,三、表扬类,1.你真让人感动,老师喜欢你的敢想、敢说、敢问和敢辩,希望你继续保持下去。,2.这么难的题你能回答得很完整,真是了不起!你是我们班的小爱因斯坦。,3.你预习的可真全面,自主学习的能力很强,课下把你的学习方法介绍给同学们,好不好?,4.哎呀,你的见识可真广,懂得这么多的知识,好像百度一样,同学们以后有问题要就找你帮忙。,5.通过你的发言,老师觉得你不仅认真听,而且积极动脑思考了,加油哇!,四、提醒类,1.你虽然没有完整地回答问题,但你能大胆发言就是好样的!,CONTENTS,表演演说,YOUR TITLE HERE,03,03/,表演演说,Your title input is here,01/,输入标题文字,Within the scope of economy the various models scope of economy various models,02/,输入标题文字,Within the scope of economy the various models scope of economy various models,03/,输入标题文字,Within the scope of economy the various models scope of economy various models,04/,输入标题文字,Within the scope of economy the various models scope of economy various models,03/,表演演说,Your title input is here,Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome hands also we are companies often specify a typeface,or even a set of fonts,part of their brand guides However When,Scientific research into creativity over the course of the last decade,however we seem to have reached a general agreement that creativity,Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome hands we are companies often specify a typeface,输入标题文字,03/,表演演说,Your title input is here,01/,输入标题文字,02/,输入标题文字,03/,输入标题文字,Within the scope of commodity economy,as one of the various models organizational units,an economic entity organically of commodity economy,commodity economy,as,Within the scope of commodity economy,as one of the various models organizational units,an economic entity organically of commodity economy,commodity economy,as,Within the scope of commodity economy,as one of the various models organizational units,an economic entity organically of commodity economy,commodity economy,as,CONTENTS,总结展望,YOUR TITLE HERE,04,此页为防盗标记页(下载后可删),教师课堂用语辑录(收藏打印版,此页右键可以删除),1、你的眼睛真亮,发现这么多问题!,2、能提出这么有价值的问题来,真了不起!,3、会提问的孩子,就是聪明的孩子!,4、这个问题很有价值,我们可以共同研究一下!,5、这种想法别具一格,令人耳目一新,请再说一遍好吗?,6、多么好的想法啊,你真是一个会想的孩子!,7、猜测是科学发现的前奏,你们已经迈出了精彩的一步!,8、没关系,大声地把自己的想法说出来,我知道你能行!,9、你真聪明!想出了这么妙的方法,真是个爱动脑筋的小朋友!,10、你又想出新方法了,真会动脑筋,能不能讲给大家听一听?,11、你的想法很独特,老师都佩服你!,12、你特别爱动脑筋,常常一鸣惊人,让大家禁不住要为你鼓掌喝彩!,13、你的发言给了我很大的启发,真谢谢你!,14、瞧瞧,谁是火眼金睛,发现得最多、最快?,15、你发现了这么重要的方法,老师为你感到骄傲!,16、你真爱动脑筋,老师就喜欢你思考的样子!,17、你的回答真是与众不同啊,很有创造性,老师特欣赏你这点!,18、同学真聪明!想出了这么妙的方法,真是个爱动脑筋的同学!,19、你的思维很独特,你能具体说说自己的想法吗?,20、这么好的想法,为什么不大声地、自信地表达出来呢?,21、你有自己独特想法,真了不起!,22、你的办法真好!考虑的真全面!,23、你很会思考,真像一个小科学家!,24、老师很欣赏你实事求是的态度!,25、你的记录很有特色,可以获得“牛津奖”!,04/,总结展望,Your title input is here,输入标题文字,Within the scope of commodity economy,as one of the various models organizational units,an economic entity organically formed scope of commodity economy,Within the scope of commodity economy,as one of the various,economic entity organically formed scope of commodity economy,as one of the various mode lsas one of the various models economy,as one of the various models organizunits,an economic entity organically formed scope of commodity economy,Within the scope of commodity,economic entity organically formed scope of commodity as one of the various mode lsas one of the various models as one of the vari


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