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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,高中英语课件,madeofcanruohanxing,Unit 2,What is happiness to you?,Project,Making a happiness handbook,江阴高中,Talk about the pictures:,1.What do you think these pictures are about?,2.What is your opinion of happiness?,Brainstorming,Teenagers,Young people,Football players,Skimming,1.What are these two essays about?,2.Are both of the writers,old or young?,Reading,For the first essay:,1.Is the writer an old man?How do you know that?,2.Why does the writer think those days were happy?,3.What does the writer think young people can do while old people cant?,Scanning,For the second essay:,Is the writer a teenager or an adult?,How do you know that?,2.Why does the writer think that his or,her happiest days will be in the future?,3.What does the writer think an adult,can do while a teenager cant?,4.Why does the writer think it is nice to,think the happiest days are still ahead of,them?,Scanning,Teenagers,Old people,Advantages,Disadvantages,Advantages,Disadvantages,Fill in the following table,according to the two essays:,Share your happiest time with,your group members.,Discussion,(group work),Finish project(group work),Planning,In the groups of four,choose a topic,for their groups happiness handbook.,(eg,.Happiness in the past),Preparing,Take notes of the story:,1.,Is it a specific happy event or a,general feeling of happiness?,2.,How long will the essay be?,3.,Should it be typed or handwritten?,4.,Are illustrations needed in your,handbook?,Producing,1.Each group member should write,an essay.,2.One should check the essay.,3.Another should make the cover,4.Another will put all the essays,together.,5.Another will make the table of,contents.,Presenting,Put their handbooks up on the display,wall of their classroom for everyone,to see and let the class vote for their,favourite,.,Understanding the transcript of the interview,Reading an interview,Using the new vocabulary in the interview,Discussing your ideas about happiness,Using nouns to describe emotions,Using adjectives to describe emotions,Self-assessment,How confident are you of?,Not confident B.slightly confident,C.Confident D.Quite confident,Using the past perfect tense,Using the simple future tense,Using the future continuous tense,Using idioms about emotions,Using the simple past tense,Using the past continuous tense,Self-assessment,How confident are you of?,Using the future in the past,Identifying negative emotional language,Breaking a big question into smaller ones,Giving advice,Reading essays about happiness,Writing about happiness,Self-assessment,How confident are you of?,Homework,Finish the WB exercises,Revise some language points of,this period.,3.Finish the Groups work-making,a happiness handbook.,


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