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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,微软,IT,云计算与,虚拟化经验分享,微软(中国)有限公司,June,. 2010,Azure,Services Platform,Global Foundation Service,各种设备,个人,企业,Cloud Services,Infrastructure as a,Service,Platform as a,Service,Software,+,Services,微软云计算驱动,统一运营基础架构,全球,基础架构服务部,(GFS),策略,GFS =,联合的,IT,“,基石,”,数据中心设计,构建和运营,全球服务支撑,(24x7, 365),GFS,运营范围,充分发挥规模优势,运营超过,200,个微软公众服务,24x7,365,为,50,个国家,,99,种语言提供本地服务,超过,300,个“客户”,微软产品组,微软,-IT (3500,个内部应用,),企业托管, Business On-Line, Azure,3,“,支撑云中的,软件,+,服务,Heatmap- Global Site Selection),GFS - Infrastructure as a Service,4,运营,全球规划,数据中心创新,监管工具,结算定价,Compute (,VM / hour),Storage,($ per GB),Network,(traffic),Incidents,(tickets),基于消耗的,运维模式,硬件服务,全球服务运维中心,/,网络运维中心,SCRY,Bangalore, India,Redmond, USA,Commodity,Hardware,微软云计算平台的基础,设施,IaaS,微软云计算,平台投資,每个云计算,中,心,大约耗,资,5,億美元,大約,60,万平米 (约,60,个球场大小),每月增加,10,,,000,台服务器,(,约,为一个,Facebook,的规模,),重新审视传统数据中心的构建,新一代的 动态数据中心,SaaS,and,DCaaS,are currently well adopted and perceived to be “proven”,IaaS,is in the process of to maturing and gaining acceptance,PaaS,is the most challenging in-terms of maturity, acceptance, and adoption,微软,IT,云服务综述,Current,Current/Emerging,Emerging/Nascent,Model,Software,as a Service (S,aaS),Data Center as a Service (DC,aaS),Infrastructure,as a Service (,IaaS),Platform as a Service (PaaS),Description,SaaS describes,a model where a “finished service” is available, typically not on-premise, allowing a customer to simply connect and use nearly on-demand and with a minimum of investment,DCaaS is the traditional,server hosting scenario: You bring the equipment to a hoster that can provide a suitable facility, base management services, and meet your SLA requirements,IaaS is creating,a “datacenter within a datacenter” that can run most IT workloads on common platforms, without disruption to the current application designs and models,PaaS may,require application redesign/recoding and,significant,process/workflow changes for the full benefit of some scenarios to be realized, at least in current implementations,Current,Microsoft IT,consumes some BOS services, such as Exchange (e-mail and collaboration) and client desktop management,Microsoft IT already,utilizes Global Foundation Services (GFS) as a DCaaS provider for shared facilities,Microsoft IT already,has infrastructure designs and services that fall into this category: Scale Unit infrastructure and Utility Services,Microsoft Consumer,and,Online Services,are driving in this direction for web-based services that lend themselves well to the Azure platform,Future,MSIT,should continue to leverage BOS where possible and should be encouraged to find new opportunities to consume partner-delivered finished services in the future,If GFS and/or current,MSIT providers cannot meet future-oriented requirements, we need to acknowledge this and decide whether to choose a new course,MSIT should continue,to pursue IaaS as a way to enable an “Enterprise Cloud”, getting traditional IT customers into a modern managed infrastructure,MSIT is actively looking for,applications suitable for Azure, but adoption will be much more intentional and it will require changes to our SDLC,微软内部,IT,虚拟化现状,VMs make up more than 30% of our total server population, inclusive of virtualization hosts,About 1500 physical servers host nearly 7000 VMs,Highest VM concentrations are in enterprise datacenters,Previous consolidation efforts have limited regional sprawl,Where field services and applications are needed, we now deploy a “Virtual Branch Office Server” (VBOS) to replace legacy User Services Platforms (USPs),New demand for a scalable HA configuration for MS Retail and hub sites,Goal of the VM hosting service is to equal or better the service level and value of traditional physical servers,Availability averaged 99.95%, even prior to HA VM configurations,VM hosting is 50% of the cost of a comparable physical server,Targeting 50% virtualized in CY2010 and greater than 80% in the 2011-2012 timeframe,On-boarding process steers appropriate candidates into VMs for all new growth and hardware refresh/migration requirements,微软,“Scale Unit”,为虚拟化优化的平台,Comprehensive infrastructure, procured and deployed in fairly large capacity chunks,Compute 64 blade servers per rack,Network Highly aggregated and resilient,Per-port costs reduced by a factor of 10,Storage Enterprise class SAN arrays,Thin-provisioning and tiered storage for efficiency,High availability and fault tolerance part of the design,A level of redundancy at the blades and throughout the network and storage fabrics, coupled with logical resiliency,Large network and storage domains cover multiple compute racks, allowing mobility and flexibility,“Green IT” Scale Unit V1 compared to an equivalent number of discrete systems,33% of the rack space, 55% of the power/cooling, 90% fewer cables,MSIT Compute Scale Unit V1,单刀片视图,单,Scale Unit,视图,多,Scale Unit,视图,MSIT Compute Scale Unit V2,Discrete Servers Versus Scale Unit V1,* Equivalent number of traditional 2U rack-mounted compute elements,Comparison Point,Discrete Unit,*,Scale Unit V1,Rack Space (Rack Units),120 U,40 U,Rack Space (Number of Racks),3 Racks,1 Racks,Power (Kilowatts),29 KW,17 KW,Power Per Element (Watts),458 W,266 W,Max Heat (BTU/Hr),100,000 BTU/Hr,58,000 BTU/Hr,Power Cords/Ports,128,24,Network Cables/Ports,128,4,Storage Cables/Ports,128,16,Storage Disks/Rack,180,240,参考数据:,每一度电(千瓦小时)可以节省:,US$0.16,0,.778,公斤二氧化碳,(,参考数据来自美国国家环境保护局,US,EPA),每个服务器机架大约,0.48,平方米,2006,年上海每户家庭年平均耗电量大约为,2,832,度电,研发团队,虚拟化前,虚拟化后,所需要的,服务器数量,单台服务器,耗电,(,瓦,/,小时,),耗电总量,(,瓦,/,小时,),部署的,服务器数量,耗电总量,(,瓦,/,小时,),上海紫竹,1,310,550,720,500,82,63,880,上海港汇,300,550,165,000,20,15,000,北京希格玛,345,550,189,750,47,32,080,总计,1,955,1650,1,075,250,149,110,960,研发团队,节能减排的结果,节约电费总量,(US$/,年,),节约空间,(,平方米,),减少排放二氧化碳,(,公斤,/,年,),节省的电力,每年可支持上海的家庭,(,户,),上海紫竹,920,319,18,4,475,049,2,031,上海港汇,210,240,4,1,022,292,463,北京希格玛,220,990,5,1,074,565,487,总计,1,351,549,27,6,571,906,2,981,微软中国研发中心虚拟化效果示例,MSIT,虚拟化应用, VDI,(Virtual Desktop Infrastructure),Pilot virtual desktop infrastructure effort with MSIT and Windows Product Group participants 400 users,Production VDI solution being provided for offshore vendor/partner scenarios,Developing scenarios and business cases for task-based workers and employees needing multiple PCs,Working with Client Services to fit VDI into their roadmap and service model,MSIT,虚拟化应用,M,100%,虚拟化,Primarily web and SQL workloads,Compute and SAN storage platforms very similar to MSIT Enterprise,Amount of RAM per blade is smaller (72 GB) due to more CPU-intensive workloads,System/boot (OS) reside on SSD,Network uses pass-through functionality, rather than enclosure switching,Deployed one enclosure at a time,MSIT,虚拟化应用,“Agile Labs,”,Functional dev/test environment for Microsoft product and solutions groups,Cross-section of products/workloads in transient scenarios and environments,Much more HW and configuration variability, with emphasis on flexibility and lower costs per-unit,HP, Dell, and Cisco compute and networking,Xiotech and EMC midrange SAN in-use,Density is lower, due to facilities constraints,Automation leverages System Center and some custom tools for self-service,DDTK and Visual Studio 2010 Lab Management is targeted for future adoption,MSIT,云概念,Service-oriented infrastructure capabilities,Subscription, rather than utility, mindset,Like a media/communications plan, rather than on/off like a infrastructure utility like water/power,Standardized and bundled offerings, plus options,“Basic, Expanded, Silver, Gold, Platinum” Defines capabilities, SLA, cost,Process optimization around standards and services,Tool selection is not dictated by current (legacy) process,Process is not designed around tool limitations,Tools enable template-based automation,For example, ordering a new server would be a defined workflow,All necessary information would be captured up-front,Todays process of multiple requests/tickets driving manual tasks is replaced by a workflow that drives the end-to-end sequence,MSIT,云,战略,Build and run a production quality incubation environment, with the purpose of piloting new technologies and techniques that further dynamic infrastructure goals,Seek out and adopt products that facilitate service-oriented, rather than device or element level, management techniques Compute, Network, Storage, and Management as a service,Present the new environment as a flexible subscription model, rather than simplistic utility,Not “one-size-fits-all”, but a set of capabilities that can be offered in cumulative combinations and priced accordingly,Continue to adopt SaaS via BPOS and PaaS via Azure where it makes sense, but where this is not practical or possible fill the gap with a true on-premise “Enterprise/Private Cloud” that displaces the legacy IT environment,MSIT,云,目标,Architect and engineer a highly standardized infrastructure that enables a greater degree of logical flexibility and scalability than in previous designs that is:,The predominant on-premise server platform,The primary platform for datacenter virtualization and 90% of server workloads,Inclusive of or compatible with MS.com, Agile Labs, CoE Labs, and field (VBOS and Retail) needs,Overcome or mitigate issues around resource sharing, infrastructure oversubscription, and multi-tenancy for the majority of the on-premise server application population,Implement integrated tools and techniques to enable automation and self-service for common operational tasks and routine lifecycle management,Develop optimized operational and customer-facing mechanisms that take advantage of new technology and tools capabilities,Establish a clear set of requirements to transition new technologies and techniques to production and a repeatable process to manage the lifecycle of the infrastructure,MSIT,云,设计原则,DISCUS will describe a set of global server environment infrastructure standards,Combined infrastructure and service designs should inherently support the resiliency/redundancy and availability requirements of greater than 80% of production server applications and services,Technology and tool selection will not be limited by legacy adoption practices or process,Seek out “best fit” solutions capable of meeting the goals with an acceptable level of investment,Microsoft solutions preferred, if they exist and satisfy the requirements,Partner solutions are acceptable, particularly if they are superior to a MS-only offering,Infrastructure elements are architected and engineered in a “better together” fashion,The solution is designed to facilitate capacity management, procurement, and implementation in a unified and consistent manner,MSIT,云发展路标,Current State,FY 11,FY12,Infrastructure,Optimization,Model, 80%,of Standardized achieved,Infrastructure,Optimization,Model, Standardized transitioning to Rationalized,Infrastructure,Optimization,Model, Rationalized transitioning to Dynamic,Scale Unit V2, VBOS V2, Retail V1.5,DISCUS V3,DISCUS V4,Platform pilot and dogfooding work done inefficiently in commodity production environment,Most platform pilot and some dogfooding done more efficiently in controlled “incubation” production environment,All platform pilot work and most dogfooding done very efficiently in incubation environment,Semi-automated and manual provisioning,Automated provisioning and MAC by administrators,Self-service enabled provisioning and MAC for limited customer set,Applications not taking advantage of improved platform capabilities Performance, availability, flexibility,Focused effort to get selected applications to take advantage of improved platform,capabilities,New applications inherently take advantage of improved platform capabilities,Confusion over appropriate platform and implementation models to adopt Legacy IT? Dynamic on-premise (Private Cloud) IT? Azure external cloud? Other?,Clearer guidance and a resourced onboarding path for new applications or those undergoing platform refresh,Appropriate platform selection is ingrained into application design/development/requirements and onboarding flow takes care of the process in an elegant way, 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.,This presentation is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY.,


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