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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Lesson 81,Escape,The Shawshank Redemption,prisoner,囚犯=,战俘 POW,=,prison 监狱,(jail),be in prison,be in jail 坐牢,break prison,break jail 越狱,他被释放(release)了。,He has been released from jail.,jailbird,prisoner of war,bush,灌木丛,(比tree低而且多枝),蔷薇丛,a rose bush,beat the bush 到处搜寻,beat around the bush,beat about the bush,绕弯子说话,转弯抹角说话,bushy,adj.灌木,丛,生的;茂密的,beat around the bush beat about the bush,绕弯子说话,拐弯抹角说话,bushy adj.灌木丛生的;茂密的,rapidly slowly,rapidly,adv.迅速地(反,义,詞slowly),speak rapidly 迅速地,说,speak more rapidly更迅速地,说,rapid,(1)adj.迅速的(反,义,詞slow),more rapid ,the,most rapid,(2)adj.快速的、敏捷的,a rapid stream 急流,a rapid worker 工作快速的人,eg:He took a rapid glance at me.,他快速的看了我一眼。,eg:Rapid progress was made.,进,步很快。,eg:Her thinking was rapid.,她的,脑筋,反,应,很,灵,敏。,rapids,n.急流,rapidity,n.迅速、速度,with rapidity 非常迅速地,with astonishing rapidity 以,惊,人的速度,uniform,(1)n.制服,a school uniform,校服,in uniform,穿着制服,out of uniform,穿着便服,在我們的学校所有学生必须穿校服,All the students must wear uniforms at our school.,(2)adj.相同的、同行的,相同重量的箱子,The boxes are uniform in weight.,(3)adj.不变的、一定的,它必须在恒温的条件下干燥,It should dry at a uniform temperature,.,Rifle,猎枪,枪,炮,机关枪,手枪,trigger 扳机,pull the trigger 扣扳机,hunting rifle,gun,machine gun,pistol,shoulder,别紧张,只是拍一下你的肩膀。,Relax,its just a tap on the shoulder.,She looked over her shoulder.,她回过头向后看。,你要自己负起责任來。,Take the responsibility on your shoulders.,the shoulder of a mountain 山肩,cry on ones shoulder 向某人哭诉,give someone the,cold,shoulder 冷淡地对某人,shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩,(1)v.行进、进军,部队在淌水行进,The troop marched in the river.,皇帝走在游行队伍(parade)的前头。,The king marched at the head of the parade.,(2)n.行进、行军,行军路线,(3)n.(音乐)进行曲,婚礼进行曲,(4)n.发展、进展,科学的进步,在行进/发展中 on the march,March 3 月(罗马神话中战神mars 之月而來),march,a line of march,a wedding march,the march of science,bold,(1),adj.大胆、不知害怕、有勇气的,brave,bold to do sth 胆敢做某事,=It is bold of sb to do sth,你真大胆竟敢独自去爬那座山,It is bold of you to climb that mountain alone.,(2)adj.(女性)厚颜无耻、冒失的,多么厚颜无耻的女人!,What a bold woman she is!,(3)adj.笔画粗的,用粗体把重点的词标出来。,Highlight the important words in bold.,boldly,(1)v.闪耀;燃烧、冒火焰,火烧了一整天。,The fire blazed all day.,(2)v.发怒、激怒,他怒火中烧。,He was blazing with .,(3)n.火焰、火苗,她被从大火中救出。,She was rescued from the blaze.,blazing adj.炎热的,a blazing sun 炙热的太阳,blaze,anger,salute,(1),v.,行礼、敬礼、问候或欢迎,salute sb.向敬礼,向旗帜敬礼,O,bama正在向我们敬礼。,Obama is saluting us.,(2),n.,敬礼 give a salute,eye salute 注目礼,stand at(the)salute 立正敬礼,军官(officer)向将军回了礼(general).,The officer returned the generals salute.,salute the flag,上了年纪的绅士,an elderly gentleman,elder adj.年长的,年龄较大的,资格老的,n.老人,长辈,父辈,年长者,哥哥/姐姐,elder,brother/sister,年纪较长的儿子,an elder son,elderly,adj.上了年纪的,过了中年的,稍老的,grey,(1)adj.灰白的(gray),她的眼睛头发是灰色的。,She has gray eyes/hair.,(2)adj.(头发)灰白的,他的头发变灰白了,His hair is turning grey.,(3)adj.阴暗的、微暗的,他的未來是阴暗的,His future is gray.,(1)n.打击、殴打,他打在我肚子上。,He gave me,a blow on the belly.,(2)n.精神上的打击、震撼,我父亲的死对我是一個很大的打击。,My fathers death,was a great blow to me.,(3)v.吹、刮 blow blew blown,今天风大。It is blowing hard today.,北风那个吹。,The wind is blowing from the north.,blow,(,4)v.(风)吹动、被风吹动,这棵老树被强风吹倒。,The old tree was,blown down,.,门被吹开了。,The door,blew open,.,(5)v.吹气,他吹着汤,要把它吹凉。,He,blew on the soup,to cool it.,blow up爆炸;大发脾气,大怒,那列火车爆炸时,上面有几千名乘客。,There were thousands of passengers in the train when it up,(1)adj.猛烈的、急剧的、凛冽的,刺骨的寒风,他感到胃部,剧痛,。,He was attacked by,a sharp pain in,his stomach.,(2)adj.锋利、锐利的 反义词,blunt,dull,(3)adj.呈锐角的、陡的,他向右急转,(4)adj.尖酸、刻薄的,言语刻薄,(5)adj.敏锐、灵敏、聪明、狡猾的,反义词,dull,狗有敏锐的耳朵,sharpen v.削尖、使变尖锐,用刀子削一削铅笔 sharpen a pencil with a knife,sharp,a sharp wind,He made,a sharp turn,to the right.,a sharp tongue,Dogs have sharp ears.,He was sentenced to life in _.,Breathing becomes more _ and sweating(流汗)starts.,The Colonel and his forces were camped on the plain of Tuna,a days _ north of Phari.,The Japanese women _ people with formal bows in welcome.,Danny rubbed his arms and _ on his fingers to warm them.,Gates,is known to be a superb analyst(分析师),with,a _ eye and an excellent memory.,Exercise:,prison,rapid,march,salute,blew,sharp,Sentence&Expressions,When he had killed the guard,the prisoner of war quickly dragged him into the bushes.,1.,drag拖拽,拖拉,drag.into.,Working rapidly in the darkness,he,soon changed into the dead mans,clothes.,2.change into 换(衣服),他把西装换成牛仔装。,He changed out of his suit into jeans.,change for 换成,我想把这个裙子换成裤子,Id like to change this dress for trousers.,for a change 换个口味,每天晚上看电视我都厌了,我们去看场电影换换口味吧。,I am tired of watching television every night.Lets go to a movie for a change,现在分词作伴随状语,clothes 衣服,服装 (pl.),穿衣服,脱衣,Fine clothes make the man.,马靠鞍裝人靠衣裳。,clothing 衣着、服装(总称,U),food,clothing and shelter,衣食住行,你应该把这些旧衣服都扔掉,You should give all this old clothing away.,cloth 布(料),我想做一套西服因此买了三码(yard)半的布料。,I wanted to have a suit made so I bought three and a half yards of cloth.,put on ones clothes,take off ones clothes,Now,dressed in a blue uniform and,with a rifle over his shoulder,the,prisoner marched boldly up and down in,front of the camp.,3.,up and down,(1)上上


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