高考英语二轮复习高考倒计时30天系列课件 高考倒计时28天

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单击此处编辑母版文本样式,精彩回扣,似曾相识,必考语法,读写绝招,倒数第28天(5月9日),高频词汇,核心短语,1.behave,v,t,. &,v,i,.,举动,(,举止或行为,),表现;起某种作用,2.bend,n,弯;拐角,v,t,.(bent,,,bent),使弯曲,v,i,.,弯身;弯腰,3.benefit,n,利益;好处,v,t,. &,v,i,.,有益于;有助于;受益,4.betray,v,t,.,显露出,(,本来面目,),;背叛,1.get over,越,爬,过;克服;忍受;复原,痊愈;完成;走完,2.get through,接通;用完,耗尽;顺利通过,(,考试等,),;使理解;完成,结束,3.get/be tired of.,讨厌;,get/be tired from.,对,感到累,pete,v,i,.,比赛;竞争,6.circulate,v,t,. &,v,i,.,循环;流传;流通,7.clarify,v,t,.,澄清;阐明,bine,v,(,使,),联合;,(,使,),结合,promise,n,. &,v,i,.,妥协;折衷,mand,n,. &,v,t,.,命令;指令;掌握,4.get it,了解,懂得;挨骂;受处分,5.apart from,除了,外,除了,还有,课文金句,常考句型三,1.Users of English will all be able to understand each other wherever they are.,使用英语的人无论在哪里都能彼此听懂。,2.Since English is spoken all over the world,,,there are lots of varieties.,由于全世界都在说英语,因而出现了各式各样的英语。,句型,6,中文:,“,无论如何强调都不为过,”,。,英文:,.cannot be overemphasized.,仿写:用功的重要性无论如何强调都不为过。,The importance of working hard cannot be overemphasized.,3.Im getting on just fine,,,now that I understand the local accent.,我现在一切都好,因为我已经能够听懂当地口音了。,4.By the 1850s it was selling one million copies a year,,,making it one of the most popular school books ever.,到,19,世纪,50,年代,它的年销量是一百万册,使之成为最受欢迎的学校用书。,句型,7,中文:,“,我认为,”,英文:,In my opinion,,,.,To my mind,,,.,As far as I am concerned,,,.,I am of the opinion that.,仿写:就我认为,打电脑游戏既耗时间,也有害健康。,5.He realized that he was lucky enough to be alive himself,,,and felt that it was his mission in life to help others.,他意识到能够活下来就已经很幸运了,因而认为帮助他人是他一生的任务。,In my opinion,,,playing computer games not only takes much time but is also harmful to health.,To my mind,,,playing computer games not only takes much time but is also harmful to health.,6.To start with,,,the authors name,,,Mark Twain,,,is itself an invention.,首先,作者的名字,“,马克,吐温,”,本身就是个发明。,As far as I am concerned,,,playing computer games not only takes much time but is also harmful to health.,I am of the opinion that playing computer games not only takes much time but is also harmful to health.,19,allow(,熟义:,v,.,允许,),Allowing for your difficulty in learning English,,,I think it a good idea to join the English corner.,(,v,. allow for,考,虑到,顾及,),20,alone(,熟义:,ad,v.,单独地,一个人地,),We alone should determine what is right for us.(,ad,v,.,仅,仅,只有,),21,allowance(,熟义:,n,.,允许,),His father gave him an allowance of $1,000 a year.(,零,用钱;津贴,),22amount(熟义:n.量),The percentage of the students who wear glasses amounts to over 60%.(v. (to)共计,到达),What you have said amounts to a plain refusal.,(v.相当于),23announce(熟义:vt.宣布),Warm sunshine announces the coming of the spring.(vt.预示着),24appeal to(熟义:v. & n吸引),The government should appeal to the public to save natural resources.(v. & n呼吁,恳求),25apply(熟义:apply for申请),Apply the cream evenly over the skin.(v.涂,敷),A similar technique can be applied to the treatment of cancer.(v.运用),26appreciate(熟义:v.欣赏;感谢;感谢),To my sadness,people there dont appreciate how serious air pollution has actually been.(v.意识到),27approach(熟义:v.接近,靠近),I am impressed with his new approach to teaching language.(n.方式,方法),代词,代词包括:人称代词,物主代词,反身代词,指示代,词,不定代词,疑问代词。近几年高考关于代词的考点主要,集中在对不定代词及it的考查上。,1all,none,any,both,neither,either,each,every,something,anything等不定代词在语境中的使用。,2another,the other,other,the others,others的区别。,3it,one,that,ones,those作为替代词的用法。,4it的用法,尤其是it作形式主语、形式宾语及在强调句中的使用。,5全部否认与局部否认none,no one,nobody,nothing,neither,not any等表全部否认;not与all,both,everyone,everything等连用表局部否认。,命题陷阱:,it,作形式宾语易错指数,1,I would appreciate _if you could come and help me with my work.(,填,代词,),易误填,that,或,this,技巧点拨,很,多考生认为,this,或,that,可以指代事情。,this,常指后面要讲到的事情,,that,常指前面讲过的事情,于是误填,that,或,this,。动词,appreciate,后面常接,it, it,作形式宾语,其实,其真正的宾语是后面整个句子的内容。应填,it,。,命题陷阱:特定代词易错指数,2My most famous relative of all, _who really left his mark on America, was Rob Sussel, my greatgrandfather.(填代词),易误填one,he或someone,技巧点拨,很多考生没有对句子结构进行认真分析,以致误填one,he或someone。该题中句子的主干为“My most famous relative of all was Rob Sussel,“my greatgrandfather为“Rob Sussel的同位语,空格处作“My most famous relative of all的同位语,其后又接了一个由关系代词who引导的限制性定语从句,因此“My most famous relative of all为一个特定的人,故应填上一个表示特指的代词,故填the one。,命题陷阱:不定代词易错指数,3The manager believes prices will not rise by more than _(另外的)four percent.,易误填any other;the other或other,技巧点拨,很多考生因为分不清any other;the other;another和other的用法,且又没有理解句意,从而误选这些答案。根据句意“经理认为价格的上涨不会再超过4%可知,应填another。在英语中,“another基数词名词结构相当于“基数词more名词结构,意为“再/又。,命题陷阱:none的用法易错指数,4His father has bought many books home, but _(没有一个)is easy enough for him to read.,易误填no one,技巧点拨,许多考生会根据but一词推测后面表否认意义,但是又考虑到空格后面没有介词of,于是误填no one。no one通常用来指人。根据语境可知,空格后面省略了of the books, 因此应填none。,命题陷阱:else的用法易错指数,5I dont think weve met before.Youre taking me for _(另外的人),易误填some other;other person或one other,技巧点拨,有些考生不知道 else的用法,以致误填some other;other person或one other。else既可以用作形容词,也可以用作副词,意为“其他,通常位于疑问代词、疑问副词或不定代词的后面。someone else意为“别人,用在这里正适宜。,1,When you introduce me to Mr.Johnson,,,could you please say _ for me?,A,everything B,anything,C,something D,nothing,答案,C,2,You are a team star,!,Working with _ is really your cup of tea.,A,both B,either C,others D,the other,答案,C,3,Helping others is a habit,,,_ you can learn even at an early age.,A,it B,that C,what D,one,答案,D,4,Silly me,!,I forget what my luggage looks like.,What do you think of _ over there?,A,the one B,this C,it D,that,答案,D,任务型阅读之标题归纳题,1根据“文章主旨句大多出现在三个位置:文章首段,一段末或二段首,文章末段的特点,可有意识地从上述三个位置找到文章主题句,再加以准确概括,确定语篇标题。,2,文中出现的高频率词或词组,往往就是标题。,小试身手,Much of our good health depends on the cooperation between substances. When they work together, chemical reactions take place smoothly. Body systems are kept in balance. Some of the most important helpers in the job of good health are the substances we call vitamins.,Vitamin A is needed to produce a light,sensitive substance in the eyes.,Vitamin B,one is also called thiamine.,硫胺,(,维生素,B1)It changes starchy(,淀粉,)foods into energy.,Vitamin B,twelve is needed so folic acid(,叶酸,)can do its work.,Vitamin C is necessary for strong bones and teeth, and for healthy blood vessels.(,管,),Title,.,答案,Vitamins,


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