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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,英语一般将来时的几种表达方式the Simple Future Tense,吉安县桐坪中学,王婷,1.be going to动词原形结构的用法,(1)这种结构表示主体现在的意图,即打算在最近或将来要做某事,A.What are you going to do next Sunday?,下星期天你打算干什么,B.Shes going to be a teacher.她打算当一名教师,C.The wall is going to be brushed white.这面墙将刷成白,(2)表示说话人根据已有的迹象认为很可能即将发生某事。此结构往往表示客观事态的发展,Look at these black clouds.Its going to rain.,看这些乌云。天快要下雨了。,B.Im afraid Im going to have a bad cold.,恐怕我要得重感冒,2.will/shall动词原形结构的用法,shall,用于第一人称,,will,可以通用于各种人称。,在问句中,shall常用于第一人称表示建议或征求对方意见。,A.I shall write you a letter next month.,我下个月给你写信。B.I will go to my home town next week.,我下周去老家。C.Shall we go to the park?,我们去公园好吗?,be going to,与,will,用法上的异同(1),(1)be going to与will都可用来表示即将发生的事情。前者多用于口语,后者常用于书面语和正式文告中。例如:A.Therell(is going to)be a football match in our school next week.下周我校将举行(有)一场足球赛。B.The American basketball team will arrive in Beijing tomorrow.美国篮球队明天将抵达北京。,(2)be going to 与will都可用来表示意图。(“意图”是,事先经过考虑的,,用be going to表示;反之则用will。will还多用于对话中,,即一方听了对方的话后所作出的反应,。),A.Theyre going to meet at the school gate.他们打算在学校大门见面。B.Please bring me a cup of tea.请给我端杯茶来。Ill do it in a minute.我马上就去(端)。,be going to,与,will,用法上的异同(2),(3)be going to常含有“,即将,”,之意;而will即可表示“,即将,”,又可表示“,较长时间后的未来”,,或不表示任何,特定的将来时间概念,。,A.Were going to visit the factory.,我们即将去参观那家工厂。,B.Hell write a book one day.,他有朝一日要写书,C.The house will break down.,那屋子(迟早)要倒塌。,(4)表示预测:“be going to”表示,有发生某事的迹象,;will则表示说话者,认为或相信要发生某事。,A.Its very dark and cold.Its going to snow.天很暗而且非常冷,要下雪了。B.Im sure hell be back in an hour.我确信他一小时后会回来。,be going to,与,will,用法上的异同(3),(5)在表示“,询问对方是否愿意,”以及表示,“,客气的邀请,”时,常用will。,A.Will you lend me the book?你能把那本书借给我吗?B.Will you go there with us?你能和我们一起去那儿吗?,(6)be going to可用于,条件句,,表示,将来的时间,,will一般不能。,If you are going to watch TV this evening,youd better finish your homework now.你若想今晚看电视,最好现在就完成作业,注,:,如果不是表示将来的时间,而是表示“,意愿、坚持、推论,”等,will也可用于条件句 A.If you will learn English,Ill help you.你若愿意学习英语,我将帮助你。B.If you will kindly wait a moment,Ill ask him to go there with you.你若耐心等一会的话,我将叫他和你一起去那儿。,be going to,与,will,用法上的异同(4),如果条件从句表示,将来,发生的,动作或状态,,主句中常用will,而条件从句中则用一般现在时表示。(,主将从现,),If you go to England,you will like the food there.如果你去英国的话,你将会喜欢那儿的食物。,注:若条件从句表示的是,现在,的动作或状态,主句中也可用be going to。例如:If I have enough money,Im going to take a trip abroad.若我有足够钱的话,我就出国旅游一趟。,Summarizations,(小结),即将:,be going to(,口语,),;,will(,书面语或正式文告,),意图:,be going to,(事先经过考虑的);,will(,多用于对话中,即一方听了对方的话后所作出的反应,),be going to,(,即将,),will,(,即将,)/(,较长时间后的未来 或不表示任何特定的将来时间概念,),be going to,(有发生某事的迹象),will,(说话者认为或相信要发生某事),Will,(“询问对方是否愿意”以及表示“客气的邀请”),条件句,be going to,(表示,将来的时间,),will,(表示“,意愿、坚持、推论,”等,,will,也可用于条件句),3.be,动词不定式,结构的用法,这种结构着重指,按计划或安排,将要发生某事。常表示“,职责、意图、约定、可能性,”等。例如,A.You are to be back by 11 oclock.,你必须11点回来,B.We are to meet at the zoo.,我们约定在动物园见面。,C.The football match is not to be played today.,今天不能举行足球比赛了。,4.be about动词不定式结构的用法,4.be about动词不定式结构的用法,4.,be about动词不定式,结构的用法,这种结构表示“最近或马上要发生的动作”。例如:,The meeting is about to begin.,会议马上开始,B.Summer harvest is about to start.,夏收即将开始。,5.,bev.ing,结构的用法,这种结构表示按计划即将发生的动作,用,进行时,形式表示将来的时间,但只适用于表示,位置移动,的动词。(如:go,come,leave,start,arrive,move,return,fly(乘飞机)等,并常伴有表示,将来时间的状语,以区别于进行时的动作。例如:),A.Where are you going this Saturday?,这个星期六你准备去哪儿?B.The Greens are moving to another city the day after tomorrow.,格林一家后天要搬迁到另一个城市。C.Mr.Li is flying to Shanghai tomorrow morning.,李先生明天早晨乘飞机去上海。,一、单项选择。,()1.There _ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.,A.will be going to B.will going to be,C.is going to be D.will go to be,()2.Charlie _ here next month.,A.isnt working B.doesnt working,C.isnt going to working D.wont work,()3.He _ very busy this week,he _ free next week.,A.will be;is B.is;is,C.will be;will be D.is;will be,()4.There _ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening.,A.was B.is going to have,C.will have D.is going to be,()5._ you _ free tomorrow?,No.I _ free the day after tomorrow.,A.Are;going to;will B.Are;going to be;will,C.Are;going to;will be D.Are;going to be;will be,()6.Mother _ me a nice present on my next birthday.,A.will gives B.will give,C.gives D.give,()7.Shall I buy a cup of tea for you?,_.(不,不要。),A.No,you wont.B.No,you arent.,C.No,please dont.D.No,please.,一、单选1 _you _a doctor when you grow up?A Will;going to be B Are;going to be C Are;/D Will;be2 I dont know if his uncle _.I think he _ if it doesnt rain.A will come;comes B will come;will come C comes;comes D comes;will come3 He will be back _a few minutes.A with B for C on D in4 What time _we meet at the gate tomorrow?A will B shall C do D are5 He will have a holiday as soon as he _the work next week.A finishes B doesnt finish C will finish D wont finish6 There _some showers this afternoon.A will be B will have C is going to be D are going to have 7 It _my brothers birthday tomorrow.She _a party.A is going to be;will have B will be;is having C will be;is going to have D will have;is going to be8 Li Ming is 10 years old now,next year he _11.A is B is going to be C will be D will to be,二、填空1-“I need some paper.”-“I _(bring)some for you.”2_(be)you free tomorrow?3 They _(not leave)until


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