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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,直接宾语,间接宾语,Five Basic Sentence Patterns,主语,-系动词-表语 主语-动词 主语-动词-宾语,主语,-动词-宾语-宾语,主语,-动词-宾语-宾语补足语,What is direct and indirect object?,He gave,me,a book,.me,是 间接宾语,a book,是直接宾语,直接宾语表示动作的承受者,一般是物。间接宾语表示动作是对谁或为谁做的,一般是人。,可接双宾语的动词依据其所搭配的介词,可分为以下三种情况:,1.verb+sb+sth=verb+sth.+to+sb.,这类动词后面的间接宾语后置时,间接宾语前要用介词to。,Please show me your passport.,Please show your passport to me.,请把护照给我看一下。,I will return you the book tomorrow.,I will return the book to you tomorrow.,书我明天还你。,His mother gave,hi,m a,new bag,.,His mother gave a new bag,to,hi,m.,I gave him some money.,I gave some money to him.,我给了他一些钱。,She brought me a,big,egg.,-She brought a,big,egg to me.,He gave the cleaner his key.,-He gave his key to the cleaner.他把钥匙给了清洁工。,常见的这类动词有:,give,pay,show,owe(欠),send,bring,take,mail,offer,read,pass,lend,leave,hand,tell,return,write,throw,allow,wish,teach,promise,award(授予)accord(使一致,给予),grant(假定;授予)等。,2.verb+sb+sth=verb+sth.+for+sb.,这类动词后面的间接宾语后置时,间接宾语前要用介词for。,Fetch us a few chairs,will you?,Fetch a few chairs for us,will you?,给我们搬几把椅子来,行吗?,Mother made Mary a new coat.,Mother made a new coat for Mary.,妈妈为玛丽做了一件新大衣。,He bought me a new book.,He bought a new book for me.,他给我买了本新书。,常见的这类动词有:,make(制造),buy,do,fetch(取来),get,paint,draw,(绘画),play(弹,奏),save(节约,省下),reserve(保留,预定),spare(抽出),order(定购),cook(烹调),sing,find,build,change,choose,prepare,pick等。,注意下面句子的区别,Kate wrote a letter to her mother.,Kate wrote a letter for her mother.,To表示给、到,for表示对某人有益的事,用,to 或for填空,She picked a few apples,me.,she handed the purse,the teacher.,Bring another bottle of wine,our guest.,Shall I prepare anything special,them?,Fetch a few chairs,us,ok?,for,to,to,for,for,总 结,Exercises:,1.Can you explain _?,A.this problem to me B.me this problem,C.to me problem D.me problem,2.He made a new dress_ his wife and gave it _ her on her birthday.,A.to;for B.for;to C.for;for D.to;to,A,B,3.Mr.Smith apologized _ the lady _ what his son had done.,A.to;to B.to;for C.for;to D.for;for,4.Read the letter and _ him.,A.pass it on to B.pass on it to,C.pass it for D.pass it on,B,A,5.Which one is not right?_,A.Will you do me a favour?,B.Will you do a favour for me?,C.Will you do a favour to me?,D.Will you do me the favour to help me with my English?,6.The little boy wanted to have a book as his birthday present,but the cruel stepmother _ him his request.,A.refused B.answered C.gave D.promised,C,A,7.Which of the following is not true?_,A.Mr.Wang taught us physics last year.,B.Mr.Wang taught our physics last year.,C.Mr.Wang taught physics to us last year.,D.We were taught physics by Mr.Wang last year.,B,翻译下列各句:,Johnson,先生去年教我们德语。,2.,奶奶昨晚给我们讲了一个有趣的故事。,3.Mary,把钱包交给校长了。,Mr.Johnson taught us German last year.,Grandma told me an interesting story last night.,Mary handed the wallet to the schoolmaster.,翻译下列各句:,4.请把那本字典递给我好吗?,5.他把车票给列车员看。,6.这个学期我已经给父母写过三封信了。,Would you please pass me the dictionary?,He showed the ticket to the conductor.,This term I have written three letters to my parents.,Answers to Ex.1:,1.Please try to find that book for me.,2.I would like you to book for us a table by the window.,3.I cant wait to show these photos to my parents.,4.Has Mother left some food to us in the fridge?,5.I forgot to send a birthday card to Alice.,Answers to Ex.2:,1.His mother bought him a computer.,2.Please lend one yuan to me.,3.Please give me the cheque.,4.Tom asked me to bring him an,umbrella.,5.Could you tell me the time?,Answers to Ex.3:,1.This summer my grandpa bought some,books for me.,2.This summer my friends sent me,short messages.,3.This summer my aunt and uncle,brought candy to me.,4.This summer I taught English to my,niece.,Grammar:(P126),Answers to Ex.1:,2.My niece taught me to swim.,3.Someone offered me a job at a local recreation club.,4.They paid me 2,000 yuan a month.,5.A customer told me the news that those who are,6.I sent the local sports committee an e-mail,saying that,7.I wrote the National Sports Committee a letter about the same thing.,8.My mum showed me some pictures of the big modern city.,9.When people asked me the question why I wanted to do this,I answered,10.My coach brought me a bottle of water.,11.My coach gave every team member a swimming-suit.,12.People gave me many prizes,再见,


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