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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,倒装句,Inversion,1,Here,comes the car.,Never,have I seen,this kind of car.,Step1:lead-in,2,倒装句,Here,comes,the car.,Never,have,I,seen,this kind of car.,谓语,+,主语,助动词,+,主语,+,谓语,完全倒装,部分倒装,信号词,助动词,/,情态动词,+,主语,+,谓语,3,4,倒装的目的,1,语法要求:疑问句,,there be,祝愿句,2,修辞要求:为了强调;为描写,生动;为衔接上下,文;为平衡句子,5,1.“There be+主语+”结构,在“There be+主语+”结构中,be有时用,stand/exsit/lie/live/flow,等不及物动词代替.,There stood an old man under the tree.,树下站着一位老人。,一、完全倒装,Step2:,基础讲练,6,2.在以here、there、now、then、,up,、down、,in,、,out、,off、away,等表示方位的副词或介词短语开头时,句子要完全倒装。,(,1,),The birds flew away.,(,2,),A little dog sits outside the room,.,Away flew the birds.,Outside the room sits a little dog,(,3,)他走开了。,(,4,)她来了。,Away he went.,There she comes.,注意:主语是代词时,语序不变。,7,把部分谓语提前到主语的前面,:,be/,助动词,/,情态动词,+,主语,+,谓语,Is am are was were,do does did has have had,can could would may will might,等,二、部分倒装,8,1.only,所修饰的,副词,、,介词短语,或,状语从句,放在句首时,要进行部分倒装,如:,Only,in this way,can,you hope to improve the situation there.,9,2.never,often,seldom,little,nowhere,not,hardly,等否定副词位于句首时,Never have I seen him before.,Seldom do we go out.,Little does he know what trouble he is in.,10,*我很少去看电影,I seldom go to the cinema.,Seldom,do,I go to the cinema.,11,我从来没有看过这样的表演,I have never seen such a performance.,Never,have,I seen such a performance.,12,3.,在以,hardly/scarcely/when,;,no soonerthan;not only but also,;,so.that;suchthat,开头的倒装句中,前倒后不倒,.,(3,),Not only,is he,interested in football,but,also,he plays it well.,(1),Hardly/Scarcely,had he fallen,asleep,when,a,loud knock at the door,awaked,him.,(2),No sooner,had I reached,the station,than,train,moved,.,(4,)So,hard,does he,work,that,he has made great,progress in English.,13,Hardly when ,Scarcely when,No sooner,than,过去完成时,(had done),一般过去时,(did),部分倒装,不倒装,本句式考点:,考搭配,倒装部分,前后句子的时态,重要句型,:,一就,句型的应用,14,4.not until,引导的从句位于句首,引起的主句部分倒装,直到他的妈妈回来,他才完成作业。,He didnt finish his homework until his mother came back.,Not until,his mother came back,did he finish his homework.,主倒从不倒,15,5,、,as/though(,虽然,尽管)引导的让步状语从句,名词,形容词,副词,动词,分词,+asthough+,主语,+,其他,(1)Though I am ugly,I am gentle.,Ugly as I am,I am gentle.,(2)Though he is a child,he has to make a living.,Child as he is,he has to make a living.,注意:从句的表语是名词,其名词前不加任何冠词,形倒实不倒,16,6.,省略了,if,的虚拟条件句,当条件状语从句中有,were,had,should,时,可省略,if,谓语部分倒装。,Had,you worked hard at your lessons,you would have passed the exam.,If you had worked hard at your lessons,you would have passed the exam.,17,倒装,完全倒装,部分倒装,2.,在以,here、there、now、then,、,off,、,away,等副词或介词短语开头的句子里。,1,、,Only+,状语位于句首时,2.,否定副词或短语位于句首时,6,、在省去,if,的虚拟条件从句 中,4,、,not until,引导的从句,5,、,as/though,引导的让步状语从句,1.,“There be+,主语,+,”结构,3,、在以,hardlywhen,等开头的句子,18,1、In front of our house _ with a history of 1000 years.,A.does a tall tree stand,B.stands a tall tree.,C.a tall tree is standing,D.a tall tree stands,Step3:,知识拓展,2._five minutes earlier,you could,have seen them off.,A.If you should arrive B.If you arrive,C.Had you arrived D.Should you arrive,19,3.Only when class began _ that he had left his book at home.A.will realize B.he did realize C.did he realize D.should he realize,4.There_.And here_.,A.goes the phone;she comes,B.is the phone going;is she,C.does the phone go;does she come,D.the phone goes;come she,20,5.Not only _ a promise,but also kept it.,A.had he made B.he had made,C.did he make D.he makes,6.I finally got the job.Never in all life_ so happy.,A.did I feel B.I felt,C.I had felt D.had I felt,21,7._,his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting.,A.Strange as might it sound,B.As it might sound strange,C.As strange it might sound,D.Strange as it might sound,8.No sooner_ than it began to rain heavily.,A.the game began,B.has the game begunC.did the game begin,D.had the game begun,22,Translation,1.,虽然他是个孩子,但他懂得很多。,2.,只有用这种方式我们才能提高我们的英语水平。,3.,直到他失去健康,他才意识到好身体的重要性。,Child,as,he is,he knows a lot.,Only,in this way,can we,improve our English.,Not until,he lost his health,did he,realize the importance of good health.,Step4:,能力提升,23,24,After being shown around,I was so excited to take a boat trip that nearly fell into the sea,which made me scared to death.,so excited was I to take a boat trip that,25,26,Baiyun Mountain not only serves as a good place for people to relax but also functions as the Lung of the City which absorbs 2800 tons of carbon dioxide while releases 2100 tons of oxygen each day.,Not only does Baiyun Mountain serve as a good placebut also,27,Thank you!,Step5:Homework,1.,课本,P66,2.,导学,P22,28,


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