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,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,Unit 5:Going Places,What do you like to do on Vacation?,Types of vacations:,Go abroad,Travel around the world,Take a bicycle tour,Visit relatives,Relax,Go skiing,Go on a cruise,Have fun,What kind of vacation do you with you could take?,What are you going to do?,Books closed,Look at the picture.,Are these people friends?,How old are they?,What do they do?,What time of year is it?,How do they feel?,What are you going to do?,Books closed,Julia is the 1,st,speaker.Nancy is the 2,nd,speaker.,What is Nancy going to do?,What is Julia going to do?,What sport is Julia going to practice?,What does Julia do to help Nancy?,What are you going to do?,Page 30,no.2,Part B.Listen.,Where are they going to stay?,How will they get there?,Grammar Focus,page 31,no.3,Things youve decided on,Be+,going to,+verb,What,are,you,going to do,?,I,m,going to relax,at the beach.,We,re,going to go,surfing every day.,I,m,not,going to do,anything special.,Grammar Focus,page 31,no.3,Before youve made a decision,Will+verb,What,are,you,going to do,?,Im not sure.I guess,Ill,just,stay,home.,Maybe,Ill watch,a few DVDs.,I dont know.I think,Ill go,camping.,I probably,wont,go anywhere.,Grammar Focus,page 31,no.3,For possible plans,use:,I guess,I think,Probably,I suppose,I expect.,Travel Planning,page 32,no.4,Workbook page 26,no.2,Im going to paint my apartment.,Im going to rent a car,Maybe Ill visit my sister Joanne.,I think Ill go to the mountains,Ill probably catch up on my studying.,Im going to relax on the beach.,Perspectives,books closed,Perspectives,books closed,True or False?,Its necessary to have exact change for the bus.,True,You must be 21 or older to rent a car.,True,Travelers should try eating at stalls in the street.,False,Its OK to drink water from the tap.,False,You should keep a copy of your credit card numbers.,True,Perspectives,page 32,no.6,Look at the advice.,What topic is each person talking about?,Modals for necessity&Suggestion,page 33,no.7,Describing Necessity,You,must,have a drivers license.,You,need to,make a reservation.,You,have to,get a passport.,You,dont have to,get a visa.,Modals for necessity&Suggestion,page 33,no.7,Giving Suggestions,You,d better,avoid the stalls on the street.,You,ought to,pack a first-aid kit.,You,should,try some local specialties.,You,shouldnt,carry a lot of cash.,Practice exercise A,Modals for necessity&Suggestion,page 33,no.7,Tourist Tips,page 34,no.9,Planning a trip,Tours,Safety,Money,Getting Away from it all,page 35,no.12,Guess the topic based on the words:,Camping,Clothes,Wind,Equipment,Backpack,Fun,layers(of clothing):,clothes that are worn on top of or underneath other clothes,access,:ability to find something easily,bury,:put on thing under another,Travel Suggestions,You are on vacation in your favorite place.,Write a letter to your friend telling about your plans and giving advice.,It must be 10 sentences.,You must include:,Future with”be”(p.31,),Modals(p.33),This is your discussion for Unit 5.,It is due 4 July.,Dear Emily,I arrived in Santiago,Chile,yesterday!I love it!Today Im going to visit La Moneda and after that,maybe Ill,eat lunch in Plaza de Armas.I hope you can come visit!If you come,you must have your passport,but you,dont have to,have a visa.You,should,bring plenty of warm clothes,because it is very cold in Chile right now!You,shouldnt,carry too much cash,because it can be dangerous in the big city.Tomorrow,I am going to,go to Mercado Central for some authentic Chilean food.You,ought,to try some Chilean seafoodits the best in the world!I hope youre doing well in the U.S.!See you soon!,Love,Brittany,


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