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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Section A,Period 1(1a-2b),Unit 9,What does he look like?,Lets Play!,Play a game of changing the outfit.,(,换装游戏),He has,straight,black,hair.,He has,short,gray,hair.,He has,long,straight,hair.,He has,long,curly,hair.,He is,bald,.,bald,He is,wear,ing,glasses,.,Xiao Ding,Xiao Xin,Xiao Ming,is short.,is of medium height.,is tall.,Xiao Xin,Xiao Ding,Xiao Ming,is of medium build.,is heavy.,is thin.,has,short hair.,has,long hair.,has,straight hair,.,has,curly hair.,is,tall.,is,short.,is,fat/heavy.,is,thin.,is,of,medium height.,is,of,medium build.,He/She,What does he/she look like?,medium build,medium height,tall,short,heavy,thin,curly,straight,short(hair),long(hair),beard,glasses,Reading Game!,is,is,is,have/has,wear,What does she look like?,She has long curly hair.,She is thin.,She is wearing a hat.,What does he look like?,He has short curly hair.,He is of medium build.,He is wearing glasses.,What does she look like?,She has short straight hair.,She is of medium height.,What does he look like?,He has very short hair.,He is tall.,What does he look like?,He is heavy.,He is of medium height.,He has short hair.,1a,Match the words with the people in the picture.You can use some letters more than once.,1.short hair _,2.curly hair _,3.long hair _,4.straight hair _,5.tall _,6.short _,7.medium height _,8.thin _,9.heavy _,10.medium build _,e,a,b,f,h,g,f/a,c,d,a/e/g,1b,Listen and fill in the blanks in the picture above.Can you find Amys friend?,Well,hes really,tall,.And he has,curly hair,.,Lets play.,One student comes to the blackboard,and the other students describe him/her.,选择疑问句,在问句中提供两个或两个以上可选答案的问句叫做选择疑问句。选择疑问句的两种或两种以上的情况用,or,连接,回答时不能用,yes,或,no,。在口语中,选择疑问句的语调应是第一个选择项读升调,第二个选择项读降调。选择疑问句可以分为一般选择疑问句和特殊选择疑问句两种。,一般选择疑问句,句型:一般疑问句,+or+,被选择的情况?,-Are you a teacher or a student,?,你是个老师还是个学生?,-Im a student.,我是个学生。,-Did you work out the math problem in this way or(in)that way,?,你用这种方法还是用那种方法把这道数学题算出来的?,-I did it in that way.,我用那种方法算出来的。,注意,or,之后如果是单数可数名词,必须要加上冠词。,选择疑问句中,or,所连接的可以是不同的内容,如两个名词,两个动词,两个介词短语等。但,or,所连接的内容一定是并列的,如果,or,的前面是名词,其后也应该是名词,如果是动词,其后也必须是动词,不能前面是名词,后面却接一个动词。,Write questions.,you/like/blue/red?,Do you like blue or red?,1.you/want/tea/coffee,2.(be)/that/Tom/Jack?,Do you want tea or coffee?,Is that Tom or Jack?,3.(be)you/a doctor/a teacher,4.(be)that coffee/yours/hers,Are you a doctor or a teacher?,Is that coffee yours or hers?,The box is heavy.(,用,light,改为选择疑问句,),Is the box heavy or light?,Is this an apple?(,用,orange,改为选择疑问句,),Is this an apple or an orange?,Is he at home?(,用,at school,改为选择疑问句,),Is he at home or at school?,Translate the following sentences.,1.,你的车是新的还是旧的?,Is your car new or old?,2.,你的父母现在在超市还是在家?,Are your parents in the supermarket or at home now?,3.,你说中文还是说英语?,Do you speak English or Chinese?,4.,你想喝些什么,茶还是牛奶?,What would you like to drink,tea or milk?,二,Vocabulary.,词汇。,1.My brother isn,t tall or short.He is of,m _ height.,2.The Chinese boy has short,s_ hair.,3.Do you know the woman w_ long,blond,curly hair?,4.What does Merry l_ like?She is short and a little bit heavy.,5.Her father is really tall and h_ and her uncle is short and thin,6.He looks very cool when he w_ his sunglasses.,edium,traight,ith,look,eavy,ears,三,.Form sentences.,组句。,11.does,what,look like,your friend,_,12.build,has,she,medium,a,_,13.friend,I,a,have,new,in Class Five,_,14.reading,and,he,playing chess,likes,_,15.remember,do,you,with,the singer,glasses,_,What does your friend look like?,She has a medium build.,I have a new friend in Class Five.,He likes reading and playing chess.,Do you remember the singer with glasses.,四,.,用,is,或,has,填空。,1.Lei Hao _ short and straight hair.,2.Dick _ tall,but his sister _ short.,3.Xie Kai _ a medium height.,4.Betty,s mother _ a medium build.,5.Du Ke _ short and thin.,五,.,用所给的适当动词填空。,6.Does Mary(are/wear)_ glasses?,7.What(do/have)_ the new students look like?,8.Wang Bin(wears/is)_ tall and fat.,9.Mr.Santos(has/does)_ a medium build.,10.(Has/Is)_ Henrys moustache black,?,has,is,is,has,has,is,wear,do,is,has,Is,2a,Listen and answer the questions.,1.Is David tall or short?,2.Does Sally have long or short hair?,3.Is Peter short or tall?,Is David tall or short?,2.Does Sally have long or short hair?,3.Is Peter short or tall?,He is tall.,She has long hair.,He is short.,2b,Listen again.Fill in the chart.,David,Sally,Peter,is,heavy,has,tall,of medium height,thin,short,of medium build,curly hair,long straight hair,short hair,2c,Student A looks at the chart in 2b.Student B asks student A questions about one of the people and then draws a picture of the person.,A:What does he look like?,B:Hes of medium build.,2d,Role-play the conversation.,Mike,:Hi,Tony.Are you going to the movie,tonight,?,Tony,:Yes.Were meeting at seven,right?,Mike,:Yeah,but I may be,little,late.My friend,David is going,too.Just meet him in front of,the,cinema,first.,Tony,:Oh,but I dont know him.,What does he look like?,Mike,:Well,he has brown hair and wears,glasses,.,Tony,:OK.Is he tall or short?,Mike,:


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