Unit 9 What does he look like? Section A课件00180

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Go,for,it!,2013,年春人教新目标版英语七年级下册示范课课件系列,Unit 9,What does he look like?,Section A,What does he/she,look like?,ear,hair,eye,hand,head,arm,leg,foot,face,back,nose,mouth,short,heavy,tall,thin,medium,height,a,medium,build,中等的,/,ha,t,/,高度,/,b,ld,/,体格,重的,高的,瘦的,矮的,George,Bush,He has,short,gray,hair.,灰白的,She has,white hair,.,short,hair,curly,hair,blonde,hair,brown,hair,long, blonde, curly,hair,long, black, straight,hair,Hair,头发,short hair,long hair,curly hair,straight hair,描述头发,漂亮,+,长短,+,形状,+,颜色,blond,金黄色,brown,褐色,她有一头短的金黄色的卷发。,She has short, curly, blond hair.,一头漂亮乌黑的长发,beautiful, long, black hair.,thin,heavy,medium,build,short,tall,strong,weak,heavy,thin,medium,build,short hair,long hair,straight hair,curly hair,black hair,brown hair,blonde hair,tall,short,thin,heavy,of medium height,of medium build,good-looking,have, has +,is, am, are+,描述人的长相用动,词,be,还是,have/has,medium height,He is not short, and,he is not tall.,medium build,He is not thin, and he is,not heavy.,Whos this man?,Hes Jackie Chan.,What does he look like?,Hes of medium height, and he has short hair.,This is my friend.,Hes George.,He is,tall and thin. He has,short, brown, straight,hair.,This is Jims father. Hes,a police officer.,Hes tall,and heavy.,This is Gong Li.,Shes,of medium height.,She has short, black,hair. She wears,glasses.,She is the,captain,of the,volleyball,team,.,She is very,popular,.,She is,tall and she is of medium,build,. She has,short curly black,hair,. She has,small eyes,.,She can play volleyball very,well.,short hair _,curly hair _,long hair _,straight hair _,tall _,short _,medium height _,thin _,heavy _,medium build_,c,a,d,h,e,b,a/e/ g,a,/,f,f,g,1a. Match the words with the people in the picture.,You can use some letters more than once.,1b. Listen and fill in the blanks in the picture.,above. Can you find Amys friend?,tall,curly hair,1c. One of the people in 1a is your,friend. Describe your friend. Your,partner will find him/her.,A: What does your friend look like?,B: Shes of medium height, and she has,long straight hair.,2a. Listen and answer the questions.,1. Is David tall or short?,2. Does Sally have long or short hair?,3. Is Peter short or tall?,He is tall.,She has long hair.,He is short.,2b. Listen again. Fill in the chart.,David,Sally,Peter,is,heavy,has,tall,of medium,height, thin,short, of,medium,build,curly,hair,long,straight,hair,short,hair,is,has,David,tall,curly,hair,heavy,Sally,Pete,of medium,height,long,hair,thin,short,of medium,build,short,hair,2b. Listen again. Fill in the chart.,2c. Student A looks at the chart in 2b.,Student B asks Student A questions,about one of the people and then draws,a picture of the person.,2d. Role-play the conversation.,Mike: Hi, Tony. Are you going,to the movie tonight?,Tony: Yes. Were meeting at,seven, right?,Mike: Yeah, but I may be a,little late. My friend,David is going, too. Just,meet him in front of the,cinema first.,Tony: Oh, but I dont know him. What,does he look like?,Mike: Well, he has brown hair and wears,glasses.,Tony: OK. Is he tall or short?,Mike: He isnt tall or short. Hes of medium,height.,Tony: OK, sure. See you later then.,Grammar Focus,What does he look like?,Hes really tall.,What does she look like?,She has long straight hair.,What do they look like?,Theyre of medium build.,Do they have straight or,curly hair?,They have curly hair.,Is he tall or short?,He isnt tall or short. Hes of medium height.,3a. Write these words in the correct box.,short hair heavy curly hair thin,of medium build all straight hair short,long hair of medium height,is,has,heavy, thin, of medium build, tall,short, of medium height,short hair, curly hair, straight hair,long hair,Words and expressions,captain,队长,team,球队,popular,流行的,blonde,金发的,good-looking,好看的,漂亮的,bit,一点儿,joke,笑话,a little bit,有一点儿,brown,棕色的,never,从不,永不,未曾,Mike is a,good,student.,Hes very,tall,.,He has,curly brown hair,and,is of,medium,build,. He likes,reading and playing chess.,Xu,Qian,loves to tell jokes.,Shes short and,a little bit,heavy,. She has,beautiful,long black hair,. She never,stops talking!,Mary is,thin,and she is of,medium,height,. She has,curly,blonde,hair,. Shes good-looking,but shes a little bit quiet.,Wang Lin is the captain of,the basketball team. Hes,tall,and he is of,medium build,.,He has,short, straight,hair,.,Wang Lin is very popular.,Fill in the chart,according to,3a,.,Name,is,has,likes,Wang Lin,Mary,Xu,Qian,Mike,short,straight hair,short curly blonde hair,beautiful long black hair,curly,brown hair,tall,of medium build,thin,of medium height,short,a little bit heavy,tall,of medium build,play basketball,tell jokes,read and,play chess,3b. Circle the correct words to,complete the conversation.,A: So what _your friend Clark look like?,B: Well, he _thin, and he _ black,hair.,A: Really?_ he tall or short?,B: He _ tall or short. He_ of medium,build.,A: Does he_ curly or straight hair ?,B: He_ straight hair. And he _,really handsome.,do /does,is /has,have/ has,is /does,is/isnt,is /has,has/ have,is/ has,is /has,3c. Write answers to these questions,about different people. Then tell,your partner about them.,What does your favorite actor or actress look like?,_,What does your favorite teacher look like?,_,3d. Describe someone in the class.,Ask your classmate to guess who,you are describing.,Language Points,1. What does he look,like,?,他长得什么样子?,1),like,可以用作及物动词,意思为“喜欢”,,后面可以接名词或代词作宾语。,e.g. I like my family.,我喜欢我的家庭。,Do you like him?,你喜欢他吗?,2),但在这个单元里,like,是介词,意思为“像”,,“像,一样”。,e.g. He is like his father.,他像他的父亲。,The clouds in the sky are like cotton.,天上的云彩像棉花。,look like,看起来像,e.g. That man looks like a teacher.,那个人看起来像个老师。,要询问“某人长得什么样子”就应该用下面,这个句型。“,What does look like?,”,回答就应说出某人长相的特征:,e.g. He is very tall.,他个子很高。,She has long hair.,她头发很长。,He is short and fat.,他又矮又胖。,2. He isnt tall,or,short.,他不高也不矮。,英语中在受到否定概念限定的部分一般不用,and,,,而用,or,。这里的,or,相当于,and not,。,如:,I dont have any brothers or sisters,我没有兄弟姐妹。,注意这里用的是,or,而不是,and,.,3. He has brown hair and,wears,glasses.,shoes.,他的头发是棕色的而且戴着眼镜。,wear,动词,可表示“戴着眼镜”, “,蓄着,样的头发”, “,穿着,样的衣服”等。,wear,的宾语是“衣服、鞋子、眼镜”等。,wear,表示经常性的状态。,put on,表示穿的动作。,wear,用进行时态时表示短时间内的状态。,e.g. She,wears,sports shoes every day.,她每天穿运动鞋。,Mr. Brown,wears,glasses.,布朗先生戴着眼镜。,Miss Li is,wearing,a new dress today.,李老师今天穿着一件新裙子。,He is really,handsome,.,handsome,表示“英俊、潇洒、帅气”多,用于形容男性。,a handsome boy,一个英俊的男孩。,描述人长相好看的词语还有很多,如:,good-looking,、,beautiful,等。但是,good-,Looking,与,beautiful,的用法是有区别的:,1),beautiful,可以指一个人的“外在美”,,也可指“心灵美”。,除了指人,(,女性,),还可以指物。,e.g. She is a beautiful girt.,她是个漂亮的女孩。,The flowers are very beautiful.,那些鲜花很美丽。,2),good-looking,指,(,外表上,),看上去,“令人愉快的,好看的,漂亮的”,可指男孩,也可指女孩。,e.g. He is a good-looking boy.,他是一个漂亮的小男孩。,ordinary-looking,相貌平平的,ugly-looking,相貌不好看的,相貌丑的,还有一个常用来修饰女性的单词:,pretty,“,漂亮,靓丽”,e.g. Sun Li is a very pretty film star.,孙俪是一个非常漂亮的电影明星。,5.,多个形容词修饰名词时,其顺序为,:,限定词,-,数词,-,描绘词,-(,大小,长短,形状,,新旧,颜色,)-,出处,-,材料性质,类别,-,名词,asmallroundtable,atallgraybuilding,adirtyoldbrownshirt,afamousGermanmedicalschool,anexpensiveJapanesesportscar,解析,:,由“,限定词,-,数词,-,描绘词,-(,大小,长短,形状,新旧,颜色,)-,性质,-,名词,”的,公式可知数词,描绘词,性质依次顺序,,只有,C,符合答案。,1)Tonyisgoingcampingwith_boys. A.littletwoother B.twolittleother,C.twootherlittle D.littleothertwo,C,练一练,解析,:,几个形容词修饰一个名词,他们的,排列顺序是,:,年龄,形状,大小,+,颜色,+,来源,+,质地,+,用途,+,国家,+,名词,。,2)Onedaytheycrossedthe_ bridgebehind,thepalace.,A.oldChinesestoneB.Chineseoldstone,C.oldstoneChinese D.Chinesestoneold,A,5. (2005,北京,,23) This _girl is Lindas cousin.,A. pretty little Spanish B. Spanish little pretty,C. Spanish pretty little D. little pretty Spanish,解析,:,pretty,是描绘性形容词,,little,是表示大小的形容词,,Spanish,是表示国籍的形容词,所以,它们的排序是,pretty little Spanish,。,A,一般与被修饰形容词关系密切的形容词靠近,名词,;,如果几个形容词的重要性差不多,音节,少的形容词在前,音节多的方在后,在不能确定,时,可参照下表:,限定词,+,数量词,(,序数词在前,基数词在后,),+,性状形容词,+,大小、长短、高低等形体,+,名词,如,: those+three+beautiful+large+square,新旧,+,颜色,+,国籍,+,材料,+,名词,如,: old+brown+wood+table,1) -What _ she _ like?,- She has _ _.,2) - _does she look like?,- She has _ hair .,short,hair,What,curly,does,look,.,看图填空,3) - _ do they _ _?,- They are _.,4) - What _ she _ _?,- She _ _ _,_.,What,look like,tall,has,long straight,does,look,like,hair,.,选择所给词的适当形式填空,tall, huge, curly, thin, popular,1. Look! Miss Liu has _ hair.,2. He is 1 meter 80 centimeters _.,3. The TV play gets a _ success.,4. She is _ at school.,5. You should eat more, youre too_.,curly,tall,huge,popular,thin,Mr.,Simmon,_ of medium build,and he has yellow hair.,A. is B. has C. looks like D. isnt,2. Jim has _ curly hair.,A. a B. an C. the D. /,3. -What do you look like? - Im _.,A. smart B. kind C. outgoing D. tall,.,选择填空,D,D,A,4. Our English teacher _ tall and he _,of medium build.,A. has, has B. has, is C. is, has D. is, is,5. -Is he heavy?,-No, he is a little bit _.,A. tall B. thin C. short D. quiet,6. -Is your friend quiet?,-No, he never stops _.,A. talk B. talking C. to talk D. laughing,D,B,B,.,翻译句子,1.,他长得什么样?,_ _ he _ _?,2.,她是一个满头卷发的可爱的女孩。,She is a _ girl _ _,_.,3.,我中等个。,I _ _ _ _.,What does,look like,lovely,with curly,hair,am of medium height,4.,他体形居中。,He _ _ _ _.,5.,他又高又瘦。,He is _ and _.,6.,那个棕色头发的高个子男孩子喜欢讲笑话,。,The tall boy _ _ _ loves to,_ _.,is of medium build,tall,thin,with brown hair,tell,jokes,1. Describe your parents and then,draw a picture of them.,2. Find a photo of your favorite star,on the internet and write a description.,Homework,Thank You!,


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