四年级下英语课件-Unit5 Shopping PartB_闽教版

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四年级下英语课件-Unit5 Shopping PartB_闽教版_第3页
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Teddy Bear Lets review the numbers from 1-59. seventy 8-eight18-eighteeneighty Answer the following questions.How much is the Teddy Bear?How much is the toy train?How much are all the things they buy? How much is it?Its seventy yuan. 70 How much is it?Its a hundred yuan. 100 猜一猜:How much is it ? H ow much is the toy car ?Its eighty yuan .80 100How much is the robot ?Its a hundred yuan . 收银员顾客 A: G ood morning! B: G ood morning! A: Can I help you?我能帮助你吗? B: Yes, I want a H ow much is it? A: Its yuan. H ere is the money. 给你钱。 B: Thank you. 谢谢 。 A: G oodbye! B: G oodbye! skirtsskirt shirtsshirt rabbit rabbits robot robots Summary1.学习词汇Teddy Bear,sixty,seventy,eighty,ninety,hundred等。2.学习句子:How much is it?及其答句Its.yuan. 1. 抄写本课单词3遍。 2. 听录音,熟读本课内容。 3. 完成活动手册中本课的练习。 4. 回到家中,问问妈妈今天买了什么 东西,价格分别是多少。选取其中 的一件,用英语编一段小对话。


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