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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,出生日、出生地,家庭背景,教育,个人事迹,评价,She was born,in Poland,on Nov.7,1867,.,出生地出生年月日,2. Family background,描述家庭情况:,was born in/into a poor/ rich family,his/her family was so poor that, was the son of a poor family,描述小时候成长历程:,when he was a small boy/ young,,as a child/ as a boy of 15,,during his/ her childhood,, spend his childhood in,描述生活:,live a happy/ hard life,with the help of,his father was strict with him,亚伯翰林肯 于1809年2月12日出生在一个贫穷家庭。,简单句:,Abraham Lincoln was born in a poor family on,February 12,1809.,并列句:,Abraham Lincoln was born in a poor family and born,on February 12,1809.,主从句(定语从句):,Abraham Lincoln, who was born on February 12,1809,was the son of a poor family.,Abraham Lincoln, who was the son of a poor family,was born on February 12,1809.,主从句(同位语从句):,Abraham Lincoln, the son of a poor family, was born,on February 12,1809.,3. Education background,be admitted to college被大学所录取,graduate fromdepartment(院系)of university毕业,when at college, he majored in大学主修,receive a doctors degree/a PhD degree获得博士学位,be awarded (奖项)被嘉奖,go abroad for further studies出国深造,have little schooling (education)受过很少教育,出生在贫苦家庭的狄更斯只受到很少教育,主从句:,定语从句:,Charles Dickens, who was born in a poor family, had,little schooling.,非谓语:,1)过去分词充当定语,修饰前面名词,Charles Dickens, born in a poor family, had little,schooling.,2)过去分词充当状语,表原因,Born in a poor family, Charles Dickens had little,schooling.,4. Big events in ones life,1)be interested in /be fond of,在感兴趣/喜爱,2)work hard at,在工作努力,3)serve as,作为,4)devote his lifetime/oneself to,将一生投入到,5)concentrate oneself on,集中某人注意力做,6)do research about/ into,做关于的研究,7)make up ones mind to do sth.,下定决定做某事,8)do sth with great determination and perseverance,凭着巨大的决心和毅力去做,10)have a way of doing sth,在做某事方面有着的方式,11)try ones best to do sth.,尽全力去做某事,12)encourage sb to do,鼓励某人做某事,13)fight for/ give up ones life for sb/sth,为而奋斗/为某人/某事放弃自己的生命,14)win a prize/the first prize in competition,在比赛中获得奖励/获得第一名,15)receive/obtain/win the Nobel Prize for,因而获得了诺贝尔奖,16)be good at .do well in,在做得好,9),be strict in sth.,在严格要求,17)be crazy about / enjoy ,对着迷/享受,18)make rapid progress in ,在做出进步,19)set a new world record of ,创造一项新的世界纪录,20)equal/break the world record,平/打破世界纪录,21)win (won) a gold /silver/ bronze medal,获得金牌/银牌/铜牌,22)win the xxth place,获得第几名,23)be selected to/ become a member of,被选为 /成为的一员,24)study hard / train hard,学习努力/训练努力,25)go through hardship,经历困难/挫折,26)have a gift/ talent for (language),对 (语言)有天份,27)realize ones dream,实现梦想,28)overcome many difficulties,克服很多困难,5高锟,1933年11月4日出生于上海一个富裕家庭,从小,对做不同的试验产生浓厚兴趣。,定语从句:,Gaokun,who was born in a rich family on Nov.4,th,1933,show great interest (was interested) in,doing different,experiment during his childhood.,非谓语(定语),Gaokun,born in a rich family on Nov.4,th,1933,show,great interest (was interested) in doing different,experiment during his childhood.,非谓语(状语),Born in a rich family on Nov.4,th,1933,Gaokun show great,interest (was interested) in doing different experiment,during his childhood.,6他于1957年在伦敦念大学,并于1963年获得博士学位。,并列句:,He studied in a university in London in 1957,and,received a doctors degree,in 1963.,After,he studied in a a university in London in 1957,received a doctors degree in 1963,主从句:,In 1957,He studied,in,a university in London,where,he,gained a doctors degree in 1963.,非谓语:,Having studied,in a university in London in 1957,he gained a doctors degree,in 1963.,8中山大学英语系毕业后,她出国深造。,并列句:连词,After,graduating from,the,English Department of,Zhongshan University, she,went abroad for further studies,.,非谓语:,Having graduated,from the English Department of,Zhongshan University, she went abroad for further studies.,14 1983年他毕业于哥伦比亚大学,1988年考入哈佛法学,院,1991年获得博士学位。,并列句:连词,In 1983, he,graduated from,Columbia University,and,in 1988, he,was admitted to,Harvard Law School,where,he,gained his doctors degree,in 1991.定语从句,After,graduating from Columbia University In 1983,he,was admitted to Harvard Law School,where he gained,his doctors degree in 1991.,17米高菲尔普斯是美国一个非凡的游泳运动员,1985年6月出生于美国马利兰州巴尔的摩市。,Michael Phelps is a great American swimmer,who was,born in Baltimore, Maryland on June 30,1985.,Michael Phelps,born in Baltimore, Maryland on June 30,1985,is a great American swimmer.,Born in Baltimore, Maryland on June 30,1985, Michael Phelps is a great American swimmer.,18 他7岁开始游泳,经历了很多艰苦的训练。,When he was 7 years old, he started swimming and,experienced much tough professional training. (,go through much hard training,.),19 15岁的时候,他参加了2000年奥运会,并在200米蝶泳,比赛中获得第五。,At the age of 15, he attended the 2000 Olympic Games,and,won the fifth place,in the 200-meter butterfly.,20 在北京奥运会上,他实现了他的8枚金牌梦,打破了7个,世界纪录,创造了历史。,At the Beijing Olympic Games, Phelps,realized his dream,of,wining 8 gold medal,and,broke 7 world records,which,created the history.,非限制性定语从句,指代前句,1)one of the best/ most important ,是最重要的/最佳之一,2)set a good example for,为作了好榜样,3)a model teacher/worker,一个模范教师/员工,4)be respected by everyone,被所有人尊敬,5)speak/ think highly of,高度评价,6)be honored as (an excellent athlete),被誉为(优秀运动员),7)his hard work brought him great success,他的努力工作为他带来了巨大的成功,5.Evaluation,8)he is the pride of China.,他是中国的骄傲,9)His heroic story spread all over the city,他的英雄事迹传遍整个城市,10)make great contributions to,为作出巨大贡献,11)Consistency/Perseverance is the key to success.,坚持是成功的秘诀,12)be famous/known as be regarded as,因著名/被称为,13)become a world champion at Championships,成为世界冠军,14)remember sb forever,永垂不朽,15)a new chapter of history has been turned,将翻开历史新的一页,16)Lei Feng has been praised for his communist spirit.,雷锋以他的共产主义精神被赞扬,1.A. 概况 :,译:钟南山年出生在广州,他是中国最伟大的医生之一,B.外貌,性格:,译:,我的历史老师是个漂亮女人,她长着两只大眼睛,留着长发.,C. 教育经历:,译: 毕业于中山大学外语系,她继续出国深造并获得了博士学位,D生平:,译: 他不仅对科学兴趣,而且对音乐也有天份。,译:他创造了一个新的世界游泳纪录,为中国队获得一面金牌。,E:评价,译:他是中国最伟大的小说家之一,永远被人们所怀念。,1.A. 概况 :,译:钟南山年出生在广州,他是中国最伟大的医生之一,1),Born in,Guangzhou in 1941, Zhong Nanshan is one of the greatest doctors in China.,2)Zhong Nanshan,one of the greatest doctors in China, was born in Guangzhou in 1941.,B.外貌,性格:,译:,我的历史老师是个漂亮女人,她长着两只大眼睛,留着长发,* 语法,句法高分tips,尽量用分词短语、同位语结构,使文章简洁,通顺,My history teacher is a beautiful woman,with two big eyes and long hair.,巧用with做定语,C. 教育经历:,1),Graduated from the department of English of Zhongshan University,she went on further education and received a doctors degree,.,D生平:,1),Not only is he,interested in science, but also he has a gift for music.,2)He set a new world record of swimming,which won a gold medal for China Team.,注意尽量用非谓语动词, 使文章精炼,尽量用复合句倒装,非限定定语从句等,润色文章,E评估:,2)He is one of the greatest novelists in China and will,be always remembered as,an outstanding man.,注意运用一些动词、形容词等短语、词组,二、如何做到句式灵活?,1)并列句,2)复合句,(定语从句、状语从句、名词性从句),3)强调句型,4)非谓语动词,5)倒装句,6)其他句型及结构,三、如何使文章连贯?(过渡词的使用),1) 时间:,soon, then, suddenly, meanwhile, before, after, earlier, in the morning, afterwards, later, immediately, next, the other day, nowadays, gradually,2) 空间:,above, below, up, down, under, near, far,from, in front of, behind, beside, beyond,on the right/left, around, inside, outside,opposite to, next to, on top of, across.,3) 列举:,for example, such as, first(ly), second(ly), finally, besides, apart form, for one thingfor another thing,4) 比较:,like, unlike, on the contrary, in contrast to, on the one handon the other hand, than, not soas, asas, while, similarly, the former, the latter, someothers, onethe other, compared with,5) 逻辑关系:,a. 并列:and, as well as, also,b. 转折:but, however, yet,c. 递进:besides, apart from, in addition,whats more, furthermore,moreover, to make things worse,d. 原因:because, because of, as, since, for that reason,e. 结果:so, therefore, thus, as a result,f. 让步:though, although, in spite of,假如你是记者,最近对在华外国志愿者进行采访,时间:上周末,对象:中国农村教书的志愿者卢安克,主题:志愿者之路,内容:1968年生于德国汉堡,1990年夏天三个月的旅程让他深深爱上中国农村。,从教过程:1999,在广西的一个农村成为志愿者,发现中,国家长只重视成绩却忽视孩子的天性和兴趣。,教育理念:如果一个人只是为了别人的理念而生存,他就,永远找不到自己的方向和力量。,Last week, I am very lucky to interview a foreign,volunteer,teaching,in rural China,Eckart Loewe,talking,about his way of volunteering. Eckart Loewe,born in Hamburg, Germany in 1968, began to love the,countryside of Guangxi after 3-month tour (3 months tour),in China in the summer of 1990.,Since 1999, he has,been,a volunteer teacher in a village there. During,teaching in China, he finds that Chinese parents,always,pay attention to their childrens grades, but,ignore their natures and interests,.,In his opinion,if,a person lives only for others ideas, he will never,find the direction and power of himself.,


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