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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,话题5 崇拜偶像,1.n.质量 品质 _,他是一个很有素养/素质的人。,He is a man of _.,质量比数量更重要。,_matters more than _.,quantity,good quality,Quality,quality,2.a.积极的主动的_,1)好的学习者会主动学习。,Good learners _ their studies.,2),军队要支持和积极参加国家建设。,The army,should,_ _,national construction.,be active in.,在某方面很积极,很活跃,are,active in,active,support and take an active part in,take an active part in,.积极参加.,3.vt.献身于;致力于_,a.深爱的,忠实的_,n.奉献,热爱_,1),Miss White,a _(devote)friend of mine,devoted all her energy _ her career and her _(devote)to the children made us vote for her and she was promoted to headmistress.,devote,devoted,devotion,devoted,to,devotion,2),我已经决定完成学业后报效祖国。(devote oneself to),Ive decided to devote myself to the nation after finishing my study.,主,_,谓,_,谓,_,宾,_,状,_,时态,_,3)他把一生都献给了造福人类的事业。,He has devoted his whole life to benefiting mankind.,4.v.,进攻n.疾病发作_,翻译,1,),心脏病发作_,2)向,进攻,_,3)Mark Twain planted his attacks on slavery and prejudice into tales.(2013,江苏,),attack,a heart attack,make an attack on,5.,vt,.,吸引,_,a.,有魅力的,有吸引力的,_,1),我们养动物作宠物是因为他们有吸引力。,We keep animals as pets because they are attractive.,2)The offer introduced in your advertisement sounds _(attract)to me.,attractive,be attractive to,sb,.,对某人有吸引力,attract,attractive,3),In recentyears,Nepal _,_to fund developments in health andeducation.,最近几年,尼泊尔开始着手吸引外国游客去资助教育和健康方面的发展。,set out to attract foreign visitors,6.a.,平等的;相等的,_,n.,平等,_,ad.,相等地,同等地,_,1),人人生而平等。,All men are born equal.,2),要求同工同酬是合理的。,It is reasonable to demand equal pay for equal work.,equal,equality,equally,3)My uncle believes that all men are born _(equal).But traveling around the world,,,he finds that in some countries,,,what is called _(equal)doesnt really mean _(equal)rights for all people.,equal,equal,equality,7.v.,逃走 逃脱,_,Mike often attempts to escape_(fine)whenever he breaks traffic regulations.,escape doing,避免,/,逃脱 做某事,2),她设法从燃烧的汽车里逃了出来。,She managed to escape from the burning car.,escape from,sth,.,从,中逃脱,being fined,escape,1),她的好心没有得到一点回报。,She got nothing _her kindness.,in reward for,作为,的报答,2),她开始给孩子唱歌,孩子则报以微笑。,She started singing to the baby and was rewarded with a smile.,reward,sb,.with,sth,.,奖给某人某物,sb,.be rewarded with,sth,.,8._n,报酬;奖金,vt,.,酬劳;奖赏,reward,in reward for,9._,求助于;翻到,(,书的某页,),;查阅;转向,1),有困难请向警察求助。,(2010,上海),Please turn to the police for help when you are in trouble.,turn to,拒绝,关小音量,_,交上来,_,成为,翻译,_,关掉,_,打开(收音机、电灯等),_,结果是,_,出现,开大(音量),_,翻身;翻过,(,一页书,)_,turn down,turn in,turn into,turn off,turn on,turn out,turn up,turn over,2.a.,作业:,翻译:伟人就是将他,/,她的一生致力于帮助别人的人。(使用定于从句翻译),Her son,_whom she is so devoted,,,went abroad last year,,,_(leave)her alone in the small village.,翻译,:,曾经有一段时间妇女没有选举权。(,have no rights to vote,),2.a.,2.a.,2.a.,2.a.,A great person is someone who devotes his/her life to helping others.,


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