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Skills,:,二、管理思想发展史,Scientific management(Taylor),General administrative theorists(Henri Fayol and Max Weber),The Hawthorne studies and Mayos theory,早期阶段重要人物:,Adam Smith,“,The Wealth of Nations”,division of labor,古典管理思想:,Scientific management:Frederick,Taylor,“Principles of Scientific Management”was written by Frederick Taylor.,“,One best way,”,is the phrase most associated with scientific management.,一般管理理论:,Fayol&Webber.,Henry Fayol,亨利,法约尔,-concerned with making the overall organization more effective,-developed theories of what constituted good management practice,Max Weber,马克斯,韦伯(科层组织理论),Seeks to create an organization that leads to both efficiency and effectiveness.,Max Weber developed the concept of bureaucracy.,Bureaucracy,-ideal type of organization,A formal system of organization and administration to ensure effectiveness and efficiency.,Weber developed the Six principles:(P33),Division of Labor,Authority Hierarchy,Formal Selection,Formal Rules and Regulations,Impersonality,Career Orientation,中期管理思想:,Mayo,的霍桑实验,工业人际关系学说 组织行为学。,在美国,Chicago,郊外西方电器公司的霍桑工厂中进行的一系列实验,开创了工业人际关系研究的先河。,Mayo,s Theory,1,、,Economic rewards(incentive pay)by themselves have little effect in production levels.,工人是社会人,而非经济人。,2,、,Informal work groups and the social environment have great influence on productivity.,3,、,Leadership is a crucial element in the work situation and there is a difference in formal and informal leadership.,三、,Planning,Management Environment,Decision Making,Planning&Strategic Management,1,、,Decision-Making,The decision-making process,Three perspective on how to make decisions:rationality;bounded rationality and intuition,Types of problems and decisions,Decision-making conditions,(,1,),决策过程,Decision:A choice from two or more alternatives,(,2,),Decision Making,决策风格:理性,有限理性,直觉,Managerial decision-making is assumed to be rational.,Intuition:subconscious process of making decisions on the basis of experience and accumulated judgment,,,does not rely on a systematic or thorough analysis of the problem,Managers regularly use their intuition in decision-making.,(,3,),Well-Structured Problems,-,straightforward,familiar and easily defined,Programmed Decisions,-used to address structured problems,procedure,-series of interrelated sequential steps used to respond to a structured problem,rule,-explicit statement of what to do or not to do,policy,-guidelines or parameters for decision making,Poorly-Structured Problems,-,new,unusual problems for which information is ambiguous or incomplete,Nonprogrammed Decisions,-used to address poorly-structured problems,(,4,),Decision-Making Conditions,2,、,战略管理,战略类型,:,公司层,D,etermines the direction that the organization is going and the roles that each business unit in the organization will play in pursuing that direction.,业务层,职能层,公司层,:,稳定战略、增长战略和紧缩战略,增长战略,(growth),:,concentration,Integration,vertical integration,backward,-become your own supplier,forward,-become your own distributor,horizontal integration,-grow by combining with other organizations in the same industry,Diversification,多元化,BCG Matrix,High,Low,High,Low,Product Sales Growth Rate,Relative Market Share,Cash cows(low growth,high market share)businesses in this category generate large amounts of cash,but they prospects for future growth are limited.,Stars(high growth,high market share)these businesses are in a fast-growing market,and hold a dominant share of that market.Their contribution to cash flow depends on their need for resources.,Question marks(high growth,low market share)these businesses are in an attractive industry,but hold a small market share percentage.,Dogs(low growth,low market share)businesses in this category do not produce,or consume,much cash.However,they hold no promise for improved performance.,事业层战略,cost leadership,-to become the lowest-cost producer in the industry,differentiation,-offer unique products that are widely valued by customers,focus,集聚,-aims at a cost advantage or differentiation advantage in a narrow segment,四、组织,Dep


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