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Unit 4 Amazing Science,Section B,Topic 1,Spaceships are mainly controlled by computers.,2003.10.15,Yang Liwei,Shenzhou V,21 hours,2003.10.16 6:23 a.m.,Revision :talk about the pictures,2005.10.12,Fei Junlong and Nie,Haisheng,Shenzhou VI,about 5 days,2005.10.17 4:33 a.m.,Learning aims,(学习目标),1.继续了解有关宇宙飞船的知识,2,.掌握新单词,:,magical,,,amazing,,,master,,,introduction,,,expect,,,craft,,,mini-world,,,dry,,,telescope,3.,理解掌握本节课中的重点短语和句子,4.,初步了解宾语补足语。,Learning Guide,1.read the text and find find out the new words and phrase,2.You can look them up in the vocabulary.try to make their meaning and pronunciation right.,Tip:If you can not pronounce them,You can ask your deskmate or teacher for help.,telescope,mini-world,craft,magical,Self assessment,从方框选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,Amazing,master,expect,introduction,magical,dry,He ha,s,_ his clothes in the sun,now the clothes are_,can you _ yourself to us .,T,hank you for your _ about manned spaceship,I m _at your _magic.,It s important to _ a foreign language,Mr,Zhao _ us to learn English well.,amazing,dry,introduce,introduction,amazed,dried,master,expects,Learning guide,1.Listen to 1a and try to get the main idea of it,2.Read 1a and underline the important sentences.Understand their meanings according to the context,3.You can discuss about them with your classmates,Listen to 1a,.Then answer the following questions.,1.What did Kangkang want to do?,2.Who told him something about spaceships?,3.What did Mr.Lee tell Kangkang about how,spaceships work?,4.What did Kangkang realize?,5.What did Mr.Lee expect Kangkang to do in,the future?,Read 1a again,underline the important sentences.,1.Spaceships are mainly controlled,by computers.,2.Its important to master computer,technology.,3.So I advise you to study hard to,make computers serve us better.,Useful,expressions,2.a,d,vise sb.to do sth.,3.,expect sb.to do sth,.,4.give an introduction to sb.about,Cooperation,1.use sth.to do sth,.,5.addto,Traslate the,expressions,into chinese,Can you find them in the text?,Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words.,serve know master tell advise use,Kangkang wanted _about spaceships.So he asked Mr.Lee _him something about them.Mr.Lee told him how computers were _ during space travel and _him to study hard.Kangkang realized it was important,_,computer technology.Mr.Lee expected Kangkang to learn to use computer well and make computers _us better in the future.,to know,to tell,used,advised,to master,serve,宾语,补足语,:,宾语后面加上一个词或一个短语用来对宾语的特征、状态等情况进行补充说明,使句子结构变的更加完整,这个成分我们称之为宾语补足语。,它和前面的宾语一起形成“复合宾语”,Sum-up,宾语,补足语,A.,名词、形容词、副词、介词短语作宾语补足语,We call,him,Jim,.,We must keep,our school,clean,every day.,Call,him,in,please.,Leave,it,on the desk,.,B.,动词不定式作宾语补足语,Tell,Jane,to sing us a song,.,Lets,have a rest.,Can you help,me,(to)wash my clothes,?,C.,分词作宾语补足语,I hear,somebody,singing,in the next room.,In the factory,computers can make,the production,finished,faster.,你一言 我一语,互动运用:请你说一句含有宾语补足语的句子.,Read and match,()A spacesuit is like a very small spaceship.,It has everything the astronaut needs to live,outside the craft,like a,radio,oxygen,something,to drink and special pockets.It becomes the,astronauts own mini-world.,()There are many different kinds of food in,a spaceship.Some are ready-to-eat and others,are not.Astronauts add water to dried food to,make it wet so that no pieces of food will fly,around and influence the spaceships controls.,()On earth,we can look at the stars and,planets through telescopes.They give us a,clearer view of the planets in space.,()Astronauts are training on a special machine.,It lifts them through the air,just as if they were,moving in space.,1,2,2,3,3,4,3,3,4,1,2,1,were,Read 2 again and answer the following questions.,1.Whats a spacesuit like?,2.How many different kinds of food are there in a spaceship?,3.How can we look at the stars and planets on the earth?,4.Where are astronauts training?,一、用所给词的适当形式填空,1.Teenagers use computer _(play)games.,2.On weekends,Kangkang helps his mother,_(do)some cleaning.,3.It took about 100,000 people over 20 years,_(build)the pyramid.,4.I advise you _(not spend)too much,time playing games.,5.My father expects me _(is)a scientist.,to play,(,to,),do,to build,not to spend,to be,()1.Please allow me _myself to all of you.,A.introduce B.to introduce,C.introducing D.introduction,()2.On Sunday,children are flying kites in the,park._are like animals,_ are like birds.,A.Some,some B.Some,the other,C.One,the other D.Some,others,二、选择正确答案,B,D,()3.She is a hard-working student.She is always the first _ to school.,A.come B.comes C.to come D.came,()4.The grammar books _ again and again by us.,A.is read B.are read,C.have read D.has read,()5.My mother often makes me _ hands before.,A.wash B.washes C.washing D.washed,C,B,A,Thank you,


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