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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 8,I was the lucky dog to get the job,Words,standard stndd标准,afford f:d v 负担得起,(常与can,could,be able to连用)买得起;有足够的.(去做.)+to-vThey did not consider whether they could afford the time or not.他们没有考虑是否抽得出时间。We cant afford to pay such a price.我们付不起这个价钱。,bargain:b:gin v 讨价还价,bottom btm n.1.底;底部;下端 2.屁股,臀部 3.(海、河的)底部,水底the S 4.最低下的,discount dskaunt n.1.折扣;打折扣 2.贴现;贴现率,vacancies veknsz,n.,空缺额.名词vacancy的复数形式.,opportunities,ptju:niti,n.,机会(opportunity的名词复数);适当的时机;条件;就业(或晋升、进步等)的良机,promotion,prmon,n.1.提升,晋级 2.促进,增进;发扬;提倡(+of)3.(企业等的)发起,创建,well-paid a.高工资的 poorly-paid 低薪的,Essential expressions,a.,How much would you like?,Can you raise/lower a bit?,Lets say 500 dollars.,Its our standard/bottom price.,How about meeting half way?,I,dont think,I could afford to spend so much money for this.,Thats the best we can do.,There is no room for bargaining,./No bargaining.,We,neither,give discounts,nor,pay by credit.,b.Im looking for a job of a secretary.,Are there any vacancies?,Can you manage an interview tomorrow,morning at 9?,No,but we need a part-time/full time cleaner.,I change the job for better opportunities of rise and promotion.,The working hours are,so,long,that,I decide to quit the job.,That,sounds,reasonable/unreasonable.,The job is well-paid/poorly-paid.,Deal!,Communicative tasks,Task 1,A:Excuse me,sir,are there any vacancies?,B:Yes.We are trying to recruit a large number of employees.What are you looking for?,A:Im looking for a job of a secretary.,B:Well,we need secretaries very much.,Task 2,A:Good morning,Mr.Peterson.Can you manage a job interview tomorrow morning?,B:Thank you very much.But i;m afraid I cant because I must be taking an important,Exam at that time.Can we put it off?,A:No problem.Lets say 9:00 a.m.the day after tomorrow.,B:That suits me very well.See you then.,Task 3,A:I have to tell you that the job is not well paid.,B:How much do I earn each month?,A:About 1000.,B:Its really poorly paid.Can we meet half way?What about 1500?,A:Im afraid I cant make the final decision right now.,Task 4,A:Sir,Its absolutely unreasonable that we should work so long hours each day.,B:well,I admit that,but I have no choice.,A:Is it possible for you to shorten the working hours?Otherwise,many will quit the job.,B:All right.Ill consider that carefully.,Text 1,armchair,rm,tr n.扶手椅,impatient,mpent a.1.无耐心的,不耐烦的;无法忍受的(+of/at/with)2.切盼的,急欲的(+for),temper tmp n.1.情绪;性情,脾气 2.暴躁;怒气 3.(钢等的)韧度;回火 4.(皮革的)质地,坚硬的,burst,bst vi.1.爆炸;破裂 2.冲,闯 3.突然出现;突然发生,爆发,Questions,How did the girl get the job interview?,Who was to give her the job interview?,What did the interviewer look like?,What did the girl do in the interview?,Why did the girl get the job?,Text 1 Time out,He was the president of a famous company,while,I was a very young lady,without much,work experience,.I,had been introduced,to him by one of his customers who had seen my work and thought I could be useful to his company.I was nervous.At that stage in my career,it wasnt very often that,I got to talk to the president of a company.,Notes,While作,连接词,的用法1,.当.的时候,和.同时,(可用于句首,也可用于句中),She listened closely while he read the letter.他读信时,她听得很仔细。Ill take care of your children while you are away.你不在时我会照顾你的孩子的。We must strike while the iron is hot.我们必须趁热打铁。,2.而,然而,(表对比或相反的情况,用于句中),I like tea while she likes coffee.我喜欢喝茶,而她喜欢喝咖啡。,3.虽然,尽管(用于句首,不用于句中),While I like the color of the hat,I do not like its shape.虽然我喜欢这顶帽子的颜色,但我不喜欢它的形状。,Translation:,While I admit that there are problems,I dont agree that they cannot be solved.,_,He fell asleep while he was doing his home work.,_,He listens to the radio while driving to work.,尽管我承认有问题存在,但我不同意说这些问题不能解决。,他做家庭作业的时候睡着了。,他一边开车上班,一边听收音机,。,It is very often that,It is very often that people lose their job in the economic crisis.,It is not very often that you can have such a good job opportunity.,The appointment was at 10:00a.m,for one hour.I arrived early.,Exactly at 10 oclock,I was led into a large office.,He was sitting comfortably in an armchair and,had an impatient look on his face,.,“Sit down.Youve only got 20 minutes.So be quick,”he said impatiently.,But I just sat there,looking at him,not saying a word.,“I said,youve only got 20 minutes.”He repeated.,Again,not a word.,“Your time is passing.Why arent you saying anything?”he almost,lost temper,.,“Theyre my 20 minutes,”I replied.“I can do whatever I want with them.”,He,burst into laughter,.,We then talked for an hour and a half.I was the lucky dog to get the job.,Text 2,unique,junik,唯一的,独一无二的;独特的,expectation,kspkten n.1.期待;预期 2.期望,预期的事物 3.前程,employer,mpl n.雇主,雇用者,effort,ft n.1.努力,尽力+to-v 2.努力的成果;成就,reference,rfrns n.1.提及;涉及(+to)2.参考,参照;参考文献;出处 3.查询;了解(+to),entire,ntar a.1.全部的,整个的B 2.全然的,完全的B 3.未断的,连续的,courage,kd n.胆量,勇气,英勇+to-v,staff,sta:f n.1.(全体)职员,(全体)工作人员 2.幕僚;参谋人员;参谋机构 3.拐杖;棍;棒,position,pzn n.1.位置,地点,方位 2.恰当的位置 3.姿势,姿态 4.地位;身份;位次(+in),extremely,kstriml ad.极端地;极其;非常,Questions,Why did the man quit the present job?,Why did the man make every effort to talk to


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