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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,组长:胡蝶,组员:钱翠,沈茜,余围新,孙雯雯,商学院,Care for children,CARE FOR CHILDREN,gift a future,gift a smile,Life is sacred,Celebrate Life,Care for others and share whatever you have with those less fortunate than you.Broaden your vision for the whole world Belongs to you.,H.H.Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,生命是神圣的,庆祝生命,关怀他人,跟那些比你不幸的人分享。扩大你的视力,整个世界属于你。,H.H.斯里兰卡斯里兰卡拉维 尚卡尔,MISSION,使命,Our mission is to directly provide holistic education with an emphasis on social responsibility and human values to children in underserved communities.Care for Children,a program of the Art of Living Foundation,partners with rural and tribal areas primarily in India and other underdeveloped countries,to establish schools and other educational infrastructure.The Care for Children program uniquely adds yoga and meditation to the primary educational program,and combines it with meals,transportation,clothing and healthcare,in order to meet all of the needs of the child.We also engage parents and others in the community through adult skill development programs such as organic farming,sewing and crafts,reading,mediation and other practices,all of which strengthen and uplift the socio-economics of the childs community.,我们的使命是直接向缺医少药的社区的儿童提供全面教育强调社会责任和人类价值观。照顾孩子,生活艺术基金会,主要是在印度和其他不发达国家的农村和部落地区合作伙伴建立学校和其他教育基础设施的程序。儿童节目的护理服务唯一将瑜伽和冥想添加到初级教育计划,并结合它膳食、交通、服装以及医疗服务,以满足儿童的需要的所有。我们还从事父母和其他成人技能发展项目,例如有机耕作、缝纫和手工艺,通过阅读、调解和其他所有的加强和隆起的儿童的社区的社会-经济的做法,社会。,About The Art of Living Foundation,关于生活基础的艺术,The Art of Living Foundation offers programs to uncover the strength,peace,and joy that lie at the core of every human being.By nurturing the spirit and compassion of every individual,the Foundation seeks to help build a global society that is free of stress,violence,and misery-and full of service,wisdom,and celebration.,生活艺术基金会提供程序来揭露强度、和平与喜乐的每一个人的核心。由培养的精神和每一个人的同情心,基金会寻求帮助建立一个全球社会的压力、暴力和苦难-自由和充分的服务、智慧和庆祝活动。,The Art of Living Foundation was inspired by the programs of spiritual leader and humanitarian His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar that began in 1982.It has been a nonprofit charitable organization registered with Canada Revenue Agency as an educational and humanitarian organization,United Nations-Art of Living has been in consultative status with the United Nations since 1996,it is now one of the UNs largest volunteer-based NGOs,participating in a variety of committees and activities relating to health,education,sustainable development,conflict resolution,and disaster relief.It has joined in a partnership with the UNCEF(United Nations Childrens Fund)in October 2007.,The Foundation celebrated its 25th year of service to the world in 2006,with a program in India attended by heads of states,cultural leaders,and more than 2.5 million others.In Canada,this Silver Jubilee has inspired a renewed commitment to a Stress-Free,Violence-Free Canada.So far,the Art of Living Foundations service projects,trauma relief,and stress-reduction and self-development programs have benefited more than 25 million people on six continents,in more than 140 countries around the world.,Our schools,我们的学校,WHERE IS THE CARE FOR CHILDREN PROGRAM NOW?,这些学校:-教育孩子直到15岁 -供应制服,鞋,书,书面材料和中期成本的一日三餐 免费 -提供户外的医疗设施和流动药房 -火车有用的职业妇女,并给予额外的职业培训,在社会上的无业青年。-种植树木部落学校区,教有机农业技术,发展概况,39 New Schools in 2012,In 2012,Care for Children started 39 new schools in Assam,Gujarat,Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal.,39 新学校 2012 年,在 2012 年,关爱儿童开始在阿萨姆邦、古吉拉特邦、北方邦和西孟加拉邦的建立了39 所新学校。,In China,在中国,在中国大陆开展工作始于:1998主要工作领域:儿童福利开展项目地区:北京,新疆,宁夏,内蒙古,青海,甘肃,山西,陕西,安徽,江西在华员工的数量:中国5人外国1人在华年均预算:120万美元,宗旨,通过开展家庭领养使之成为机构抚养的补充,消除全中国的孤儿和残疾儿童的一切不幸。,Something,1998年在英国注册为一个慈善团体之后,关爱儿童很快就和上海民政局合作开展了一个抚养儿童项目,由英国国际发展部资助。到2002年中期,该项目已经为400个生活在儿童福利院的孤儿找到了领养家庭。,爱的接力,根据上海项目的经验,该组织从2001年开始相继和昆明、成都、银川的儿童福利院合作为地方抚养机构提供培训和技术支持。从2003年起,关爱儿童和中国社会工作协会在十五个省市共同合作开展一个促进抚养照顾的五年期项目。该组织的主要任务就是提供培训并评估在这些项目区的国家福利院的抚养状况。培训的地点主要是西安、成都、武汉和北京的四个福利院。,关爱儿童从进入中国开始,已经发起并组织了两次关于抚养照顾的全国性会议。该组织的工作得到了英国政府的支持,以及公司和个人的捐款,还有公益性筹款。,The Zhang Ziyi Foundation supports Care for Children 08 February 2010,关于章子怡基金会对Care for children的支持,The Ziyi Zhang Foundation makes a significant financial contribution to towards Care for Childrens ongoing earthquake relief work in Si Chuan.Care for Childrens training and resource centre in De Yang,Si Chuan received great financial support from Chinese actress,Ms.Zhang Ziyi and the Ziyi Zhang Foundation.,章子怡基金会对Care for children 在四川抗震救灾的持续工作上做出了重要的财务贡献。,Care for children 的培训和资源中心在四川德阳,四川在中国女演员章子怡和她的“章子怡基金会”获得了巨大的金融支持。,章子怡的爱心之举,Volunteer Experience,Rekha Alur January 2013,就像我们中的许多人,我和Guruji一直享受生活中出现的艺术课程带来的智慧。结果是意义上的扩张和归属感自动带我进入一个充满各种歌曲和演视的空间。每一个活动都充满意义。我已经在这个组织里十多年了,这个组织每一次提供给志愿者的机会我都参与。,Volunteer Experience,我在印度的一个大的城市的一个低收入病房出生,我第一次看到这个组织如何培养一个人,他们的家庭和下一代。更确切地说,我对此深有体会。这要不是它没受过小学教育的我将会有什么样好的发展。它不仅仅关于教育而且还打开了就业的大门,包括了教育一代一代的孩子远离非生产性的活动和违法活动。正如他们所说的,空闲的头脑是魔鬼的工厂!正是我的这段经历,促使我去做一些关于教育孩子的事。,Swamy,Yeleswaram,January 2013,A GRAND CONCERT FUNDRAISER(SUNDAY,DEC 2,2012),一个盛大的音乐会募捐活动(周日,2012年12月2日),Music is the language of the heart.On December 2,we g


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