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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,非谓语动词,初中英语非谓语动词知识点总结:,非谓语动词,主要指在句中不能充当谓语,而是充当其他语法功能的动词。非谓语动词有三种:,动词不定式,、,动名词,和,分词(包括现在分词和过去分词),,现在分词和动名词又统称为动词的-ing形式。非谓语动词没有人称和数的变化.,在中考中,对不定式和动名词的考查最多,尤其是疑问词+不定式,不定式作宾补,及只能用动词-ing形式作宾语的情况。考查形式通常为单选、句型转化、完成句子等。,非谓语动词,动词不定式,动名词,分词,replay,动词不定式,基本形式及特点,用法,注意事项,返回主页,动词不定式,(1)基本形式:,to+动词原形 (在某些情况下可以不带 to),(2)特点 :,A .没有人称和数的变化,B . 可以有自己的宾语和状语,返回主页,动词不定式,(3) 用法 :,A、作主语,,如,To learn a foreign language,is not easy . = Its not easy,to learn a foreign language,.,注意:不定式短语作主语如果太长,常用it作形式主语,将不定式后置。除动词be外, 动词take也常用于上述结构。,B、作表语,,如,The important thing is,to finish the work,on time .,返回主页,动词不定式,作宾语,C、,动词 + to do,(下面的11个动词必须准确记忆),动词+疑问词 + to do,动词 + it(形式宾语)+宾补 +to do,常见动词有 agree,decide ,fail(失败), hope, wish , want, plan,promise(发誓), seem(似乎), expect (期望),happen(to do碰巧),I dont know what,to do,.,I find,it,important,to learn,English.,返回主页,动词不定式,D,、,作宾补,动词 + 宾语 +to do,动词 + 宾语 + do,Li Mei,asked,me,to show,her the new dictionary,.,注:有以上结构的常用动词有 tell. wish, ask, want , like, beg(乞求), invite,warn(警告), allow(允许),encourage(鼓励),advise(建议) 等。,(,不带 to 的不定式),注:常用的动词是:感官动词see, hear, feel, watch, notice用于often的句中; 使役动词 have ,make,let,.,返回主页,E、作状语,可以表目的、表结果、表原因,F、作定语,(必须后置),动词不定式,返回主页,I have something to say .,Its the best way to help him .,Marry opened the door for him,to come in (目的),.,大家来说说,什么情况下用do (动词原形) ?,1、had better 后,2、使让动词 make , let , have 用于主动语态时。,3、感官动词see, hear , watch , feel , notice 用在“经常”的主动语态时。,4、please 的后面,5、Why not / Why dont you 后,6、情态动词之后。,注意:,在学习动词不定式的时候还有,两点,要注意哦!,1、在,感官动词,和,使役动词,后作宾补时,不定式可,省略to,但以上词变为,被动语态,时,要,加上to, 如,I always,saw,her,play the,violin .,He,was made,to work,12 hours a day.,返回主页,2、,动词不定式的否定形式为:,not,+ to do,Mr.Smith asked the boy _(not play) this kind of game.,not to play,Please have him _(not do) so much housework.,not do,返回主页,在“It is + 形容词 + of sb + 不定式”结构中,,形容词往往表示人物的性格和特征,如,kind, clever, wrong, right, foolish, stupid, careless, impolite, honest, naughty,等。,在“It is + 形容词 + for sb + 不定式”结构中,,形容词通常表示事物的性质,如important, possible, impossible, difficult, hard等。,比较,It is good,of you to help,me with my English.你真好,帮助我学英语。(强调you的特征=You are good to help me.)It is good,for you to give up,smoking.戒烟对你有好处。(强调的是give up smoking这一行为= For you to give up smoking is good.),It is + 形容词 + for / of sb + 不定式结构,动名词,基本形式及特征,用法,注意,返回主页,动名词,基本形式,特点,动词原形 + ing,具有名词、动词的一些特征。,返回主页,动名词,用法,1、作主语,Picking apples,is much better than having classes.,2、作宾语,(1)只能接动名词做宾语的动词有,miss(错过), finish, mind, keep, practice, enjoy, spend ,suggest(建议),等。,返回主页,动名词,(,2)既可接,动词不定式,又可接,动名词,作宾语的动词有两类:,意义区分不大,:,begin , start, like, love, hate,prefer(更喜欢),等。,a.,意义不同:,remember, forget, stop, go on ,try,等,b.,返回主页,动名词,3、作表语,His favorite sport is,playing basketball,.,4、作定语,finishing,line(终点线),返回主页,注意两点,1、动名词的 复合结构为:,名词所有格,形容词性物主代词,+ 动名词,Do you mind _the window?,me to open b. I open,c.my opening d.,mine,opening,c,返回主页,2、动名词的习惯用语:,a.,Its no use,doing sth.,b.,cant help,doing sth.,禁不住做某事。,c.,feel like,doing sth.,d.,be busy,doing sth.,e.,No,doing,返回主页,动名词和不定式的用法区别,:,无论做什么成分:,动名词都表示“正在”或“一贯”,不定式表示“一次”或“将要”,分词,现在分词,过去分词,返回主页,现在分词,基本形式:动词原形+,ing,过去分词,基本形式: 规则动词加,ed,或不规则动词的过去分词,developing,country,developed,country,返回主页,现在分词用法及意义,:,1,表示正在进行,2,表示伴随状态,过去分词用法及意义:,作定语,:1,前置定语表示已经完成,2,后置定语表示被动,Have a,Have a,est?,est?,返回主页,listen to a song and have a rest,Hiding from the rain and snow Trying to forget but I wont let go Looking at a crowded street Listening to my own heart beatSo many people all around the world Tell me where do I find someone like you girl,Take me to your heart take me to your soul Give me your hand before Im old Show me what love is - havent got a clue Show me that wonders can be true,They say nothing lasts forever Were only here today Love is now or never Bring me far away,Take me to your heart take me to your soul Give me your hand and hold me Show me what love is - be my guiding star Its easy take me to your heart,Standing on a mountain high Looking at the moon through a clear blue sky I should go and see some friends But they dont really comprehendDont need too much talking without saying anything All I need is someone who makes me wanna sing,返回主页,Are you ready ?,OK ! Now ,have a test!,返回主页,总结与思考,什么情况下用to do ?,什么情况下用doing ?,什么情况下用do ?,1.Thank you for,us so well .,A. to teach B. teaches,C. taught D. teaching,2. I often do some,on Sundays.,A. washed B. to wash,C. washing D. washes,3. The boy,Jack in Class One is my brother.,A. call B. to be called,C. calling D. called,4.It often takes me half an hour,home.,A. Walking B. to walk,C. walked D. walks,5. Dont forget,her clean water every day .,A. to give B. giving,C. given D. give,6. I think it is important,English well .,A. learning B. learn,C. to learn D. learned,7. The funny story made us all,hard .,A. laugh B. to laugh,C. laughing D. laughed,8. Our teacher told us,hard at our lessons .,A. to work B. work,C. working D. worked,9.,Could you tell me,this newspaper ?,A.,to read how B. how to read,C.,what to read D. what read,10.,I dont know,next .,A.,what to do B. what to do it,C. how to do D. to how do it,11.,My hair is too long , so I must have it,this afternoon.,A.cut B. cuts C. cutting D. cutted,12.,Remember,late for class again .,A.,not to B. be not to,C.,not to be D. not to come,13.,Mr Smith asked the man,the queue(跳队夹塞) .,A.,not jump B. didnt jump,C.,not to jump D. to not jump,14.,Why not,with us ? You see , its very,.,A.,go ; interested B. go; interesting,C.,to go ; interested D. going ; interesting,15. What about,to the cinema tonight ?,-Thats a good idea. Id like,with you .,A.,going ; going B. to go ; to go,C.,going ; to go D. go ; going,16.Everyone here is busy,read for the coming entrance tests(入学考试) .,A.,get B. to get C. getting D. gets,17.weve worked for two hours . Lets,a rest .,A.,stop to have B. stop having,C.,to stop to have D .stopping having,18.,Would you mind,me a favor (帮我一下)?,A.,do B. to go C. doing D. did,19.,Mr Wang asked me,him .,A.,help B. helps C. to help D. helping,20.,Please tell Jim not,late again .,A.,to B. be C. to be D. be to,23.Please dont forget,to me , will you ?,A.,to write B. writing C. write,22.The boy wants,his father a question about the moon .,asking B. to ask C. ask D. asked,21.Miss Yang asked the boy, the baby was sleeping in the room .,A.,to stop to sing B. to stop singing,C. stop singing D. stop to sing,25.,Its about six oclock, Lets _ supper now .,A.,stop having B. to stop having,C.,stop to have D. to stop to have,26.Wed better _ on the road . A car may hit us .,A.,not to play B. not play,C. to not play D. dont play,24.,Mother decided _ Tom away from school (辍学.,A.,to keep not B. keep not,C.,not to keep D. not keep,29.,I often see them with some foreigners .,A.,talk B. to talk C. talking D. talked,30.,He says life wont be worth without love .,A.,live B.living C. living D. to live,27.,Liu Mei helped the Turners their tickets on the train .,A.,pick B. look up C. pick up D. look like,1.,31.This morning I saw a man,on the street on my way,.,A.lives ; there B. lived ; to school,C. lying ; to school D. to lie ; home .,32.He has given up,tennis since he was ill .,A.play B. to play C. playing D.plays,33. -will you come to the net bar with me ?,- sorry , My mother always tells me,there .,A.,not go B. not to go C. go D. to go,34._ Do you still remember,me somewhere Beijing ?,- Yes ,of course . Two years ago .,A.to see B. see C. seeing D. saw,35.Parents must warn their children .,A. to play with fire B. not to play with fire,C. of playing fire D. playing fire,The End,replay,


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