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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lesson 127,Lesson 127 A famous actress,Lesson 127Lesson 127 A famous,1,New words and expressions,生词和短语,New words and expressions生词和短,2,famous adj,著名的,be famous for,因为,而出名,be famous as,作为,而著名,北京以故宫而出名。,Beijing is famous for the Palace Museum.,郭敬名作为一名作家而著名,。,Guo Jingming is famous as a writer.,famous adj 著名的,3,actress n.,女演员,她是我最喜欢的女演员。,She is an actress who I like best.,actor,男演员,他是我最喜欢的男演员,He is my favourite actor.,男服务员,waiter,男主人,host,女服务员,waitress,女主人,hostess,actress n.女演员,4,at least,至少,教室里至少有,7,个学生。,There are at least seven students in our class.,反义词,at most,至多(不超过),这张电影票最多,40,元。,This ticket at most forty yuan.,at least 至少,5,read v.,通过阅读得知,read read read,读,读书,read books,read sb sth=read sth to sb 给某人朗读,她正在给她的奶奶读一封信。,She is reading her grandmother a letter.,She is reading a letter to her grandmother.,read v.通过阅读得知,6,课文讲解,课文讲解,7,KATE,:Can you recognize that woman,Liz?,LIZ,:I,think,I can,Kate.It,must be,Karen Marsh,the actress.,1.think thought thought,think about=think of,考虑,思考,think of,想起,他正在想暑假旅游的事。,He is,thinking about,travelling in the summer holiday.,我想不想他的名字。,I cant,think of,his name.,2.must be,表推测,“一定”,KATE:Can you recognize that w,8,KATE:,I though so,.Whos that,beside,her?,LIZ:That,must be,Conrad Reeves.,KATE:Conrad Reeves,the actor?Its,cant be,.Let me,have another look,.,3.I thought so.,他的否定形式是,I didnt think so.(I dont think so.),4.beside=next to,旁边,5.cant be,不可能,must be,是其反义词,那个故事不可能是真的。,That story cant be true.,6.have another look,再看一眼,have a look,看一眼,KATE:I though so.Whos tha,9,I think youre right!Isnt he her third husband?,LIZ,:No.He,must be,her fourth or fifth.,KATE:Doesnt Karen Marsh,look,old!,LIZ,:,She does,doesnt she!,I,read,shes twenty-nine,but she must be,at least,forty.,look,是系动词,后加形容词(详见下一张),今天你看起来很开心。,You look happy today.,does:,省略用法,代指的是,she looks old,7.at least,至少,I think youre right!Isnt h,10,系动词:,sound,smell,taste,feel,get,turn,seem,become,这个音乐听起来很棒。,The music,sounds,wonderful.,这些花闻起来很好。,The flowers,smell,good.,他的脸变红了。,His face,turns,red.,食物尝起来很好。,The food,tastes,good.,系动词:sound,smell,taste,feel,11,KATE,:,Im sure,she is.,LIZ,:She was a famous actress when I was still at school.,KATE,:That was a long time ago,wasnt it?,LIZ,:Not that long ago!Im not,more than,twenty-nine myself.,8.be sure that(,宾从),be sure to do sth.,be sure of+n./doing sth.,9.more than=over,超过,多于 其反义词是,less than,少于,小于,not more than=less than,KATE:Im sure she is.,12,表示,猜测,和,推断,的情态动词,must,和,cant,表示对现在和将来的事做推断和猜测,与系动词,be,连用,肯定的推断:,must be,肯定是,否定的推断:,cant be,不可能是,(而不是,mustnt be,),不要把它们和,must,,,can,混淆,那一定是女演员凯伦,马什。,It must be Karen Marsh,,,the actress.,表示猜测和推断的情态动词must和cant 表示对现在,13,What nationality is he?,I think he is French.,I dont think so.,He,cant be,French.,He,must be,England.,Beck:,贝克。,What nationality is he?I thi,14,Guess:What is he doing?,I think he is singing.,I dont think so.He,cant be,singing.,He,must be,playing the gitar.,Guess:What is he doing?I think,15,I think they are eating.,I dont think so.,They,cant be,eating.,They,must be,talking.,I think they are eating.I don,16,I think they are singing.,I dont think so.They,cant be,singing.,They,must be,dancing.,I think they are singing.I don,17,What is he job?,I think he is a cook.,I dont think so.,He,_,a cook.,He,_,a baker.,cant be,must be,What is he job?I think he is a,18,I think he is a worker.,I dont think so.,He,_,a worker.,He,_,a cook.,I think he is a worker.I dont,19,Lesson 127,Lesson 127 A famous actress,Lesson 127Lesson 127 A famous,20,New words and expressions,生词和短语,New words and expressions生词和短,21,famous adj,著名的,be famous for,因为,而出名,be famous as,作为,而著名,北京以故宫而出名。,Beijing is famous for the Palace Museum.,郭敬名作为一名作家而著名,。,Guo Jingming is famous as a writer.,famous adj 著名的,22,actress n.,女演员,她是我最喜欢的女演员。,She is an actress who I like best.,actor,男演员,他是我最喜欢的男演员,He is my favourite actor.,男服务员,waiter,男主人,host,女服务员,waitress,女主人,hostess,actress n.女演员,23,at least,至少,教室里至少有,7,个学生。,There are at least seven students in our class.,反义词,at most,至多(不超过),这张电影票最多,40,元。,This ticket at most forty yuan.,at least 至少,24,read v.,通过阅读得知,read read read,读,读书,read books,read sb sth=read sth to sb 给某人朗读,她正在给她的奶奶读一封信。,She is reading her grandmother a letter.,She is reading a letter to her grandmother.,read v.通过阅读得知,25,课文讲解,课文讲解,26,KATE,:Can you recognize that woman,Liz?,LIZ,:I,think,I can,Kate.It,must be,Karen Marsh,the actress.,1.think thought thought,think about=think of,考虑,思考,think of,想起,他正在想暑假旅游的事。,He is,thinking about,travelling in the summer holiday.,我想不想他的名字。,I cant,think of,his name.,2.must be,表推测,“一定”,KATE:Can you recognize that w,27,KATE:,I though so,.Whos that,beside,her?,LIZ:That,must be,Conrad Reeves.,KATE:Conrad Reeves,the actor?Its,cant be,.Let me,have another look,.,3.I thought so.,他的否定形式是,I didnt think so.(I dont think so.),4.beside=next to,旁边,5.cant be,不可能,must be,是其反义词,那个故事不可能是真的。,That story cant be true.,6.have another look,再看一眼,have a look,看一眼,KATE:I though so.Whos tha,28,I think youre right!Isnt he her third husband?,LIZ,:N


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