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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,B5 Unit 1 Whats he like?,话 题:,体貌特征、性格特征、,优良品质,重点词汇:,Part,A: old, young, funny, kind, strict PartB: polite, hard-working, helpful, clever, shy,核心句型:,Part,A: -Is he young/.? -Yes, he is. / No, he isnt. Part,B: -Whats she like? -Shes kind/.,语 法:,人称代词与系动词的搭配,语 音:,-y: baby happy windy sunny sorry,其 它:,Ms Wang will be our new Chinese teacher.由will引导的一般将来时将在五下第四单元正式学习,这里作为铺垫。,情感态度:,能够看到他人身上的优点,正确评价别人,不以貌取人。,B5 Unit 2My week,话 题:,星期、课程安排、,周末活动、生活习惯,重点词汇:,Part,A: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, weekend,Part B: wash my clothes, watch TV, do homework, read books, play football,核心句型:,Part,A: - What do you have on Thursdays?, I have maths, .,Part,B: - Do you often read books in this park?,- Yes, I do. / No, I dont.,语 法:,简单合成词的构成,语 音:,ee: feet beef meet/ ea: tea read eat,其 它:,Whos your music teacher? Is he strict?复现了前一单元的核心句型。,情感态度:,合理安排日常活动,B5 Unit 3 What would you like?,话 题:,食品与饮料、,饮食与健康,重点词汇:,Part,A: sandwich, salad, hamburger, ice cream, tea,Part,B: fresh, healthy, delicious, hot, sweet,核心句型:,Part,A: - What would you like to eat/drink? -Id like .,Part,B: - Whats your favourite food? -Noodles/.,语 法:,名词的单复数变化,语 音:,ow: cow flower wow down/slow snow yellow window,其 它:,- What would you like to? - Id like .交际用语曾经在四年级上册第五单元学习过,本单元在学习主要是强调to eat/to drink。,情感态度:,合理饮食,注意营养搭配,文化意识:,中西方不同的饮食文化,如早餐食品的不同、中国生日吃长寿面等。,B5 Unit 4What can you do?,话 题:,家务劳动、,文体活动,重点词汇:,Part,A: dance, sing English songs, do kung fu, draw cartoons, play the pipa,Part,B: swim, speak English, cook, play basketball, play pingpong,核心句型:,Part,A: - What can you do for the party?, I can sing English songs/.,Part,B: - Can you do any kung fu? - Yes, I can. / No, I cant.,语 法:,定冠词the的简单用法,语 音:,oo: book look football good/balloon food zoo noodles,其 它:,本单元can句型表示的是“能力”,与三上五单元学习的Can I have some water, please?中的can所表达的含义不一样。,情感态度:,能够认识自己和他人的能力,对他人所具备的能力表示赞赏。,文化意识:,do kung fu渗透中国文化,B5 Unit 5There is a big bed,话 题:,室内陈设、位置关系、环境保护、,生活用品,重点词汇:,Part,A:bike, clock, photo, plant, water bottle,Part,B: in front of, beside, between, behind,above,核心句型:,Part,A: There is a .,Part,B: There are .,语 法:,there be结构的陈述句形式,语 音:,ai: rainy rainbow paint wait/ay: say way birthday Monday,其 它:,Theyre my grandmothers plants.所有格是五下第五单元的学习内容,这里作为铺垫。,情感态度:,将房间物品摆放整齐,不乱放东西。,文化意识:,卧室文化,发达国家的小朋友会有自己的卧室。,B5 Unit 6Ina nature park,话 题:,自然景观、环境保护,重点词汇:,Part,A: forest, hill, river, mountain, lake,Part,B: house, tree, building, bridge, village,核心句型:,Part,A: - Is there a river in the forest? -Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.,Part,B: - Are there any tall buildings in the nature park? - Yes, there are. / No, there arent.,语 法:,there be结构的一般疑问句形式,语 音:,ou: house mouse sound count,情感态度:,感受自然的美,保护环境。,


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